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New Horizon College English. Unit. 5. Section B. The Last Dive at the Olympics. 空军工程大学. Reading Skills. Test Yourself. Introduction Reading for Major Details. Dictation Multiple Choice. Text B. Comprehension Guide Language Points. Exercises. Rewrite the Underlined Parts
New Horizon College English Unit 5 Section B The Last Dive at the Olympics 空军工程大学
ReadingSkills Test Yourself Introduction Reading for Major Details Dictation Multiple Choice Text B Comprehension Guide Language Points Exercises Rewrite the Underlined Parts Rescue the Following Sentences Unit 5: Section B
Reading Skills: Introduction For this unit as you find in your students' book, we focus on the major details of paragraphs. From the students' book we learn that when we are reading a paragraph, we should first try to identify and then try to separate the major detail from the small or less important details. to be continued Introduction: Reading for Major Details 下一页
Reading Skills: Introduction Back Here are some ways to help you locate the major detail.1.Learn to read for the main idea. If you identify the main idea easily, the facts to support that idea will stand out.2. Know that all facts and details are not equal in importance. Look only for the facts that relate to the main idea. 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Examples & Explanations Example 1 Here are some examples: The owner hands out AIDS information to all her clients when they enter the shop and shows videos on AIDS prevention while they wait for their hair to dry. She also keeps books and other publications around so customers can read them while waiting for their appointments. It's amazing how many people she has educated on the job. (Para. 5, Passage A) 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Examples & Explanations Explanation Main Idea: ? Major Detail: ? Main Idea:The shop owner joined in the AIDS educational programs..Major Detail:The owner hands out AIDS information to all her clients. 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Examples & Explanations Example 2 Like many other hunters, the Kung has been described as a leisured and even an “affluent” society. They do not have or need many material possessions and in many cases the search for food is neither exhausting nor time-consuming. One anthropologist has reckoned their average work day as six hours and that adults spend about two and a half days or between 12 and 19 hours a week in food-getting. Men may hunt for a period and then rest for several weeks; women gather enough food for three days at a time, and may then visit neighboring camps or entertain, as the men do their leisure-time. 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Examples & Explanations Explanation Main Idea: ? Major Detail: ? Main Idea:TheKung has been regarded as a leisured and even “affluent” society. Major Detail:They do not have or need many material possessions and the search for food is neither exhausting nor time-consuming. 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Examples & Explanations Example 3 In the spring of 1983, a committee at the Medard H. Nelson Elementary School in New Orleans decided it was time to take the mystique(神秘性) out of computers for their 621 students. They ordered six Apple II computers and set up computer classes for teachers, parents and students. to be continued 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Examples & Explanations Example 3 Almost everyone was enthusiastic about the results; a few students became so interested that they formed a computer club. The principal is very pleased with this experiment and plans to buy more equipment as soon as funds become available. 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Examples & Explanations Explanation Main Idea: ? Major Detail: ? Main Idea:The elementary school has equipped the children’s education with computers. Major Detail:They ordered six Apple II computers and set up computer classes for teachers, parents and students. 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Examples & Explanations Example 4 In the last five years, the number of studies on infant cognition has tripled. The men and the women who attended the conference were asked to assess(评估)what has been learned, and to develop some guidelines(指导)for future research. to be continued 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Examples & Explanations Example 4 But the more they talked, the further apart the brain scientists seemed from the psychologists, the vision specialists from the linguists. While each group had made progress in its own area, they were far from reaching any common ground, and further yet from finding answers to such a basic question as: How are babies affected by experience? 