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The Investors in Pupils charter mark empowers students through responsibility and participation in their education, fostering motivation and raising standards. Learn how to implement and achieve this mark.
What is Investors in Pupils? • It is a charter mark designed to develop pupils' responsibility and participation in their own education. It can empower all pupils, increase motivation and contribute to raising standards throughout Key Stages. It is based around 5 key themes: • Behaviour • Learning, including target setting • Attendance and punctuality • Classroom organisation and management • Induction of staff and pupils
What is Investors in Pupils Why Invest in Pupils? It provides children with opportunities to take responsibility for their own education and behaviour whilst appreciating the resources in school which aid them. Work can be done as part of the PSHCE lesson and Circle Time. It allows children to discuss, debate, and formulate mission statements, class targets, individual targets, and class handbooks.
What do we need in order to meet the requirments? • Class Mission Statement • Individual targets • Class targets • Class handbooks • Knowledge about the role of all the stakeholders in school • Ensuring children have a ‘voice’
Class Mission Statements • A Class Mission Statement example: ‘We are happy to learn and to be taught,well behaved & polite throughout the day.We attend school everyday & are punctual. We like to work in a clean & tidy classroom.We welcome visitors in a friendly way.’
Targets • Class targets and individual targets are smart targets intended to last for a few weeks. • A Class Target example: ‘We will set a really good example of behaviour in the playground and line up quickly and quietly. We will support the teacher on duty.’ • An Individual Target example:‘To make an effort to join up most of my letters, to use a handwriting pen and to think about my presentation in all my books.’
Reviewing Targets Class targets and individual targets are to be regularly reviewed. All individual targets need to be graphically displayed in the classroom and children move themselves along the target path. Parents should be encouraged to view their child's progress. Class assemblies could be arranged to celebrate successes and acknowledge targets still to be met.
Class Handbook Each class should have their own class handbook aimed at helping new children settle into the school routine – children can be responsible for this and it should include: School day times – break, lunch, assembliesClassroom rules, school rulesWhat to do at wet playtimes?Names of school / classroom monitorsAny special groupings, numeracy, literacyWhere to find resourcesClass timetable – homeworkPE clothingAdults who work in the classAdults who work in the schoolExamples of work, photos, topicsTraffic light system, achievement certificatesSchool clubs
Roles of all stakeholders • Selected children and staff will be interviewed and asked about the roles of members of the school e.g. School council, young leaders, lunchtime supervisors and governors. • We could invite people in to talk about their roles, display profiles and add it to our class handbooks.
Assessment Evidence may include some or all of the following: • Commitment statement • Class Development Plans • Interviews with children • Targets – group and individual within a class • Timescales to demonstrate that progress has been made • Portfolios and Records of Achievement • Internally/externally generated certificates • School Council minutes • Fund-raising by the children • Register/Attendance details • Job Descriptions • Tape recordings • Pictures/photographs • Self assessment • School Self Review • Parental contact information.
Ofsted “There is a tremendous understanding of good relationships, which has helped the school to gain the Investors in Pupils award. Behaviour and attitudes to learning are excellent. Pupils are polite, friendly and they enjoy coming to school to learn.” “The school provides all its pupils with outstanding care, support and guidance and during the inspection it was presented with the prestigious Investors in Pupils award.” ‘The school provides an outstanding level of care, guidance and support for its pupils. This is firmly reflected in its positive, caring ethos. Pupils talk proudly of achieving the 'Investors in Pupils' award and their personal targets are sensitive to the needs of the whole-school community. Pupils say, 'Our targets are to help someone and share things together.' “Every child really matters in this school. As the commitment to being an “Investor in Pupils” clearly shows. This ensures excellent levels of care and outstanding personal guidance”
What happens if we pass? We will receive a certificate of achievement and a plaque (if we send £45 + VAT)