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The Truth of Storytelling: The Things They Carried Essay

The Truth of Storytelling: The Things They Carried Essay. By Benett Berkowitz UCLA Writer’s Workshop July 9, 2013. Career Overview. Grew up in New York Attended SUNY College at Buffalo Subbed and taught in Buffalo Public schools Worked for UCP of Western NY

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The Truth of Storytelling: The Things They Carried Essay

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  1. The Truth of Storytelling: The Things They Carried Essay By Benett Berkowitz UCLA Writer’s Workshop July 9, 2013

  2. Career Overview • Grew up in New York • Attended SUNY College at Buffalo • Subbed and taught in Buffalo Public schools • Worked for UCP of Western NY • Moved to Santa Fe & Albuquerque, NM • Worked in a series of private schools throughout L.A. • Worked at Maclay Middle School and N.H. Adult E.S.L. • Presently working at Cleveland H.S., going into year 9 • Teaches 10th and 12th grade English and Drama • Sings in amateur operas

  3. Total Enrollement for 2012-2013: 3664 students Student Attendance Rate for 2012-2013 : 93.83% Student Racial & Ethnic History: Hispanic: 61.1%, White: 16.3%, Asian: 12.4%, Black: 5.1%, Filipino: 4.0% English Learners (EL): 622 students, predominantly Spanish speakers Eligible for Either Reduced or Free Lunch: 2,407 students (62.3%) Graduation Rate: 70% API Score (2012): 783

  4. In a classroom far, far away... "There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories." Ursula K. Le Guinn

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