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WARM UP : List the first 4 Presidents and one issue they dealt with when they were President.

WARM UP : List the first 4 Presidents and one issue they dealt with when they were President. President James Monroe 1817 – 1825 5 th President. Established one of the basic principles of American foreign policy with the Monroe Doctrine. Copy NOTES when you see the globe:.

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WARM UP : List the first 4 Presidents and one issue they dealt with when they were President.

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  1. WARM UP: List the first 4 Presidents and one issue they dealt with when they were President.

  2. President James Monroe1817 – 1825 5th President Established one of the basic principles of American foreign policy with the Monroe Doctrine

  3. Copy NOTES when you see the globe:

  4. Foreign Policy means…. relations with governments of other countries

  5. Isolationism means… policy of nonparticipation in international, economic, and/or political relations.

  6. Interventionism means… the theory or practice of intervening; governmental interference in political affairs of another country

  7. Acquisition means… the act of acquiring or gaining possession

  8. Hemispheres -

  9. MONROE’S FOREIGN POLICIES MONROE DOCTRINE - Proclaimed that European powers should no longer colonize or interfere with the affairs of the nations of the Americas ACQUISITION OF FLORIDA – Florida ceded by Spain to the United States in exchange for the U.S. to pay off Spanish debt

  10. Seventh Annual Message (Monroe Doctrine)(December 2, 1823)James Monroe With a partner, discuss the meaning of the following excerpt from President Monroe’s State of the Union Address. "we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety." What hemisphere do we live in???

  11. MONROE DOCTRINE IMPACT • U.S. saw itself as a world power & protector of Latin America • Prevented other nations from colonizing in the Americas even today!

  12. Quiz Question #1 All of the following were problems faced by the leaders of the early years of the republic EXCEPT – • Defining authority of the national government • Conducting a war against Spain • Maintaining national security • Creating a stable economic system

  13. Quiz Question #2 James Monroe became the 5th U.S. President. What did he acquire to increase the size of the United States? • Mississippi • Alabama • Florida • Louisiana

  14. Quiz Question #3 What action contributed to the beginning of the War of 1812? • Attacks on American ships by Barbary Coast pirates • Violations of American fishing rights on the Great Lakes • Impressment of American sailors into the British navy • Seizure of American ships by the Spanish navy

  15. Quiz Question #4 Which of the following stated that the United States would not tolerate European intervention in Latin America? • Alien and Sedition Acts • XYZ Affair • Treaty of Ghent • Monroe Doctrine

  16. Quiz Question #5 How did Federalists interpret the text of the Constitution? • The Constitution should be interpreted loosely according to historical and social changes. • The Constitution should be interpreted using precedents from international court cases. • The Constitution should be interpreted strictly by following the text closely.

  17. Quiz Question #6 How did President James Monroe contribute to American foreign policy? • The U.S. would use international organizations to seek peaceful solutions to conflict. • The U.S. would resist any nation attempting to interfere in the affairs of nations in the Western Hemisphere. • The U.S. would use the military to topple dictators that threaten peaceful democracies. • The U.S. would persuade Asian powers to increase commerce with American traders.

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