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Competitive Sourcing Tracking System (CSTS) Guidebook. Table of Contents. 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 14 16 18 20 22 24 26. Purpose………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Access………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Crosswalk Key………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Table of Contents 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Purpose………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Access………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Crosswalk Key……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Home Page…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Quarterly Report Page………………………………………………………………………………………………. Competition File Navigation Buttons and Tabs…………………………………………………………………… General Information Tab……………………………………………………………………………………………. Key Dates Tab……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Baseline/Acquisition/Cost Tab……………………………………………………………………………………… Performance Decision Tab…………………………………………………………………………………………. Contest/Protest Tab…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Employee Impacts Tab……………………………………………………………………………………………… Implementation Tab…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Additional Agency Info Page………………………………………………………………………………………..
Purpose The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has developed the Competitive Sourcing Tracking System (CSTS) to enable efficient and timely collection of information on public-private competitions. This document is intended to define the system’s functionality, describe data fields, and describe the process for inputting data. For policy guidance regarding information that must be entered into CSTS for Congressional reporting purposes, please see OMB Memorandum M-07-01, Report to Congress on FY 2006 Competitive Sourcing Efforts,available at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/memoranda/fy2007/m07-01.pdf New data (e.g., competition data for FY 2006 and updates to competitions reported to Congress in FYs 2003-2005) and any changes to historical data must be inputted into CSTS. Historical data for FYs 2003-2005 have been loaded into CSTS.
Access CSTS/WITS is an online database application, accessible only through the OMB MAX Homepage. You must register and be approved for a user account and password before gaining access to the application. The OMB MAX Homepage is located at: https://max.omb.gov/maxportal/ Users may log in or register for a user account at the OMB MAX Homepage. When completing the online registration form, select the “CSTS/WITS External” box under Please check the application(s) needed section. Once logged into the OMB MAX Homepage, select the link for CSTS/WITS External (CWE) to access the database.
Crosswalk Key There are a number of screen captures within this guidebook. Crosswalks have been provided on these screen captures to identify fields containing information that had been inputted into Excel spreadsheets in prior years. An example crosswalk is given below. Performance decision (End) W1/S1: End Date The first half of the crosswalk – before the colon (:) – identifies the Excel spreadsheet tab(s) (i.e., W1, W2, S1, S2 and/or S3) to which this information had been inputted in prior years. The second half of the crosswalk – after the colon (:) – identifies the Excel column titles to which this information had been inputted in prior years. The example above indicates that the data to be inputted in this field had, in prior years, been inputted on the W1 and S1 tabs in the End Date column. NOTE: Crosswalk items in brackets indicate a different column title was used for identical data in one of the spreadsheet tabs (i.e., more than one column title was used for the same data). The tab in brackets corresponds to the column title in brackets.
Home Page Upon entering CSTS/WITS from the OMB MAX website, users will be brought directly to the Home page. Users can always return here from anywhere in the application by clicking the “Home” button at the top of the screen. There are two tabs on the Home page: 1) Competitive Sourcing (CSTS) and 2) FAIR Inventory (WITS). To access CSTS, make sure that the Competitive Sourcing tab is selected. The Home page lists all existing agency quarterly reports by period and agency. Quarterly reports generally consist of one or more competition files, each of which contain data on a competition. The last four columns identify when a report was last updated and by whom, the date when the report was certified by the agency (sent to the OMB for approval), and the date that it was approved by OMB (finalizing the report filing). To select a quarterly report, highlight and click on the period you would like to view or edit.
This is the “Home” page. There are two tabs on the Home page: 1) Competitive Sourcing (CSTS) and 2) FAIR Inventory (WITS). You can always return here from anywhere in the application by clicking the “Home” button at the top of the screen. This table lists all existing agency reports by period and agency. Competition reports generally consist of one or more competition files, each of which contain data on a competition. The last four columns identify when a report was last updated and by whom, the date when the report was certified by the agency (sent to the OMB for approval), and the date that it was approved by OMB (finalizing the report filing). Highlight and click on a row to select a report.