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Examples & Explanations Explanation Main Idea: ? Major Detail: ? Main Idea:Scientists in different areas were still far away from reaching any common ground in spite that more work had been done on the subject of infant cognition. Major Detail:They even failed to find answers to such a basic question as: How are babies affected by experience? 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Examples & Explanations Example 5 Culture itself must be transmitted, and the most effective way is through the family. Parents teach their children the ideas and traditions they obtained from their own parents. For this reason the family became increasingly important; the practical applications of cultural traditions, such as hunting for food, rearing children and tending the sick, may have been the obvious methods to use when more than one family came together in a joint activity. 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Examples & Explanations Explanation Main Idea: ? Major Detail: ? Main Idea:Parents play a vital role in cultural transmission. Major Detail:Parents teach their children the ideas and traditions they obtained from their own parents. 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Examples & Explanations Example 6 Montagner has developed a system for observing and classifying the gesture language of children. He has also tracked down some of its origins. In addition, his long-term observations of children have given him a sense of the normal and abnormal developmental timetable for the emergence of specific types of gestures and body language. By now he can calculate how many of a young child’s gestures belong to certain categories of behavior and can then derive a series of significant ratios. 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Examples & Explanations Explanation Main Idea: ? Major Detail: ? Main Idea:Montagner has contributed a lot to the study of the gesture language of children. Major Detail:Montagner has developed a system for observing and classifying the gesture language of children. 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Practice Directions: Read the following paragraphs from Reading Passage B. Then answer the following questions. 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Practice 1.I climbed the ladder, heard my dive announced, and commenced the moves that would thrust me into the air. Pushing off the diving board with my legs, I lifted my arms and shoulders back, and knew immediately I would be close to the board and might hit my hands. I tried to correct myself as I turned, spreading my hands wide apart. Then I heard a strange sound and my body lost control. Moments later I realized I had hit my head on the board. (Para. 1) 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Practice What is the main idea of the paragraph?A. He started his dive.B. He made a beautiful dive.C. He hit his hands when diving.D. He hurt himself when diving. Select one major detail from the paragraph.A. He climbed the ladder.B. He started his dive.C. He hit his head on the board.D. He lifted his arms and shoulders back. D. He hurt himself when diving. C. He hit his head on the board. 上一页 下一页
Back Reading Skills: Practice 2.Initially, I felt embarrassment. I wanted to hide, to get out of the pool without anyone seeing me. Next I felt intense fear. Had I cut my head? Was I bleeding? Was there blood in the pool? Swimming to the side, I noticed many shocked faces. People were worried about my head; I was worried about something far more threatening. An official examined my head. In haste, I pushed him away, and everyone else who approached me. “Don’t touch me!” I felt like screaming. “Get away from me!” (Para. 2) 上一页 下一页
Reading Skills: Practice Back What is the main idea of the paragraph? A. He felt embarrassment. B. He felt intense fear. C. He was very worried about something serious. D. He wanted to hide himself. C. He was very worried about something serious. 上一页 下一页
Reading Skills: Practice Back • Select one major detail from the paragraph. • He wanted to hide, not to be seen by anyone. • People showed much concern about his wound. • He was very worried that his wound had left blood in the pool. • D. He was angry with the people who wanted to have a look at his wounded head. • Select one major detail from the paragraph. • He wanted to hide, not to be seen by anyone. • People showed much concern about his wound. • He was very worried that his wound had left blood in the pool. • D. He was angry with the people who wanted to have a look at his wounded head. 上一页 下一页
