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Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components. Avi Jencmen Amiram Yehudai. Contents. Web Services – An Introduction Software Contracts Problem Description Web Services Contracts A Simple Example Basic Level Contracts Behavioral Level Contracts Synchronization Level Contracts

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Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

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  1. Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components Avi Jencmen Amiram Yehudai

  2. Contents • Web Services – An Introduction • Software Contracts • Problem Description • Web Services Contracts • A Simple Example • Basic Level Contracts • Behavioral Level Contracts • Synchronization Level Contracts • QoS Level Contracts • Proof Of Concept Outline • Related Work • Future Work Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  3. Web Services Defined1 a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network • Other systems interact with Web Service using SOAP messages • Web Service interfaces are described using WSDL 1 from Web services Architecture; World Wide Web Consortium, February 2004 Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  4. Web Services Architecture 1. Parties Discover Each Other Requestor Entity Provider Entity + Sem WSD Requestor Human Provider Human 2. Parties Agree on Semantics & WSD Sem Sem 3. Input Semantics & WSD 3. Input Semantics & WSD + + WSD WSD RequesterAgent ProviderAgent 4. Parties Interact Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  5. Actors • Provider Entity • A person or organization that provides an appropriate agent to implement a particular service • Provider Agent • A software agent that is capable of and empowered to perform the actions associated with a service on behalf of its owner • Requester Entity • A person or organization that wishes to make use of a provider entity’s Web Service • Uses a requester agent to exchange messages with the provider entity’s provider agent • Requester Agent • A software agent that wishes to interact with a provider agent in order to request that a task be performed on behalf of its owner Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  6. Vocabulary • WSD • Machine-processable specification of the Web Service interface • Defines: • Message formats • Datatypes • Transport protocols • Transport serialization formats • Written in WSDL • SEM • Shared expectation about the behavior of the service • The "agreement" regarding the purpose and consequences of the interaction • No standard language Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  7. Process Phases • Discover • The requester entity somehow obtains both the Web Service description (WSD) and the associated semantics (SEM) of the service • Agree • The requester and provider entities agree on the semantics and Web service description of the desired interaction • Interact • The requester agent and provider agent exchange SOAP messages on behalf of their owners Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  8. Web Services Standards • SOAP 1.2 • An XML envelope • Headers + Body • An HTTP binding • SOAP is “transport independent” • A convention for doing RPC • An XML serialization format for structured data Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  9. The SOAP Envelope <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> < SOAP-ENV:Header> ... </ SOAP-ENV:Header> < SOAP-ENV:Body> ... </ SOAP-ENV:Body> </ SOAP-ENV: Envelope> • Header: • A collection of zero or more SOAP header blocks • Extension mechanism Body: Contains the messages to be passed between the agents Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  10. Software Contracts • Relationship between a class and its clients as a formal agreement • Expresses each party's rights and obligations • Contract information can describe four different levels of interaction: • Basic level – Basic or syntactic contracts are required simply to make a system work • Behavioral level – Behavioral contracts, improve the level of confidence in a sequential context • Synchronization level – Synchronization contracts, improves confidence in distributed or concurrency contexts • QoS level – quality-of-service contracts, quantifies quality of service and are usually negotiable Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  11. The Four Levels of Contracts Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  12. Problem Description • Web Services are a standard means to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction • They do not solve the problem of trust between service requesters and providers • Thesis Goal: To provide a formal contract description language between the requester entity and the provider entity Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  13. A Simple Example • A company (travel agent) wants to offer the ability to book complete vacation packages: plane/train/bus tickets, hotels, car rental, excursions, etc • Service providers (airlines, bus companies, hotel chains, etc) are providing Web services to query their offerings and perform reservations • Credit card companies are providing services to guarantee payments made by consumers Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  14. Basic Level Contracts • Specify the methods, in/out parameters of the service as messages the service can receive • Basic level contracts are typically implemented as the Web