Quarterly Report Page Fiscal year reports (i.e., 647 Reports to Congress) are comprised of the fourth quarter (Q4) report for each department or agency. Add New – Adds a new competition file for the reporting period. Additional Agency Info – Click here to enter report contact information, fixed costs, and the number of FTEs to be announced in the next fiscal year. Certify Quarterly Filing – Allows those with certification authority to certify an agency report filing (sends report to OMB for approval). This function is analogous to sending files to OMB for approval via e-mail for past-year reports. Filing Download & Upload box – Download a competitive sourcing report into XML or Excel. Use the Excel download to see the report in the format used for submission to Congress. Competition File Table – The table lists each competition file within a competition report. Select a file to view or edit. Each file consists of seven tabs. Each tab contains fields for data entry. Each tab is described in this guidebook.
Add a new (announced since last report) competition file Submit/transmit competition information to OMB Download competition data into Excel spreadsheet format (NOTE: for review or printing purposes only -- NOT FOR DATA ENTRY) Select a competition file to update or edit existing (completed or announced) competition data from prior reports
Competition File Navigation Buttons and Tabs Each competition file is made up of seven tabs. Users can navigate through the tabs by clicking on the tab that they would like to go to, or by using the navigation buttons. Previous – Takes you to the previous tab. Cancel and exit – Exits to the Quarterly Report Page WITHOUT saving any changes made since last save. Save – Saves data. Save and exit – Saves data and exits to the Quarterly Reporting Page. Next – Takes you to the next tab. NOTE: Users will be prompted to save any unsaved changes when navigating to another tab.
General Information Tab Competition Title – This is the “name” of the competition, which will appear as the title of the competition file. Bureau – This is the component(s) of the department or agency in which the competition is taking place. Status – [READ ONLY] – Based on the actual dates inputted on the Key Dates tab, this tells you the competition status. If cancelled, reason for cancellation – Text field to describe reason for cancellation of a competition (only if it has been publicly announced). FPDS Contract Number – If the competition results in an award to contract, enter the Federal Procurement Data System – Next Generation (FPDS – NG) contract number here. Contact Name – Name of primary contact for the competition. Phone – Phone number of the primary contact for the competition. E-Mail – E-mail address of the primary contact for the competition. Activity Codes Primary Activity Code – Inventory activity/function code of the activity with the most FTEs being competed in the competition. Secondary Activity Code – Inventory activity/function code of the activity with the second most FTEs being competed in the competition. Additional Activity Codes – Inventory activity/function code of any additional activities being competed in the competition. NOTE: To identify additional activity codes, select the additional activity codes for a competition from the Available Codes box. Click the right arrow to move the codes to the Selected Codes box. Click the left arrow to remove codes from the Selected Codes box. You may select multiple codes by holding down the control (Ctrl) key on your keyboard.
General Information Tab (continued) Description of Activity Competed – Briefly describe the activity that is being competed in terms that would be understandable to a lay person (e.g., base operations support, IT maintenance). Type of Competition – Use the pull-down menu to select the type of competition. Competition with Deviation – If there was a deviation granted by OMB, check the box. You may upload a copy of the deviation into the file. Deviations DO NOT include time limit waivers granted by the Competitive Sourcing Officer. Locations Selected States – States in which FTEs within the competition are located. NOTE: To identify selected states, select the states in which a competition has taken place in the Available States box. Click the right arrow to move the states to the Selected States box. Click the left arrow to remove states from the Selected States box. You may select multiple states by holding down the control (Ctrl) key on your keyboard.
