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EPPO pests lists purposes & procedures

European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization. EPPO pests lists purposes & procedures. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization.

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EPPO pests lists purposes & procedures

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Presentation Transcript

  1. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization EPPO pests listspurposes & procedures

  2. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization Some history…EPPO A1/A2 quarantine pests listChange of international contextEstablishment of Action ListQuestions…What is the purpose of the different lists?How to maintain them?How do NPPOs use the pests lists?

  3. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization Some background; earlier discussions…- EPPO recommends, NPPO’s decide- EPPO creates an Action list- EPPO maintains an Alert list- EPPO created a list of Invasive Alien Plants

  4. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization Purpose of the pest lists should reflectthe objectives of the organization!…alert members on phytosanitary risks……help members to assure plant health…And the quality of the EPPO information should be reliable, consistent and scientific based.

  5. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization ‘Documentation’ Pests Lists: - EPPO A1 and A2 lists of pests recommended for regulation as quarantine pests- List on Invasive Alien Plants‘Tools’:- Action list- Alert list

  6. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization - How do we maintain now these lists?- When is a pest added?- What is the basis of an addition?- When is a pest removed?

  7. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization EPPO A1 and A2 lists of pests recommended for regulation as quarantine pests - Purpose- Addition of pests- Deletion of pests- How does it relate to Action list

  8. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization List on Invasive Alien Plants

  9. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization Action List- Purpose- Addition of pests- Deletion of pests

  10. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization Alert List-Purpose- Addition of pests- Maintenance of list- * * * - priority for PRA- Deletion of pests

  11. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization ? & !

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