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This guide provides valuable information and strategies for those looking to influence healthcare decisions at the local level. Learn about the new structure, including Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBs), Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs), and the role of the third sector. Discover how to collaborate, develop relationships, and make your voice heard in shaping healthcare priorities and strategies.
Changes in Healthcare What you need to know. A guide for those of us who aren’t in Parliament
The Acronyms A new world of letters to remember QIPP(Quality, Innovation, Productivity, Prevention) CCG’s (Clinical Commissioning groups) HWB’s (Health and Well being boards) JSNA’s (Joint Strategic Needs Assessments) JHWA’S (Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies) LPN’s (Local Professional Networks) NHS CB (NHS commissioning Board) Health Watch Health England
Challenges and Opportunities for the 3rd Sector • How can you influence effectively at local level, where decisions about priorities and strategy will be made? • How can you work together as a sector locally to engage? • How to make sure that qualitative information that small groups have access to about needs and experiences of services is fed in to JSNA and joint health and wellbeing strategies?
A whirlwind tour of the New Structure • CCG’s • There will be 212 Clinical Commissioning groups in England. • The CCG boards (made up of GPs, other health professionals and lay members) and will be responsible for making decisions on priorities for commissioning local health services.They control the money!
A whirlwind Tour of the New Structure • HWB’s • From 2013 local authorities will have responsibility for leading a Health and Wellbeing Board which will provide the overall strategic direction for improving health and wellbeing in their area. • Members will include: Director of Adult Social Services, Director of Children’s Services, Director of Public Health, elected leaders, a representative of each CCG in the area, a representative of the local HealthWatch and other members as determined by the local authority. YOU!?
A whirlwind Tour of the New Structure • JSNA’s • Each HWB will have the key responsibilities of developing a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and a joint health and wellbeing strategy for each local authority area. These will determine local health priorities and develop a plan to deliver improvements in those priorities.
A whirlwind Tour of the New Structure • Local HealthWatch • Local HealthWatch are replacing LINks (Local Involvement Networks) from autumn 2012. They will retain similar functions as previously, and will be gaining new responsibilities. HealthWatch have a statutory seat on the HWB.
How do you get involved and influence? • CCG’s Develop your relationships • Decide who you want to develop a relationship with; if they are in place it may be easier to engage with leads on eyecare as their specialism rather than the Chief Executive. • Unless you already have a relationship with your local GPs, assume they know very little about your organisation, Be clear about needs and how your organisation meets the needs of your community • Collaborate: The more you can work with other organisations to demonstrate how many people or organisations share your concerns and how well your ideas fit in with the priorities of the statutory organisations, the more notice CCGs are likely to take of you. Find out CCG priorities so you can tailor your message to them
How do you get involved and influence? • HWB’s • Get to know the members which will include: the Director of Adult Social Services, Director of Children’s Services, Director of Public Health, elected leaders, a representative of each CCG in the area, a representative of the local HealthWatch and other members as determined by the local authority. • The HWB may also include representatives from the third sector. If the third sector hasn’t yet been engaged in development of the HWB in your area, approach the local authority to find out how you can get involved. • Collaborate with other local 3rd sector organisations to work on third sector input to the HWBs by joining the voluntary sector forum in your area.
How do you get involved and influence? • JSNA’s • HWBs will have the key responsibilities of developing a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and a joint health and wellbeing strategy for each local authority area. • Talk to your local authority team working on the JSNA to influence priorities in health and social care. Ensure you have good evidence to influence the JSNA and ensure the issues of the people you work for are voiced. • Find out when and how your joint health and wellbeing strategy is being developed and ensure you’re involved. • The UK Vision Strategy has produced information and a template for JSNA’s and eye care you can find it here: http://www.commissioningforeyecare.org.uk/
How do you get involved and influence? • Healthwatch • Use HealthWatch to increase your understanding of what’s happening within health or social care service delivery and development. • · Promote involvement in your HealthWatch so that it becomes an important and powerful voice.
Further information • Resources and information about the changes • The UK Vision Strategy has produced information and a template for JSNA’s and eye care you can find it here: http://www.commissioningforeyecare.org.uk/ • For background on how the health changes will affect the voluntary and community sector, look at NCVO and the King’s Fund’s report. http://www.ncvovol.org.uk/sites/default/files/The_Voluntary_Sector_in_Health_Kings_Fund_and_NCVO.pdf • VODG’s (Voluntary Organisations Disability Group) has also produced resources on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. http://www.vodg.org.uk/JSNA-esources.html • QUIPP http://www.improvement.nhs.uk/Default.aspx?alias=www.improvement.nhs.uk/qipp • Supporting or developing a vision plan Vision Plan there is lots of good guidance on this on the UK Vision Strategy page here http://www.vision2020uk.org.uk/ukvisionstrategy/page.asp?section=199§ionTitle=Eye+Health+and+Sight+Loss+Vision+Planning+Guidance