W1/S1, W2/S2, S3: Bureau W1/S1, W2/S2, [S3]: Primary, Secondary, and Additional Activity Codes; [Function Competed] W1/S1, W2/S2, [S3]: Description of Activity Competed; [Function Competed] W1/S1, W2/S2, S3: Type of Competition W1/S1, W2/S2, S3: w/ a Deviation? W1/S1, W2/S2: Location (State)
Key Dates Tab There are two fields for most key dates: planned date and actual date (there are no planned dates for the competition cancelled and early termination of contract/LOO key dates). All applicable dates from Competition publicly announced (Start) to Contract/LOO performance completed should be filled in as dates are planned and reached. Please note that the competition status is derived from the bottom-most filled Actual Date field. If an Actual Date field is not filled when its corresponding milestone is reached, the competition status will not change. Feasibility study/Business case analysis begins – Start date of the feasibility study/business case analysis. Preliminary planning begins – Start date of the preliminary planning phase of the competition. Competition publicly announced (Start) – Date of the public announcement of the beginning of a competition. Competition cancelled – Date of the cancellation of a publicly-announced competition. Performance decision (End) – Date of the performance decision of a competition (certification of the competition form). Performance decision publicly announced (End) – Date of the public announcement of the performance decision. Phase-in completed – Date of the completion of the phase-in (transition) period. Early termination of contract/LOO – Date of the early termination of a contract with a private sector service provider or a letter of obligation (LOO) with a public service provider resulting from the performance decision. Contract/LOO performance completed – End date of the last performance period of a contract with a private sector service provider or a LOO with a public service provider resulting from the performance decision.
W1/S1, W2/S2: Start Date W1/S1: End Date W1/S1, S3: Actual Phase-In Date W1/S1: Expected Phase in Date
Baseline/Acquisition/Cost Tab Baseline Source performing the function prior to the competition (incumbent) – Select the incumbent service provider or providers that were performing the function being competed. Number of Federal FTEs performing the function prior to the competition – Provide the number of federal FTEs included in the competition. DO NOT include contract personnel in this figure. Total baseline costs of performing the function over all performance periods – Input the total cost of performing the function with the incumbent service provider over ALL performance periods (baseline cost). Total number of performance periods – Input the total number of performance periods identified. Total length of performance periods in years – Input the total length of all performance periods in years. Acquisition Source selection strategy used – Select the source selection strategy identified in the solicitation. Process for determining cost of private sector performance – Identify the method used to identify the cost of private sector performance. Number of private sector bids received – Identify the number of bids submitted by the private sector. DO NOT include bids submitted by the government. Incremental costs of conducting study Identify the incremental costs of the competition by applicable fiscal year.
W1/S1, W2/S2: # of FTE in Study W1: Baseline Costs W1/S1, [S3]: Period of Est. Savings (Performance Period -- in Years); [Total Performance Period (in Years)] W1/S1, [W2/S2]: Source Selection Strategy Used [if known] W1: # of Bids Received W1/S1, W2/S2: Incremental Costs of Conducting Studies
Performance Decision Tab Table Data to be entered in the table is taken directly from the competition COMPARE file. Performance Period Start/End – Enter the start and end dates of all performance periods. The number of performance periods is derived from the Total number of performance periods field on the Baseline/Acquisition/Cost tab. Cost of Agency Performance – Enter the cost of agency performance for all performance periods. Adjusted Cost of Private Sector – Enter the cost of private sector performance for all performance periods. Adjusted Cost of Public Reimbursable – Enter the cost of public reimbursable performance for all performance periods. Conversion Differential – Enter the conversion differential to any non-incumbent service provider. If the incumbent provider is the agency, the conversion differential is added to the cost of private sector or public reimbursable performance. If the incumbent provider is a private sector or public reimbursable source, the conversion differential is added to the cost of agency performance. Winning Provider – Identify whether the selected provider is the in-house government personnel, a public reimbursable source, or a private sector source. Description of Improvements in Service or Performance – Describe any service or performance improvements. Most Efficient Organization Size (in FTEs) – If applicable, enter the size of the winning in-house government MEO. Nature of Savings from MEO – If applicable, describe the nature of the savings from the MEO (to what changes can savings be generally attributed?).