Reading Skills: Practice Back 3.These were the trials for the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Korea. Until this dive, I had been ahead. But now, something else was more significant than winning. I might have endangered other divers’ lives if I had spilled blood in the pool. For what I knew — that few others knew — was that I was HIV-positive. (Para. 3) 上一页 下一页
Reading Skills: Practice Back • What is the main idea of the paragraph? • There was something more significant than winning. • B. He was HIV-positive. • C. He was ahead of others for the diving event in the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Korea. • D. Winning is more important than anything else. • What is the main idea of the paragraph? • There was something more significant than winning. • B. He was HIV-positive. • C. He was ahead of others for the diving event in the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Korea. • D. Winning is more important than anything else. 上一页 下一页
Reading Skills: Practice • Select one major detail from the paragraph. • He was HIV-positive. • B. He was doing wonderfully well in the diving event. • C. He was very worried that he might infect other divers with AIDS as he spilled his blood in the pool. • D. He did not want others to learn that he was HIV-positive. • Select one major detail from the paragraph. • He was HIV-positive. • B. He was doing wonderfully well in the diving event. • C. He was very worried that he might infect other divers with AIDS as he spilled his blood in the pool. • D. He did not want others to learn that he was HIV-positive. 上一页
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Text B New Words QuestionPreviewing PassageReading Choice Making
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Back • to adopt • adoption • gym • explore • to mug • prior • platform • spring-board • mostly • unfortunately • coach • to assist • leader • professional • professionally • Phrases & • Expressions • in haste • prior to • to make it • to start with • to assist(sb. • with)sth. • Proper Names • Olympics • Seoul • Korea • Samoan • Ron O’Brian • triumph • gay • partner • confuse • vapor • to vaporize • to compete • to scare • repetition • confident • score-board • to leap • to quit • to commence • to thrust • apart • initial • initially • intense • to bleed • haste • to approach • trial • significant • to endanger • to spill
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Q. 1. Immediately before he hit his head on the board, the writer _________________________. Q:2. The writer pushed away everyone else who came near to him because __________________. Q: 3. The writer’s natural parents did not adopt him because _____________________________. Q: 4. According to the passage, the writer’s diving gave him __________________________. Back 下一页
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Q: 5. The writer began to practice doing gym exercises off the diving board _______________. Q: 6. The writer feared he would be hated by people if they found that ___________________. Q: 7. After he hit his head on the board at the trials, the writer __________________________. Q: 8. The writer had been a diver for Olympic games for ________________________________. Back 上一页
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Back Question 1 请选择 1. I climbed the ladder, heard my dive announced, and commencedthe moves that would thrust me intothe air. Pushing off the diving board with my legs, Iliftedmy arms and shoulders back, and knew immediately I would be close to the board and might hit my hands. I tried to correct myself as I turned, spreading my hands wide apart. Then I heard a strange sound and my body lost control. Moments later I realized I had hit my head on the board. 下一页
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 1. 我登上梯子,听到起跳的指令,便开始做跃入空中的动作。 我用脚蹬跳板,臂膀向后举起,但马上意识到身体下落时可能会靠近跳板,碰伤手。转动身体时,我努力纠正动作,尽量把胳膊张开。 接着我听到一种奇怪的响声,身体就失去了控制。很快我便意识到自己的头部碰到了跳板。
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Back 2.Initially, I felt embarrassment. I wanted to hide, to get out of the pool without anyone seeing me. Next I feltintense fear. Had I cut my head? Was I bleeding? Was there blood in the pool? Swimming to the side, I noticed many shocked faces. People were worried about my head; I was worried about something far morethreatening. An official examined my head. In haste, I pushed him away, and everyone else who approachedme. “Don’t touch me!” I felt likescreaming. “Get away from me!” 上一页 下一页
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 2. 开始时我觉得很尴尬。想藏起来,想离开游泳池,而又不让别人发现。 接着便感到十分恐惧。头碰破了吗?流血了吗?游泳池里有没有血? 我游到池边,注意到许多张惊愕的脸。人们都担心我头部是否受伤,而我却担心着比这更为可怕的事情。 一位官员查看了我的头部。我赶忙把他和其他任何接近我的人推开。“别碰我!” 我想大叫一声, “走开!”