Service’s underlying object interface Interface TravelAgent { void enterDestination(in City destinationCity, in DateTime destinationDate); void setDestinationCity(in City destinationCity); void setDestinationDate(in DateTime destinationDate); FlightList getFilghts(); void chooseFlight(in Flight choosenFlight); } Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  15. WSDL 1.1 • Definitions element at the root, and a collection of definitions inside • The definitions structure includes six major elements: • types – provides data type definitions used to describe the messages exchanged • message – represents an abstract definition of the data being transmitted. A message consists of logical parts, each of which is associated with a definition within some type system • portType – is a set of abstract operations. Each operation refers to an input message and output messages • binding – specifies concrete protocol and data format specifications for the operations and messages defined by a particular portType • port – specifies an address for a binding, thus defining a single communication endpoint • service – is used to aggregate a set of related ports Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  16. <wsdl:definitionsname="nmtoken"?targetNamespace="uri"?> <wsdl:types> </wsdl:types> <wsdl:messagename="nmtoken"> * </wsdl:message> <wsdl:portTypename="nmtoken">* </wsdl:portType> <wsdl:binding name="nmtoken" type="qname"> * <-- extensibility element (1) --> * <wsdl:operation name="nmtoken"> * <-- extensibility element (2) --> * <wsdl:input name="nmtoken"? > ? <-- extensibility element (3) --> </wsdl:input> <wsdl:output name="nmtoken"? > ? <-- extensibility element (4) --> * </wsdl:output> <wsdl:fault name="nmtoken"> * <-- extensibility element (5) --> * </wsdl:fault> </wsdl:operation> </wsdl:binding> <wsdl:servicename="nmtoken"> * <wsdl:documentation..../>? <wsdl:portname="nmtoken"binding="qname"> * <wsdl:documentation..../> ? <-- extensibility element --> </wsdl:port> <-- extensibility element --> </wsdl:service> <-- extensibility element --> * </wsdl:definitions> WSDL 1.1 Structure Per-operation extensibility elements (2) as well as per-binding extensibility elements (1) Binding extensibility elements are used to specify the concrete grammar for the input (3), output (4), and fault messages (5) Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  17. Travel Agent Example • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> • <definitions> • <types> • <message name="chooseFlightSoapIn"> • <message name="chooseFlightSoapOut"> • <message name="getFilghtsSoapIn"> • <message name="getFilghtsSoapOut"> • <message name="setDestinationDateSoapIn"> • <message name="setDestinationDateSoapOut"> • <message name="setDestinationCitySoapIn"> • <message name="setDestinationCitySoapOut"> • <message name="enterDestinationSoapIn"> • <message name="enterDestinationSoapOut"> • <portType name="TravelAgentServiceSoap"> • <operation name="chooseFlight"> • <operation name="getFilghts"> • <operation name="setDestinationDate"> • <operation name="setDestinationCity"> • <operation name="enterDestination"> • </portType> • <binding name="TravelAgentServiceSoap" type="s0:TravelAgentServiceSoap"> • <soap:bindingtransport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" style="document" /> • <operation name="chooseFlight"> • <operation name="getFilghts"> • <operation name="setDestinationDate"> • <operation name="setDestinationCity"> • <operation name="enterDestination"> • </binding> • <service name="TravelAgentService"> • <port name="TravelAgentServiceSoap" binding="s0:TravelAgentServiceSoap"> • </service> • </definitions> Messages to be used in the TravelAgent Web service TravelAgentService Binding to SOAP The service element definition Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  18. Basic Level Contracts Architecture WSD 1. Agree on WSD RequesterAgent ProviderAgent SOAP 2. Interact according toWSD WSD WSD Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  19. Behavioral Level Contracts • Specify an operation’s behavior by using Boolean assertions, called pre- and postconditions, for each service offered, as well as for class invariants Interface TicketBooking { Confirmation reserveSeats(in Flight choosenFlight, in int numOfSeats) { Require CorrectNumber: numOfSeats > 0 and numOfSeats < reservationLimit(); Ensure SeatsReserved: availableSeats() = availableSeats()@pre – numOfSeats; } int availableSeats(in Flight choosenFlight); int reservationLimit(); } Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  20. WS-Policy Framework • WS-Policy • A general-purpose model and corresponding syntax to describe and communicate the policies of a Web service • WS-PolicyAttachment • An addendum to WS-Policy indicating how to attach policy assertions to an XML document (specifically to an WSDL document) Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  21. WS-Policy Structure An Example Using Assertions from the WS-SecurityPolicy Language <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <wsp:Policy> <wsp:ExactlyOne> <wsse:SecurityToken> <wsse:TokenType>wsse:Kerberosv5TGT</wsse:TokenType> </wsse:SecurityToken> <wsse:SecurityToken> <wsse:TokenType>wsse:X509v3</wsse:TokenType> </wsse:SecurityToken> </wsp:ExactlyOne> </wsp:Policy> Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  22. WS-BehavioralContractPolicy Syntax <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wsp:Policy> <wsbc:BehavioralContract> <wsbc:PreCondition wsp:optional="true"> <exp:Expression>...