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September 28, 2010. Sponsored by Story PTA. Story Elementary School Judith Coffman, Principal Adam Rupert, Asst. Principal 1550 Edelweiss School: 972-727-0570 n Fax: 972-727-0573 Absentee Hotline: 972-727-0320 School Website:
September 28, 2010 Sponsored by Story PTA Story Elementary School Judith Coffman, Principal Adam Rupert, Asst. Principal 1550 Edelweiss School: 972-727-0570 n Fax: 972-727-0573 Absentee Hotline: 972-727-0320 School Website: http://www.allenisd.org/storyes/site/default.asp STORYTELLER Principal’s Corner – Student Recognition This year, we will have our Falcon Celebrations after each semester. During Falcon Celebration we will recognize grade levels and individual students for their attendance and academic successes. This is a wonderful recognition for students, and therefore we want to maintain this tradition while protecting instructional time by reducing the number of assemblies. This year, our staff felt it was necessary to look at different formats of student recognition. Our goal is to increase the number of students who are recognized by looking at multiple aspects of their academic and social development. We will be recognizing students on a weekly basis for their achievements. During our weekly High Five recognitions, students will be selected for character traits they exhibit that will help them become respectful and productive citizens. On Fridays, High Five students are individually recognized and praised for their achievements by staff members and principals. Each student gets to put their handprint on our High Five wall and receives a pencil and certificate. Parents receive an invitation to come watch announcements on Monday morning as their child is introduced to the school as the High Five recipient for the week. Group pictures are taken for the Story web page, and their names are listed in the Storyteller. This format of recognition, allows an opportunity for all students to be recognized, and it provides a format in which students are given individual attention from parents and staff for their achievements. A new program that will begin this year is Rachel’s Challenge. The purpose of this program is to emphasize kindness, compassion, and respect towards others. This is a proactive program to stop bullying behaviors by recognizing students for being positive in their interactions with their peers. When students are “caught” treating others kindly, they will be recognized by staff and/or other students by receiving a paper link that will be collected through the building to create a chain of kindness. At the end of the year, there will be a district wide rally in which the links from every school will be joined. Visually this will reflect how one act of kindness can have a huge impact when we all work towards that common goal. Story's mission is to inspire and encourage our children to become respectful, passionate life-long learners, and productive citizens. Thank you for TEAMing with us! Judith Coffman, Principal Mark Your Calendar End of Six Weeks Reading with the Eagles Report Cards Sent Home Staff Development/Student Holiday PTA Meeting – Story Cafeteria 7 PM End of Second Six Weeks PTA Meeting – Story Cafeteria 7 PM Thanksgiving Break – No School Oct 1 Oct 1 Oct 8 Oct 11 Oct 19 Nov 5 Nov 16 Nov 22-26 Punt, Pass, and Kick Punt, Pass, and Kick will be held at 3 PM on Monday, October 4. This is a football contest for boys and girls ages 8-13. We will meet at Story Park and should be finished by 4:30. We always love parent volunteers, so feel free to join us (criminal background checks must be on file, please). See you there! Allen Community Outreach ACO donation items to be collected for October: Diapers Items will be collected in your child's classroom. You may send them with your child anytime. Help your child's class become the "Class of the Month" for the most items collected for October!
Box Top News! WOW – can you believe that the first five weeks of school are already gone??? This is your last week to try and capture that free recess and Spirit Stick! So hurry up and bring in those Box Tops and Labels! I know you guys have just been waiting for this last week to turn in those Box Tops and Labels so that we can have a SUPER exciting finish for this race. Here are the current top ten classes: 1st place – Abraham – 640 6th place – Mitchel - 297 2nd place – Currie – 540 7th place – Boyce - 257 3rd place – Leiker – 496 8th place – Nichols - 239 4th place – Kraus – 357 9th place – Byrd - 188 5th place – Cook – 350 10th place – Branch - 160 The 1st place position has changed several times but we only have only one week left. Who will win?????? Good luck and may the best class win!!! Cheryll Tallent Box Top Coordinator • HEAD LICE • FACTS: • Head lice crawl from child to child through head to head contact. • Lice cannot hop, jump or fly. • ANY child can get head lice. • Lice can live up to 30 days on a person’s head and lay from 50 to 150 eggs. If the louse falls off a person, it dies within 2 days. • WHAT TO LOOK FOR: • Lice are small brown, tan to grayish-white insects, about the size of a sesame seed. • The nits or egg sacks are opaque, white oblong-shaped sacks which are firmly attached to the hair shaft. These nits cannot be brushed out. They can only be manually removed with a nit comb or pulled out by hand. • Suspect lice if your child scratches and/or complains of an itchy head. Itching is the first sign of head lice. • Check the hair and scalp very carefully especially behind the ears and near the neckline. The best method is to use a magnifying glass under a bright light. • HOW TO TREAT IF INFECTED: • Wash your child’s hair with a product formulated to kill lice. • Have your child sit under a bright light and remove all nits with a metal comb that is designed to remove nits. Remove remaining nits with your fingernails. Failure to do this important step always results in reoccurrence. • Nits are not killed by lice shampoos, so it will be necessary to wash the hair with the lice product a second time in 7 to 10 days to kill any newly hatched lice. • Launder all clothing and bedding. Laundry water should be at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit to kill the lice. Dry on highest heat setting. • Vacuum all carpets, upholstery and mattresses in the house. Throw away the vacuum bag. • Sealing clothing, stuffed toys, pillows, blankets or other small soft items, for two weeks in tightly closed plastic bags will kill both lice and nits. Dry cleaning will also kill lice. • Soak combs, brushes and other washable items for one hour in one of the approved lice shampoos; or, soak them for 5 to 10 minutes in a pan of 130 degree hot water. • PROACTIVE MEASURES • Teach your whole family about how lice is spread and treated. • Teach your children not to share combs, brushes, hats, hair accessories, jackets and other personal items with other children. • Check your child frequently for signs of lice or nits. High Five Club September 20-24 Kindergarten Kiera Quinn, Alijah Rodriguez, Brianna Juric First Grade Gracie Wofford, Ivy Tran, Cade Milroy, Michael Putterbaugh Second Grade Victoria Neace, Cathryn Uselton, Nick Merritt, Lucas Vaughan Third Grade Andrew Shang, Callum Vinson, Jared Johnson, Ruby Freis Fourth Grade Ian Martin, Mueed Hossain, Ben Le, Sylvie Tran, Kaylee Byrd, Edward Cho Fifth Grade Simon Vo, Kelli Schell, Joshua Tubongbanua, Dylan Silva Sixth Grade Chloe Curliss, Courtney Cobb, Brianna Beck, Trace Hurtado ALLEN HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI HOMECOMING TAILGATE PARTY Friday October 8, 2010 5-7 PM Join us for our Homecoming Tailgate Party - just north of Eagle Stadium (between the stadium and the weight building) as we celebrate 100 years of Allen ISD and 75 years of Allen Eagle Football. Dinner is being catered by Cowboy Chicken. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Tickets are $12 per person or $17 per person which includes a general admission ticket to the football game. Children three and under are free. To order your tickets visit: www.allenisd.org/alumni and follow the links. For more information call 972-727-0502.