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Pacific Northwest Medical & Research Networks Connectivity

Pacific Northwest Medical & Research Networks Connectivity. David Sinn Network Architect University of Washington & PNWGP. APAN Backbone. Combined Layer-1 and Layer-2 Infrastructure. PacificWave Extended Connectivity. United States Overview. PNWGP Regional Overview. PNWGP.

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Pacific Northwest Medical & Research Networks Connectivity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pacific Northwest Medical & Research Networks Connectivity David Sinn Network Architect University of Washington & PNWGP

  2. APAN Backbone

  3. Combined Layer-1 and Layer-2 Infrastructure

  4. PacificWave Extended Connectivity

  5. United States Overview

  6. PNWGP Regional Overview

  7. PNWGP

  8. PNWGP Medical Connectors

  9. Seattle ScienceFoundation • Non-profit organization dedicated to international collaboration among physicians, scientists, technologists, engineers and educators. • Seattle based facility to facilitate education, technological developments and collaboration. • http://www.seattlesciencefoundation.org

  10. Fred HutchinsonCancer Research Center • Seattle based interdisciplinary teams of world-renowned scientists and humanitarians work together to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer, HIV/AIDS and other diseases. • http://www.fhcrc.org/

  11. UW Medicine • Advancing health care through discover, education, and exceptional patient care. • http://www.uwmedicine.org/

  12. Children’s • Founded in 1907, Children's provides excellent patient care with compassion and respect, and conducts cutting-edge pediatric research. We also serve as a respected educational resource for parents and healthcare professionals alike. • http://www.seattlechildrens.org/

  13. Seattle CancerCare Alliance • SCCA is to speed up the transfer of new diagnostic and treatment techniques from the research setting to patient care. • http://www.seattlecca.org/

  14. ProvidenceHealth & Services • Operates hospitals, clinics and care centers in Washington, Oregon, Montana, Alaska and California. • http://www.providence.org/

  15. PNWGP University Connectors

  16. Thank You Questions?

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