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Exploring History Through Discussions

Engage in group discussions on defining historical events and analyzing ancient civilizations like Greek and Roman, learning about democracy, wars, philosophers, and biases in history.

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Exploring History Through Discussions

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  1. Do Now: 8/17/2015Consider the following with your group (Today you do not have to write your answers down. We will set-up our notebooks after we discuss): 1. What type of events make “history”? Think about what you have studied in history before this class and come up with eight to ten examples. 2. What are three events in the US/World since you have been alive, that future generations might study in history books?

  2. Do Now: 8/18/2015Answer the following in complete sentences: 1.Thinking about movies, books, and what you have learned about history, what do you know about Greek and Roman culture? 2. Describe anything you know about their architecture, mythology, or military. How might someone from Sparta be different than an Athenian?

  3. Unit I: Origins of Democracy:2000 B.C.E.-C.E. 1689 Notebook Entry #3: Ancient Greece The Rise of Greek City-States A. 750-500 B.C.E., Greeks experimented with different forms of gov’t B. Monarchy—king or queen ruled C. noble landowners—served as military defenders

  4. D. middle class—merchants, farmers, and artisans began to take power E. This created 2 main city-states: Sparta and Athens F. Sparta: very disciplined military society; had a king and council of elders; only males over 30 could participate in gov’t G. Athens: importance to individual and citizens’ rights; idea of democracy (people-rule) originated; set up legislature; women and slaves could not participate in politics

  5. II. The Persian Wars • by 500 B.C.E., Athens was the wealthiest Greek city-state • threats from Persians lasted 20 years, but they were able to withstand and defeat Persian forces due to support from Sparta • Athens in the Age of Pericles • Athens became the most powerful city after the Persian Wars • from 460-429 B.C.E., Athens’ economy thrived and government became more democratic under Pericles

  6. “direct democracy”—most of the citizens (free-men) participated in making decisions • Citizens had to serve on the jury to make final judgment in a trial; were paid to serve • Peloponnesian War—lasted 27 years; Sparta defeated Athens; ended democracy for a time

  7. Do Now: 8/19/2015-8/20/2015Answer the following in complete sentences: What makes someone “great”? Think of a person you know, have heard of, or read about and describe their qualities? Are they a friend, parent, role-model, etc? Who do you think is the “greatest” person in all of history? Why? What did they do?

  8. Map of Persian War

  9. Notebook #4: Philosophers and Alexander the Great

  10. I. Greek Philosophers • thinkers and “lovers of wisdom” • used observation and reason to figure out why things happened • their focus on ethics and morality influenced modern science and Western political thought • Socrates stonemason and philosopher, used the art of questioning to find truth and self-knowledge

  11. E. Platostudent of Socrates; believed that reason led to knowledge • wrote Republicdivided society into three classes: -workersproduce the necessities of life -soldiersdefend the state -philosopher kingsrule the state

  12. Example of Greek Writing:Plato’s Republic

  13. F. Aristotlestudent of Plato; analyzed all forms of gov’t (monarchy to democracy) & found problems with them all • favored constitutional democracy:”rule of the many” called polity (middle class) • wrote Politics: rulers must also follow laws

  14. A Greek Assembly

  15. II. Alexander and the Hellenistic Age • Alexander was tutored by Aristotle • conquered 2,000 miles of territory and became Alexander the Great • spread Greek ideas • Stoicism: most influential philosophy after Alexander’s death; founded by Zeno • preached high moral standards: all people equal (even women & slaves) • urged people to avoid desires and disappointment by calmly accepting life

  16. Alexander of Macedonia

  17. Do Now: 8/21/2015 Bias: prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair. Write down the definition above and come up with your own list of biases you or other Americans may have about history, sports teams, music, etc. Look at your textbook, what biases do you see? What regions or countries are featured most often?

  18. Do Now: 8/24/15 Use the Roman Empire map on page 24 to answer the following in complete sentences (Use the atlas, starting on page 706 if you need help): The following areas are now these modern countries: Gaul=_________,Asia Minor=____________, and Numidia=__________. What sea forms the center of the Roman Empire? How is the Roman Empire different geographically than the Greek empire? (use the map on page 16 to help you).