W1: Costs of Service Providers (from COMPARE) W1/S1: Winning Provider W1/S1, W2/S2, S3: …Description of Improvements in Service or Performance
Contest/Protest Tab Was there a contest protest to the agency filed? – Identify whether or not a contest or protest to the agency was filed. Was there a protest to GAO filed? – Identify whether a protest to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) was filed. Contest and Protest Milestone Dates – Identify any applicable protest filing and decision dates. Was contest or protest to the agency upheld? – Identify whether or not a contest or protest to the agency was upheld by the agency. Result of a contest or protest to the agency – If applicable, users may input further information regarding the result of a contest or protest to the agency (e.g., decision rationale). Was protest to GAO upheld? – Identify whether or not a protest to GAO was upheld by the GAO. Result of protest to GAO – If applicable, users may input further information regarding the result of a protest GAO (e.g., decision rationale).
Employee Impacts Tab Was VERA/VSIP authority requested? – Identify whether or not Voluntary Early Retirement (VERA) or Voluntary Separation Incentive Payment (VSIP) authority was requested by the agency for the competition. Table The numbers in the table should only reflect those employee impacts resulting from the performance decision. Impacts should NOT include voluntary changes made prior to the performance decision. Fields are not mutually exclusive. The table has two columns for the first five rows of data: 1) positions/employees and 2) FTEs. Positions/employees is the number of positions/people impacted. FTEs is the number of full-time equivalents (work-hours) impacted. Number of positions and FTEs eliminated due to performance decision – Total number of positions and FTEs no longer in existence as a result of the performance decision. Number of eliminated positions and FTEs that were vacant when eliminated – Total number of the eliminated positions and FTEs that were not occupied when they were eliminated. Number of employees and FTEs reassigned within the agency – Total number of employees and FTEs who were reassigned to other positions within the agency as a result of the performance decision. Number of employees and FTEs that retired – Number of employees and FTEs that retired (whether early or already eligible) as a result of the performance decision. Number of employees and FTEs that were involuntarily separated – Number of employees and FTEs that were involuntarily separated from service as a result of the performance decision. Number of employees that were offered the right to first refusal – Number of employees that were offered the right to first refusal for positions with a selected private sector service provider. Number of employees that accepted VERA – Number of employees that retired early under VERA as a result of the performance decision. Number of employees that received VSIP – Number of employees that received a VSIP as a result of the performance decision.
Implementation Tab Estimated Savings – Input the total estimated savings as a result of the performance decision. Period of estimated savings (performance period in years) – [READ ONLY] Copied directly from data inputted into the Baseline/Acquisition/Cost tab. Average annualized savings – [READ ONLY] The annual savings expected per year, on average, as a result of the performance decision. Calculated by dividing Estimated Savings by the Period of estimated savings (performance period in years). Table Actual Accrued Savings – Input actual accrued savings achieved as a result of the performance decision by fiscal year. Savings Methodology – Identify whether reported actual accrued savings were derived by calculation or proxy. Period over which actual savings accrued (in years) – Identify the period of time over which reported actual accrued savings have accrued. Was there a modification to contract/LOO? – Identify whether or not a modification to the contract or LOO has been made. Describe modification – If a modification has been made, type a brief description (e.g., need for modification, description of modification, justification for modification).
W1/S1, [S3]: Estimated Savings; [Total Estimated Savings (as reported…)] W1/S1, [S3]: Actual Savings (if available); [Actual Accrued Savings] W1/S1, S3: Savings Methodology: Calculation/Proxy S3: Period Over Which Actual Savings Accrued (in Years)
Additional Agency Info Page Name – Enter general contact name for the report filing. Phone Number – Enter general contact phone number for the report filing. Email Address – Enter general contact e-mail address for the report filing. FY Fixed Costs – Enter the department-wide fixed costs for the fiscal year. Number of full-time equivalents (FTEs) to be announced in the next fiscal year – Input the number of FTEs that are planned to be announced in the next fiscal year.
W1/S1: Fixed Costs Narrative: Total number of FTEs planned to be studied in the next fiscal year