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Back Question 2 请选择 3.These were thetrialsfor the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Korea. Until this dive, I had been ahead. But now, something else was more significant than winning. I might have endangeredother divers' lives if I had spilled blood in the pool. For what I knew - that few others knew - was that I was HIV-positive. 上一页 下一页
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 3. 这是在韩国汉城举行的1988年奥运会的预赛。 在这一跳之前,我的成绩名列前茅。但现在,另外有一件事情比获胜更重要。 要是我的血溅到了游泳池里,就会危及其他跳水选手的生命。因为我知道--而其他很少有人知道--我是阳性艾滋病毒携带者。
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Back Question 3 请选择 4. According to my mother, my natural parents were Samoan and only teenagers when I was born, so they gave me up for adoption. When I was only eighteen months old, I started gym classes. At ten, I exploreddoing gym exercises off the diving board at the pool. 上一页 下一页
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 4.母亲告诉我,我的生身父母是萨摩亚人,我出生时他们才十几岁,所以他们把我送给别人抚养。 我18个月大的时候便开始接受体操训练。十岁时我便在游泳池的跳板上训练。
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Back Question 4 请选择 5. Because of my dark skin, kids at school called me names; I often got mugged coming home from school. My diving made mefeel good about myselfwhen my peers made me feel stupid. In the seventh grade, I started taking drugs. 上一页 下一页
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 5.由于我肤色黑,常常遭到学校里孩子们的辱骂。放学回家时常常遭到欺负。尽管同龄孩子们让我觉得自己不如别人,但跳水却使我对自己有了信心。 上七年级时,我开始吸毒。
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points to be continued Back Question 5 请选择 6. At sixteen, I knew I had a shot atthe 1976 Olympics. At the trials, one month priortothe finals, I took first placeon the ten-meter platform and on the springboard! This was surprising because I had trained mostly on the platform. In thefinals, I won the silver medal for the platform. Unfortunately, I wasn’t happy. 上一页 下一页
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 6.在十六岁时,我获得参加1976年奥运会的机会。 在决赛一个月前举行的预赛中,我获得了十米跳台和跳板的第一名! 这是惊人的,因为我主要进行的是跳台训练。 在决赛中我获得了跳台银牌。遗憾的是,我并不感到快乐。
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Back Instead, I felt failed becauseI hadn’t won the gold. After that, I started training with Ron O’Brien, a well-known Olympic diving coach. Ron understood me andassistedmyworking more intensely. I soon became the international leader in diving. In the 1984 Olympics, I won two gold medals, one for platform, one for springboard. This was an enjoyabletriumph. 上一页 下一页
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 相反,我觉得自己失败了,因为我没有能获得金牌。 之后,我就跟着著名的奥运跳水教练罗恩布赖恩训练。 罗恩了解我,更加用心地帮助我训练。 我很快成了国际跳水的顶尖选手。在1984年奥运会上我夺得两枚金牌: 一枚跳台金牌,一枚跳板金牌。这是可喜的胜利。
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points to be continued Back Question 6 请选择 7.No one knew then I was gay, except Ron and a few friends. I feared being hated if people found out. Four years later, while preparing for the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, I learned my partner had AIDS. I had to accept I might be HIV-positive or have AIDS, too. 上一页 下一页
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 7.除了罗恩和几个朋友外,那时没有人知道我是同性恋者。 我害怕如果人们知道了这一情况会对我感到厌恶。 四年之后,当我为1988年汉城奥运会准备时,到知我的伴侣得了艾滋病。我可能也是艾滋病毒阳性或染上了艾滋病,我得接受这一现实。
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Back When my HIV test results returned positive, I was shocked and confused. Was I dying? Was my shot at the '88 Olympics vaporized? What should I do? During this very difficult time, I couldn’t tell anyone for fearI wouldn’t be able to competein the Olympics if people learned I was HIV-positive. 上一页 下一页
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 当我知道自己的艾滋病检验结果是阳性时,我感到震惊和困惑。我会死去吗?我想在88年奥运会上再铸辉煌的心愿会化为泡影吗? 我该怎么办?然而在这艰难的时刻,我却不能把这些告诉任何人,因为一旦人们知道我是艾滋病毒阳性,我便不能参加奥运会比赛了。
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Back Question 7 请选择 8.Everyone wasalarmed when I hit my head on the board at the trials in Seoul. Regardless, I made itinto the finals. When we practiced the next morning, my coach made me start with the dive I’d hit my head on. At first, I was scared, but Ron made me do it six times. With each repetition, I felt more confident. 上一页 下一页