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Chapter 5-7. Heroes Don’t Run. Ranks. Recruit. A newly enlisted or drafted member of the military or an organization. Civvies. Civilian Clothes (not military uniform) Civilian: a person who is not a member of the military, police, or fire fighting organization. Satchel. Cadence.
Chapter 5-7 Heroes Don’t Run
Recruit • A newly enlisted or drafted member of the military or an organization
Civvies • Civilian Clothes (not military uniform) • Civilian: a person who is not a member of the military, police, or fire fighting organization
Cadence • A rhythm, regular beat
To navigate • To move through, to walk or find your way
To cool off • To become more calm or reasonable • When your mom is really angry, you need to give her time to cool off before you talk to her again.
To moisten • To make a little wet • Leo did not want to cry but his eyes moistened when he saw the Lion King.
To pester • To annoy without stopping, to bother • My little brother pestered me until I gave him some money to go away.
Devoted • Loyal and loving • A devoted friend never leaves you when you’re in trouble. • Rex is so devoted to basketball, he plays it during nutrition, lunch, and after school.
To go at each other • To argue, debate, or fight • Tommy and Howard went at each other when Tommy found out that his girlfriend was cheating on him with Howard.
Rein • A controlling power • Expression: take the rein
To straggle • To break away from the line • The baby deer straggled away from the group and was eaten by a lion.
Get the lead out • To hurry, to move faster • We are late for the movie! Get the lead out, guys!
Sprawling, To sprawl • To be spread out, using a large area • The internment camp sprawled in all directions in the desert. • The baby sprawled across the bed.
Platoon • A military unit (two or more sections)
Garrison hat • A type of military hat that is foldable to the side
Baton • A rod or club that is used as a mark of authority and power
Fortunate • Having good luck • The student was fortunate to receive a $10,000 scholarship for college. • I like reading the fortunes in the cookies at Chinese restaurants.
Lump • A big piece with no shape
Green • Not fully developed or grown, immature
Head • At the front, or beginning • The most important person always sits at the head of the table.
Quartermasters • In the military, a quartermaster is a person in charge of giving clothes and other supplies for the soldiers
Bluejacket • A sailor in the navy
To enrage • To make extremely angry • Tommy enraged the teacher when he said a bad word in class. • The enraged teacher gave Tommy a referral.
Counsel • Advice or opinion • David’s brother counseled David when he broke up with his girlfriend. • The counselor tries to help students make better choices for college.
Barbers • A person whose job is to cut (men’s) hair