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The EU framework. Currently at the EU level, Member States share their observations made in coastal, transitional and marine waters with other Parties such as Marine Conventions and with the EEA through the Eionet.
The EU framework • Currently at the EU level, Member States share their observations made in coastal, transitional and marine waters with other Parties such as Marine Conventions and with the EEA through the Eionet. • The advent of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) will result in a comprehensive monitoring of the marine environment beyond the geographical limits set in the Water Framework Directive. • The Commission conceived a water related component of environmental data reporting and access to marine data available on the European level (WISE) under the proposed Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS).
EMODnetPhysicalParameters The European Commission, represented by the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE), concluded a service contracts aiming to: • Create a prototypecomponents of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). • Provide access to archived and real-time data on physical conditions in Europe's seas and oceans and to determine how well the data meet the needsofusers.
Workingprinciples • Rely on INSPIRE principles to leave data as close as possible to their collection source and thus the system will be based on distributed data nodes; • Exchanges with other initiatives / links with infrastructures managing real-time/nearreal-time and delayed mode data; • Use harmonized reporting tools.
ObjectivesofDGMare tender • Make layers of physical data and their metadata available for use by industry, public authorities and scientists • Contribute towards the definition of an operational European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) • Contribute to developing the definition of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) marine core service.
Methodology • Provide through a portal: • free and open access to marine data from measurement stations and ferryboxes. • metadata to these parameters using EMODnet/INSPIRE standards. • Monitoring and reporting on the effectiveness of the portal in meeting the needs of users in terms of ease of use, quality of information and fitness for purpose of the products delivered.
The EMODnet PP portal • Both near real-time and archived data of time series are to be made available • Metadata should include at least time, date, position, water depth, accuracy and precision • Data layers for whole sea-basins will show the availability of data and monitoring intensity of that basin.
The EMODnet PP pillars EMODnet PP EMODnet PP aims to bridge the communities behind MyOcean, EuroGOOS and SeaDataNet in order to strengthen their position inside the Commission agenda on IS and expand in future the participation to all partners SeaDataNet MyOcean EuroGOOS
Enlarge the community EMODnet PP aims also to attract data holders not yet participating to the MyOcean, EuroGOOS and SeaDataNet efforts and involve them in the existing infrastructures. SeaDataNet MyOcean EuroGOOS
Data included in the proposal • Allcontributorswillbeactors in the project: • documents will be agreed during ad hod EuroGOOS meetings • A EuroGOOS technical report will contain results and names of contributors • SeaDataNet • MyOcean – In Situ • EuroGOOS ROOS’s • EuroARGO • EuroSITES • DBCP • GOSUD • R2R • Other national, regionalobserving systems
Geographicalcoverage • Western Mediterranean Sea (ROOS Med and SeaDataNet); • Adriatic Sea (ROOS Med and SeaDataNet); • Ionian Sea and Central Mediterranean Sea (ROOS Med and SeaDataNet); • Aegean-Levantine Sea (ROOS Med and SeaDataNet); • Greater North Sea, including Kattegat, and English Channel (ROOS NWS (North West Shelf) and SeaDataNet); • Celtic Seas (ROOS IBI and SeaDataNet); • Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast (ROOS IBI and SeaDataNet); • In the Atlantic Ocean, the Macronesian bio-geographic region, being the waters surrounding the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands (Coriolis and SeaDataNet), and Cape Verde (E subtropical Atlantic) • North Atlantic (including Porcupine Abyssal Plain, Central Irminger Basin, NorvegianSea)
Portal Layout Domain name www.emodnet-physics.eu
TechnicalSpecifications Portal Structure Maps Technology OpenLayers- JavaScript library for displaying map data in web browsers, with no server-side dependencies. Compliant with all browsers, no need install plug-in.
Conclusions Maritime Policy actions at EU level • Integration of maritime governance • Development of cross-cutting policy tools • Defining boundaries of sustainability • Development of sea-basin strategies • Development of international dimension of the Integrated Maritime Policy • Renewed focus on sustainable economic growth, employment and innovation
The "proof of concept" of EMODNET • Tested through preparatory actions. Portals for a number of maritime basins are being set up for hydrographic, geological, biological, chemical, physical parameters as well as functional habitat maps. • These portals will provide access to marine data of a standard format and known quality and identify gaps in coverage. • The projects will identify the main challenges in moving from an ur-EMODNET to an operational EMODNET.
Building a Marine Data Infrastructure • The ur-EMODNET will be operational soon, collecting feedback from users on fitness for purpose and indicating how the definitive EMODNET might be set up. • Should these prototypes prove to be successful, then efforts will be made to extend their geographic range in order to cover all of the waters of EU Member States for one or more sets of parameters through Community instruments for territorial cooperation.