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Chapter 29

Chapter 29. Challenges with a new Era. Terrorism. Def. is the use of violence, often against civilian targets, to force political or social change e.g. bombings, hijackings, kidnappings Fear is essential KKK Al Qaeda Originally against U.S. abroad. Terrorism attacks.

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Chapter 29

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  1. Chapter 29 Challenges with a new Era

  2. Terrorism • Def. is the use of violence, often against civilian targets, to force political or social change • e.g. bombings, hijackings, kidnappings • Fear is essential • KKK • Al Qaeda • Originally against U.S. abroad

  3. Terrorism attacks • 1988- Airplane explodes over Scotland • 270 people die/ 189 Americans • 1993 WTC Bombing • 6 people killed, 1000+ injured • 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing • 168 killed

  4. Day of Horror • Sept. 11, 2001 • 4 jets hijacked • 2 flown into WTC buildings • 1 flown into Pentagon • Flight 93 ended up in field outside Washington D.C.

  5. U.S. Reactions • Give Blood, Rescue Teams, Donations • Office of Homeland Security • counterterrorism • Patriot Act • Special powers • Library Access • Arrest and held indefinitely

  6. Discussion • Liberty: rights, privacy, choice • Safety: protection, hunches, hold indefinitely • Which?

  7. War on Terror • Osama bin Laden (al Qaeda) • Afghanistan • Bin Laden protected by Taliban • Attack in Oct. 2001 • Took out gov’t, Bin Laden escapes • New gov’t established -> Pres. & Parlaiment

  8. War in Iraq • Reasons • Saddam Hussein w/ ties to Bin Laden • Saddam has WMDs • Action • March 2003: coalition of 30 nations • Smashed forces in 6 weeks

  9. Results • Saddam captured in 2003, killed in 2006 • Majority of Americans support Bush’s attacks on Iraq • Divides Americans • Bush receives a second term • 2006- Democrats win Congress • Iraq: Sunni vs. Shiite

  10. Section 2Economy and the Environment

  11. World Trade • Globalization • The process of creating an international network • Trade Deficits • Occurs when a countries buys more from other nations than it sells to them • Result of cheap labor abroad • 2005: $725 billion • Outsourcing: sending work to other countries

  12. World Trade cont. • Tariffs/Free Trade • Free trade: removal of trade barriers • Tariffs to raise prices on foreign goods • Trade Wars

  13. Environment • Environmental movement • Began with Rachel Carson and Silent Spring (1962) • Use of DDT banned as a result • 1969- oil spill along California coast • Smog blanketed cities • Sewage found on beaches • 1970: first Earth Day • Environmentalist: a reformer who seeks to protect the environment

  14. Environmental Action • Nixon forms the EPA • Push for recycling • Critics claim costly legislation • 2001 Bush allows drilling in Alaska

  15. Katrina • August 29, 2005 • Destroyed New Orleans • Area the size of Great Britain affected • Superdome use for evacuees • 20 countries pledge aid • Total damage: $100 Billion • ¼ oil output/ 10% refined oil

  16. The Energy Supply • Oil Embargo • 1973 OPEC votes to cut off oil to Israel supporting nations • Severe oil shortage • People wait hours for few gallons

  17. Alternative Energy Sources • Encourage the use of renewable resources • Renewable resources: energy resources that are easily restored by nature • e.g. wind, water, solar • Water: limited availability • Solar energy equipment takes up too much space • Wind amount available is variable • Nuclear: expensive, nuclear waste result • 1979 Three-Mile Island, Penn.-> accident leads to concerns

  18. Global Warming • Def. a worldwide rise in temperatures • “greenhouse gasses” • Danger vs. cycles • Kyoto Protocol (1997) • Pledge to reduce carbon dioxide emissions • Pres. Bush rejects

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