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Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences 2 QMSS2. Anuska Ferligoj Member of the QMSS2 Steering Committee. A research network programme.
Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences 2QMSS2 AnuskaFerligoj Member ofthe QMSS2 SteeringCommittee
A research network programme QMSS2 is led byAngela Dale (Univ. of Manchester),runs from 2008-12,and represents a follow-on from its predecessor, QMSS (2003-7) led by Chris Skinner (Univ. of Southampton). QMSS2aims to: • increase the capacity of European social scientists in quantitative methods • develop strong inter-disciplinary and international networks around selected methods-related themes We achieve this by running seminars (20 in total) and training summer schools (11 in total)
The five themes The network programme focuses on five areas of critical importance in quantitative methods: • Social interactions and social networks • Lifecourse analysis • Cross-national comparisons • Immigration and population dynamics • Survey design and survey quality Each theme has a leader and a project team who are responsible for the seminars and summer schools
The seminars • The seminars bring together specialists from different disciplines and different countries to identify and promote cutting-edge methods • they also introduce new scholars and junior researchers to the network and thus stimulate further cross-European collaboration • aseminar is held each year in each of the five thematic areas (20 seminars in total; 16 held so far); 25-30 participants
The summer schools • The summer schools disseminate cutting edge methods to junior social scientists • A total 10 summer schools have been funded (two from each theme); they: • last eight days, 25 participants – but some more • provide hands-on training to junior researchers • facilitate cross-country collaborations • Fundsare available for follow-up short-visits to prepare collaborative papers
Participation • There are 19 participating ESF countries • email list of 890 subscribers who receive information about events • Seminars and summer schools are both heavily over-subscribed • Good balance of participants across countries • Newsletters that disseminates information about programme
Evaluation • Evaluation survey completed by participants at each summer school; results reported to Steering Committee • Survey of all QMSS2 participants completed in summer 2010 • 131 respondents, response rate of 36% • Responses very positive
Results of evaluation survey • QMSS2 Seminars: • Key motivating factors • scientific quality; over 60% very satisfied; almost 100% very or quite satisfied • opportunity to discuss methods used in the respondent’s research; 46% very satisfied; 95% very or quite satisfied • QMSS2 Summer schools • key motivating factors • Ability to learn new quantitative method; 59% very satisfied; 98% very or quite satisfied • Scientific quality; 69% very satisfied; 100% very/quite satisfied 89% of survey respondents have recommended QMSS/2 events to others
End of programme conference:New horizons in quantitative methods in the social science • Application submitted under ESF Research Conference Scheme (ESF/LiU) • Will bring together: • Invited speakers across the five themes and • Early stage researchers from summer schools • Programme alsoincludes: • Poster session • New Directions and Forward Look discussions • Summer 2012 – added contribution from QMSS under-spend