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C-IMCI Planning Meeting for UNF-Funded countries. Morogoro, Tanzania June 2002. 55 participants from nine countries (Tanzania, Malawi, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Nigeria, Kenya Uganda) participated WHO/AFRO, UNICEF, UNF/UNFIP, AMREF. OBJECTIVES.
C-IMCI Planning Meeting for UNF-Funded countries Morogoro, Tanzania June 2002
55 participants from nine countries (Tanzania, Malawi, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Nigeria, Kenya Uganda) participated • WHO/AFRO, UNICEF, UNF/UNFIP, AMREF
OBJECTIVES • To share challenges and achievements on c-IMCI implementation • Develop a human right-based approach to c-IMCI • To finalize and present countriés’ work plan • Prepare monitoring and evaluation plan with focus on showing results
Method of Work: - Presentaions (Progress of c-IMCI in the Region, IECD, Linkages between RBM and c-IMCI, M&E) • Country presentation on achievements and challenges • C-IMCI being implemented in various districts in the countries • Challenges included limited access to health facilities, commitment of CHWs, difficult tool to replicate, training is generally expensive. • Lessons learnt: the importance of partnership, bottom-up vs top-down approach, etc. • Community field visits by participants (to identify effective tools/techniques, to learn from Tanzania’s experience) • Well organized communities with good record keeping • Witnessed implementation of 16 practices, with good results • High level of community involvement
Group work • Various topics such as partnership, behavior change, scaling up, etc) were discussed and presented in plenary • Country work plans were presented and discussed • WHO/UNICEF also presented their joint work plan to support countries • In conclusion - documentation - showing impacts