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website/email. http://mscwan.wordpress.com mscwan2@gmail.com. TEST: Tues. February 7 th. identifying organelles and their functions DNA structure (nucleotide base pairing) protein synthesis (only at depth of textbook)
website/email http://mscwan.wordpress.com mscwan2@gmail.com
TEST: Tues. February 7th • identifying organelles and their functions • DNA structure (nucleotide base pairing) • protein synthesis (only at depth of textbook) • types of mutations (addition, deletion, substitution; positive, negative, neutral) • causes of mutations (mutagens) • how gene therapy works
TEST: Tues. February 7th • Questions?
recap • mutagens cause mutations in DNA • mutations = change in genetic sequence proteins not made properly
recap • positive = beneficial to survival • negative = detrimental to survival • neutral = no effect on survival
recap • addition = insertion of an extra base • TACTGC TACCTGC • deletion = removal of a base • TACTGC TACTC • substitution = switching of a base • TACTGC TAATGC
recap • gene therapy is a highly experimental procedure to correct mutations • insertion of healthy gene into cold virus, which carries the gene to target cells • cell must activate healthy gene to synthesize correct amounts of the healthy protein
mitosis & cancer 30 January 2012
question • How does each cell in the body get a complete set of DNA when a cell divides?
which stage? • longest stage of the cell cycle interphase
which stage? • spindle fibres pull chromosomes into a line metaphase
which stage? • nuclear membrane breaks down prophase
which stage? • spindle fibres contract and shorten anaphase
which stage? • condensation of chromatin into visible chromosomes prophase
which stage? • individual chromosomes not visible interphase
which stage? • nucleolus disappears prophase
which stage? • growth and DNA replication occurs interphase
which stage? • spindle forms prophase
which stage? • nuclear membranes start to re-form telophase
which stage? • spindle attaches to centromere prophase
which stage? • chromosomes aligned at cell equator metaphase
which stage? • spindle fibres start to disappear telophase
which stage? • sister chromatids pulled to opposite poles of the cell anaphase
which stage? • cell membrane pinches to divide cytoplasm and organelles cytokinesis
which stage? • one set of chromosomes at each pole of the cell telophase
which stage? • centromere pulled apart anaphase
which stage? • DNA loosely coiled so it can be transcribed into RNA interphase
which stage? • nucleolus reappears telophase
which stage? • shortest stage of mitosis anaphase *
“In Cell Division” song • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlV9hExXZnM
question & discussion • Nina spent all summer tanning on the beach without any sunscreen. After feeling poorly for several months, she went to see a doctor, who told her that she had metastatic melanoma, and that there were tumours growing on her internal organs. How did she get cancer? How did it spread from her skin to her organs?
cancer • loss of cell cycle control (mutation in gene that codes for a checkpoint protein) • may lead to uncontrollable cell division
cancer • cancerous cells release chemicals that cause blood vessels to branch into tumour • nutrients delivered, tumour grows • cancerous cells may break away and be carried to other locations where they form a new tumour
cancer (extra) 30 January 2012
general facts • leading cause of death worldwide • lung, stomach, liver, colon and breast cancer cause the most cancer deaths each yr. • most frequent types of cancer differ between men and women. • About 30% of cancer deaths due to the five leading behavioural and dietary risks: high body mass index, low fruit and vegetable intake, lack of physical activity, tobacco use, alcohol use.
general facts • In the US, direct medical costs (total of all health expenditures): $102.8 billion
UV damage • “…key reaction on the DNA molecule that is linked to sunburn happens with astounding speed - in less than one picosecond.” • one picosecond = one trillionth of a second (10-12 seconds) http://www.scienceagogo.com/news/20070101164743data_trunc_sys.shtml
UV damage • “Badly damaged cells simply die - the effect that gives sunburn its sting.” • “… chronic damage creates mutations that lead to diseases such as skin cancer.” http://www.scienceagogo.com/news/20070101164743data_trunc_sys.shtml
UV damage • “UV-B light causes crosslinking between adjacent cytosine and thymine bases creating pyrimidine dimers. This is called direct DNA damage. • UV-A light creates mostly free radicals. The damage caused by free radicals is called indirect DNA damage.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_repair#Types_of_damage
free radicals • atom or group of atoms with an odd (unpaired) number of electrons • highly reactive
free radicals • as molecules react with oxygen in cellular respiration, they become free radicals, which are highly unstable and highly reactive • free radical goes around cell, ‘stealing’ electrons from stable molecules, rendering them unstable
free radicals • antioxidants
eating grilled red meat cancer? • The Nature of Things • “Myth or Science?” • original air date: November 24, 2011 • http://www.cbc.ca/video/#/Shows/The_Nature_of_Things/1242300217/ID=2170768762