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This presentation provides an update on the Bellevue School District's one-year plan, focusing on key strategies for equity and inclusion in every school, implementing MTSS cycles of improvement and inclusive practices, and aligning district resources. The presentation also highlights the SWIFT partnership and the progress made in high school, middle school, and elementary levels.
Bellevue School DistrictOne Year Plan Update For additional information regarding this presentation contact: Eva Collins, Deputy Superintendent Email: collinse@bsd405.org Phone: (425)456-4025 Board Presentation – March 15, 2018 Presented by: Dr. Ivan Duran, Superintendent • The Bellevue School District Mission: • To provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career and life.
Agenda • Key Strategies • Projects and Status • Reports by Level • SWIFT Partnership • Next Steps • Questions
Equity & Inclusion Team A school leadershipteam that works collaborativelywith other school teams, families and stakeholders to effectively implementschool and district prioritiesaround inclusive academic andbehavior instruction
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) A multi-tiered system of support is a continuum of research-based, system-wide practices of data-based decision making used to meet the academic and behavior needs of all students. swiftschools.org
Strategy 1: Effective Equity & Inclusion Teams in Every School • Build a strong, racially conscious Equity & Inclusion Team • Learn and apply racial equity and inclusion tools • Identify and include missing perspectives • Utilize data to improve • Inclusive Academic Instruction • Inclusive Behavior Instruction
Strategy 2: Implement MTSS Cycles of Improvement and Inclusive Practices Implement MTSS cycles of improvement on 6-8 week schedule Receive differentiated coaching support and training Collect student and teacher feedback to refine instructional practice, support, and MTSS structures
Strategy 3: Align District Resources to Support Inclusive Academic and Behavior Instruction Allocate resources to address priorities Respond to barriers identified by school teams Monitorprogress
Schoolwide Integrated Framework for Transformation (SWIFT) SWIFT is a national K-8 technical assistance center that helps whole education systems build capacity to provide academic and behavioral instruction and support for all students, including students with disabilities and those with the most extensive needs. swiftschools.org
Technical Support These four schools receive technical assistance from the SWIFT center to learn about and practice tools to build capacity to provide effective academic and behavioral instruction and support for all students. • Lake Hills Elementary • Stevenson Elementary • Odle Middle School • Sammamish High School
Key Strategies – High SchoolAlgebra/Geometry Block • Utilize co-planning and co-teaching with special education and ELL certificated staff in the Algebra/Geometry block • Train teachers on effective math instructional practices • Train para educators on providing push-in support • Incorporate Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) into class instruction • Push-in support services (graduation coaches, family services specialists) • Conduct learning walks in all Algebra/Geometry block classes and develop 2/2/2 plans • Provide additional central office assistance at Sammamish High School • Provide racial equity training (BD1) to all Algebra/Geometry block teachers
Algebra/Geometry First Semester Note: Interlake and Newport did not have the Algebra/Geometry block last year “I’m understanding that Algebra is important for work” “I want to take Calculus as a senior” “I’d like more small group work”
Algebra/Geometry Student Progress The Algebra/Geometry block provides the opportunity for students to earn two math credits in one year. Total students on track to earn 2 credits in Algebra/Geometry this year = 256 (85%)
Lessons Learned from Algebra/Geometry Block Implementation • Common planning is crucial • Need lens of English Language Learners and special education in planning and collaboration • Need experienced effective teachers assigned to Alg/Geo • Engage in resource mapping of support staff for daily push in and support such • Services need to come to students versus having students go to services (attendance specialists, Family Services Specialists, etc.) • Carefully planned and facilitated small group instruction most successful (large group instruction less effective) • Relationships matter!
Key Strategies – Middle School • Focus on Integrated Math Topics 1 (IMT1) • Provide central office technical assistance at Tillicum Middle School to create a model for MTSS math • Implementing adaptive software to inform instruction • Small group instruction for purpose of differentiation • Utilize co-planning and co-teaching with math developer • Provide SWIFT technical support at Odle • Provide racial equity training (BD1) to all IMT1 teachers • Consider lessons learned from high school math focus
Key Strategies - Elementary • Train all instructional leaders on the balanced literacy model • Conduct balanced literacy learning walks with district leaders and school staff • Train all elementary reading interventionistson tier 2 reading practices • Provide targeted professional development to dual language teachers • Provide SWIFT technical support at Lake Hills and Stevenson • Provide coaching and resources at Phantom Lake Elementary to create a model for balanced literacy and MTSS reading
Next Steps Continue to gather student and teacher input and feedback Review data in spring (FIA, student achievement, observation) Develop and/or adjust instructional model for MTSS academic and behavior instruction (elementary reading and middle school math) based on partner schools Measure SWIFT partnership outcomes Scale out, as applicable
Questions For additional information regarding this presentation contact: Eva Collins, Deputy Superintendent Email: collinse@bsd405.org Phone: (425)456-4025 • The Bellevue School District Mission: • To provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career and life.