  19. (Notes #5) Section 2: The Roman Republic and Empire • Establishing a Republic A. Rome was a city-state in the center of Italy, ruled by Etruscan kings and nobles c. 800 B.C.E. B. In 509 B.C.E., the Romans threw out the Etruscans and set up a republic where they chose their own officials C. Set up a senate of 300 members, all patricians (landholding upper class)—made laws D. Senators elected 2 consuls, who served one term only, commanded army and business of gov’t

  20. During war, senate chose a dictator (ruler) to control gov’t for 6 months • Cincinnatus—model dictator, organized army over attacking enemy and returned back to farm • plebeians (common people) made up most of Rome, but had no influence on gov’t • in 450 B.C.E., the gov’t wrote down laws in 12 tablets (Laws of the Twelve Tables), due to plebeian protests • were allowed tribunes (elect officials) to protect own interests; could veto (block) unfair lawsconsuls and senate

  21. plebeians gained access to power w/o going to warthis was adapted by the U.S. (senate, veto, checks on power) • From Republic to Empire • by 270 B.C.E., Rome controlled almost all of Italy (Etruscans, Greeks) • Punic Wars—Rome and Carthage (North Africa) fought three wars with each other • Rome won the first battle • Carthage won the second battle by invading Italy; led by Hannibal • Romans completely destroyed Carthage and controlled the Mediterranean Sea

  22. 133 B.C.E., Rome extended from Spain to Egypt • conquests of new lands brought riches and led to problems w/in Roman society • generals , traders, and officials became wealthy, but hurt small farmers and citizens who fought for free in the army • Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus tried to create reforms to help the poor • senators did not like this and had Gracchus’ brothers killed

  23. civil war broke out in Rome and Julius Caesar emerged and took charge • Caesar had just finished the conquest of Gaul (France) and returned to Rome and took over the capital and forced the senate to make him dictator • he became the absolute ruler of Rome, but put in place many changes to help the poor • Caesar was killed by his enemies in the senate, because they feared he was going to make himself king

  24. Octavian, Caesar’s grand nephew, came to power; he was given the title Augustus (Exalted One) • Augustus Caesar ended Rome as a republic and began the age of the Roman empire • Created a well-trained civil service to enforce laws; opened high level jobs to all; and allowed independent gov’t as long as their allegiance was to Rome • PaxRomana—a period of 200 years that Augustus’ gov’t set up, a.k.a. “Roman Peace” • Rome’s territory was stretched from the Mesopotamia to Britain (size of U.S.)

  25. During the PaxRomana: • military protected the empire • trade flowed freely from Africa & Asia • People spread ideas and knowledge • emperor Hadrian codified Roman law • emperor Marcus Aurelius wrote Meditations and became a philosopher-king (Plato’s ideal) • Roman Law • the legacy of Rome was the establishment of justice through law, which created stability and unityborrowed by Europe and Latin America

  26. Two Systems: • civil law—rules that applied to citizens • law of nations—rules that applied to people outside of Rome • an accused was presumed innocent until proven guilty; and judges interpreted laws and had to be fair • by 400s C.E., the Roman empire collapsed and the Byzantine empire took over • emperor Justinian created the Justinian’s Code—the Body of Civil Law based on Roman law

  27. By 1100s, Justinian’s Code reached Western Europe and were used by many monarchs • Justinian’s Code is also used in international law today • Greco-Roman Civilization • Greco-Roman civilization—a blend of Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman traditions • philosophy of Stoicism stressed duty • Greco-Roman ideas preserved by the Byzantine empire and Muslim scholars

  28. Do Now: 8/28/15 We will be using the terms Upper, Middle, and Lower class extensively this year. Give your own definition to define each one (what salary range or living standard), as well as three historic or current careers or professions that you believe fall into each category. Upper: Middle: Lower:

  29. Section 3: Principles of Judaism (Notes #7) • How did Judaism spread? • Jews known as Hebrews or Israelites most of their history comes from the Torah (sacred text) • Abraham (father of the Jews) migrated from Mesopotamia to eastern Mediterranean and founded Israel • Famine forced them to migrate to Egypt where they became slaves • Moses led them to their exodus or escape

  30. E. David, a strong and clever king, unified all tribes and created a one nation Solomon, David’s son, created Jerusalem and was known as wise and understanding After Solomon died, Israel broke apart and were conquered by the Assyrians, Babylonians, and the Persians How did Judaism differ? monotheistic—believed in one God religious beliefs were part of their social, economic, and political life

  31. They saw themselves as god’s “chosen people” because they were spreading God’s teachings Torah also includes laws Jews must obey What were their Teachings on Law and Morality? Ten Commandments—brought by Moses, are a set of basic moral laws Seven Universal Laws—applied to all people; was an idea of universally accepted moral and ethical principles led to human rights today

  32. prophets called on the rich to protect the poor Judaism (religion of the Jews) led to the rule of law and political equality

  33. Do Now 8/31/15: We are studying the creation of laws throughout history. You have ten minutes to consider and write-down what you consider to be the five most important laws today. Don’t forget to put today’s date in the left-hand column of your paper.

