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The EU evidence framework for VET. 1. STATISTICS. Lies, damned lies, and statistics (Mark Twain) Truth, damn truth, and statistics (Paul F. Velleman ) ???. 2. INDICATORS. 3. EVIDENCE GAPS IN 2010. Eastern Europe VET Finance Continuing Training LM data
1. STATISTICS • Lies, damned lies, and statistics (Mark Twain) • Truth, damn truth, and statistics (Paul F. Velleman) • ???
3. EVIDENCE GAPS IN 2010 • Eastern Europe • VET Finance • Continuing Training • LM data • Research on effectiveness and efficiency of VET policies • Central Asia • VET Statistics • Comparability • ISCED/Age groups • Data and research on effectiveness and efficiency of VET policies
THE TORINO PROCESS THE TORINO PROCESS IS a participatory process leading toan evidence-based analysis of VET policies in a given country. 6
BACKGROUND LAUNCHED IN 2010 • Conference organised in May 2011, bringing together 250 people from all partner countries. • Final Declaration – participants welcomed idea of strengthening evidence/knowledge base in VET policy design and evaluation, and are ready to participate in next round. 7
VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING VET IS • Understood in broad sense, covering education and training that aims to equip both young people and adults with knowledge, know-how, skills and competences required on the labour market, for social inclusion and personal development. • Provided at different levels (including secondary, post-secondary and tertiary), in formal, non-formal or informal settings, in institutions, companies or other places, andat different stages of people’s lives. Adapted from Commission Communication on New Impetus for VET
WHAT IS EVIDENCE? EVIDENCE CAN TAKE MANY FORMS such as experience and evaluation of practice, the results of scientific analyses, quantitative and qualitative research, basic and applied research, and the development of statistics and indicators, But also systematic collection of opinions or results of multi-stakeholders discussions. Education and training are part of the diverse cultural traditions and … there can be no simple prescriptions about what makes good policy or practice. This makes it all the more important to know … about what works, for whom, under what circumstances and with what outcomes. Commission Staff Working Document, ‘Towards more knowledge-based policy and practice in education and training’, SEC(2007)1098, Brussels, 2007
WHAT IS POLICY LEARNING? ‘Policy’ is about visions for development and the ways to achieve goals. Learning is successful, i.e. learners acquire new knowledge, skills and attitudes, when they have been actively engaged in learning processes. VET reform can only be sustainable if local stakeholders have developed their own policy solutions. Reforms need to be embedded in local contexts – local knowledge and initiative is a key source and starting point for change. The Torino Process offers a platform for mutual policy learning – for sharing experience, reflection and creating new insights, knowledge and consensus on VET policies. Adapted from ETF Yearbook 2008 Policy Learning in Action
ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK SLIGHT ADJUSTMENTS FROM2010, INCLUDING: • Definitions of external efficiency, and internal quality and efficiency. • Entrepreneurial learning included under ‘VET and economic competitiveness’. • New section on governance and financing. • More emphasis on adult training.
ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK Key Questions POLICY VISION INTERNAL QUALITY AND EFFICIENCY What is the vision for VET development, and doesit comply with the broader socioeconomic development objectives? What further reforms are necessary to modernise the various building blocks of the VET system? VET IN RELATION TO ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS GOVERNANCE AND FINANCING Are institutional arrangements, capacities and budgets adequate for bringing about the desired changes in the VET system? Do the skills offered by the VET system matchthose required by the labour market and economic development? ? VET IN RELATION TO SOCIAL DEMAND AND SOCIAL INCLUSION ? Do institutions, as well as programmes and skills offered by the VET system, match the aspirationsof individual learners and the needs of vulnerable groups? ?
IMPLEMENTATION Update of review COUNTRIES ALREADY INVOLVEDIN THE TORINO PROCESS 2010: • Gather most recent data and research. • Engage in wider consultation/policy-learning process. • Refer to policy developments or actions that have occurred since 2010 report. • Improve where possible the quality of the evidence and analysis throughout the report. 14
IMPLEMENTATION COMPLEMENTARITY WITH ONGOING INITIATIVES: • National VET strategy design processes. • Baseline documents or progress reports using sector approach. • International initiatives – HRD reviews, Bruges progress reports, employability fiches, etc. 15
TIMELINE • Draft reports by third quarter 2012. • Final endorsed reports by last quarter 2012. • Biennial exercise. • Next ETF Torino Process conference in 2013. • Next round of Torino Process will be launched in 2014. 16
ETF SUPPORT PACKAGE • General introduction on the Torino Process. • Analytical framework, including definitions of terms, guiding questions, key indicators, possible sources of evidence, governance matrix and list of indicators gathered by ETF Statistics Team. • Guidelines on quantitative indicators, including definitions and sources. • Report template. • Cedefop glossary. • Guidelines on the creation and applicationof quantitative data. 17
TORINET • Support of capacity building for evidence-based policy-making • Network of institutions • Activities in 11 countries in 2011 • Regional focus in 2012 to complement work at the national level 18
Copenhagen & Torino processes: Complementarity and specificities(1) 19
Copenhagen & Torino processes: Complementarity and specificities (2) 20