  34. Section 4: The Rise of Christianity(#8) Who was Jesus of Nazareth? Jesus was a descendant of King David and was believed to be the messiah (a savior sent by God to lead the Jews to freedom) Jesus followed Jewish laws, went around preaching the word of God by using short stories with a moral lesson to communicate his ideas Jesus’ preaching upset some Jewish leaders, because he interpreted the laws differently

  35. He taught the need for justice, morality and service to others (poor) Jewish priests considered Jesus an insurrectionist and had him arrested and handed over to the Romans to be executed by crucifixion How did Christianity Spread? After Jesus’ death, his disciples spread his teachings throughout the Roman empire

  36. B. Romans were usually tolerant towards other religions, except Judaism and Christianity, because they refused to make sacrifices to the emperor C. Romans began persecuting them, especially when there was trouble in the empire D. Edict of Milan—issued by Constantine, granting freedom of worship (A.D. 313)

  37. Do Now 9/1/15: Write the definition and answer the following: Theocracy: a form of government in which a country is ruled by religious leaders What are some advantages and disadvantages in living in a theocracy? What groups might seek a theocratic government? Could this ever work in the United States? Why or why not?

  38. III. How did the Church Grow? during the middle ages (A.D. 500-1500), the Christian church emerged as the most powerful force in Europe clergy—performed religious ceremonies Priests were controlled by bishops who were controlled by the Pope (a.k.a. patriarch of Rome)

  39. Church splits after fall of Rome—eastern (Orthodox Churchanti-pope) and western (Roman Catholic Churchpope) • Roman Catholic Church grew stronger and began to run gov’t • Ideas of Aristotle and other Greek thinkers were translated into Latin and spread into Western Europe and challenged Christian beliefs (faith vs. reason)

  40. Thomas Aquinas—Christian scholar (1300s), brought together Christian faith and Greek philosophystated both faith and reason existed in harmony (God ruled over an orderly universe)

  41. Do Now 9/8 (US History Only) Your task is to write a Five sentence paragraph describing how democracy has evolved in the United States since the country became independent. Make sure to begin with a thesis sentence. Consider: -voting rights -power of the government -individual liberties -current limitations of freedom -our nation’s struggles

  42. Do Now 9/2/15-9/3/15 Nearly finished with the first chapter of our book, I want you to consider, then answer the following: • Why has Europe dominated much of world history over the last five-hundred years? • What advantages does/did Europe have over other areas like the Americas and Africa?

  43. Section 5: Democratic Developments in England • in medieval England, the Christian church, the nobility, and monarchy had all the power and wealth I. How did Royal Power grow? A. feudalism—a loosely organized system of rule where powerful landowners (nobles) divide their land with smaller land owners (vassals) for protection due to invasions by Vikings B. The church and nobles protected their rights and privileges from the king

  44. William the Conqueror and the Norman knights took over England at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 C.E. • in 1154, Henry II came to power and set up English common law (a legal system based on custom and court rulings) II. Evolving Traditions of Government • Henry II got into battles with nobles and church leaders • John, Henry’s son, was forced to sign the Magna Carta, or Great Charter in 1215 • Magna Carta gave nobles and the church rights (arrest and imprisonment outlawed w/o trial)due process of law

  45. Henry’s son, King John, forced to sign the Magna Carta in 1215.

  46. 1. Could not raise taxes w/o consultation no taxation w/o representation 2. king had to obey laws • In 1200s, the Great Council evolved into Parliament • Parliament developed into two-houses: • House of Lordsnobles and clergy • House of Commonsknights and middle-class F. Hundred Years’ Warwith France from 1337-1453; gave Parliament more power and put king in check

  47. Henry VIII I am I am.

  48. III. Triumph of Parliament • From 1483-1603, the Tudor dynasty ruled England (Henry VIII, Elizabeth I) • Henry VIII broke from Rome and formed Church of England (Protestant Reformation) • the Stuarts took over and clashed with Parliament”century of revolution” • absolute monarch—a ruler with complete authority over gov’t and lives of people • English civil war, 1642-1649, fought by Charles I and nobles against Oliver Cromwell and Parliament • Cromwell and Parliament win and execute the kingimpacted all of Europe

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