</exp:Expression> </wsbc:PreCondition> <wsbc:PostCondition wsp:optional="true"> <exp:Expression>...</exp:Expression> </wsbc:PostCondition> <wsbc:Invariant wsp:optional="true"> <exp:Expression>...</exp:Expression> </wsbc:Invariant> </wsbc:BehavioralContract> </wsp:Policy> Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  23. WS-BehavioralContractPolicy Example Precondition: numOfSeats > 0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wsp:Policy> <wsbc:BehavioralContract> <wsbc:PreCondition wsp:optional="true"> <exp:Expression> <GreaterThen> <PropCall name="self" type="Object"> <PropCall name="numOfSeats" type="Attribute"/> </PropCall> <exp:Expression> <Literal value="0"/> </exp:Expression> </GreaterThen> </exp:Expression> </wsbc:PreCondition> </wsbc:BehavioralContract> </wsp:Policy> Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  24. Travel Agent Example Attaching Behavioral Policy to the WSDL file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <definitions> <types> <message name="reservationLimitSoapIn"> <message name="reservationLimitSoapOut"> <message name="availableSeatsSoapIn"> <message name="availableSeatsSoapOut"> <message name="reserveSeatsSoapIn"> <message name="reserveSeatsSoapOut"> <portType name="TicketBookingServiceSoap"> <operation name=“reserveSeats”> <input message=“reserveSeatsSoapIn”> <wsp:PolicyReferenceURI="#RSPRE"wsdl:required="true"/> </input> <output message=“reserveSeatsSoapOut” > <wsp:PolicyReferenceURI="#RSPOST"wsdl:required="true"/> </output> </definitions> Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  25. BEHCON BEHCON BEHCON BEHCON BEHCON + + + + + WSD WSD WSD WSD WSD Behavioral Level Contracts Architecture 1.b. Supply WSD & Behavioral Contract Criteria Obtain WSD and Behavioral Contract Info DiscoveryService 1.a. Return WSD and Behavioral Contract Info 1.c. 2. Agree on WSD & Behavioral Contract RequesterAgent ProviderAgent 3. Interact according toWSD & Behavioral Contract Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  26. Synchronization Level Contracts • Specify the service behavior in a concurrent environment by indicating the coordination protocols it supports Interface TicketBooking { Confirmation reserveSeats(in Flight choosenFlight, in int numOfSeats) Synchronization Atomic; int availableSeats(in Flight choosenFlight) Synchronization Atomic; int reservationLimit(); } Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  27. WS-Coordination Framework • WS-Coordination • Describes an extensible framework for providing protocols that coordinate the actions of distributed applications • WS-AtomicTransaction • Provides the definition of the atomic transaction coordination type • WS-BusinessActivity • Provides the definition of a business activity coordination type Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  28. WS-Coordination Framework Architecture Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  29. WS-SynchronizationContractPolicy Syntax <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wsp:Policy> <wssc:SynchronizationContract> <wssc:SupportedProtocol wsp:optional="true"> <wssc:AtomicTransactionProtocol/> </wssc:SupportedProtocol> <wssc:SupportedProtocol wsp:optional="true"> <wssc:BusinessProcessProtocol/> </wssc:SupportedProtocol> </wssc:SynchronizationContract> </wsp:Policy> Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  30. WS-SynchronizationContractPolicy Example Operation supporting only AtomicTransaction Protocol: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wsp:Policy> <wssc:SynchronizationContract> <wssc:SupportedProtocol wsp:optional="true"> <wssc:AtomicTransactionProtocol/> </wssc:SupportedProtocol> </wssc:SynchronizationContract> </wsp:Policy> Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  31. Travel Agent Example Adding Synchronization Policy to the WSDL file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <definitions> <types> <wsp:Policy wsu:Id="SynchronizationContarctPolicy"> <wsat:ATAlwaysCapability/> </wsp:Policy> <message name="reservationLimitSoapIn"> <message name="reservationLimitSoapOut"> <message name="availableSeatsSoapIn"> <message name="availableSeatsSoapOut"> <message name="reserveSeatsSoapIn"> <message name="reserveSeatsSoapOut"> </types> <portType name="TicketBookingServiceSoap"> <service name="TicketBookingService"> <operation name=“reserveSeats” > <wsp:PolicyReferenceURI="# SynchronizationContarctPolicy" wsdl:required="true"/> </service> </definitions> Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  32. SYNCON SYNCON + + WSD WSD Synchronization Level Contracts Architecture 1. Discover Service DiscoveryService 2. Agree on WSD & Synchronization Contract CoordinationService ProviderAgent RequesterAgent Cxt Cxt 3. Share Coordination Context 4. Interact according toContract SYNCON + WSD Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  33. QoS Level Contracts • Specifies the obligation of a service provider to perform a service according to agreed-upon guarantees for IT-level service parameters (such as availability, response time and throughput) Interface TicketBooking { Confirmation reserveSeats(in Flight choosenFlight, in int numOfSeats) SLAParameter TransactionRate;} Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  34. WSLA Framework • A framework for specifying and monitoring Service Level Agreements for Web Services Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  35. WSLA Structure Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  36. WS-QoSContractPolicy Example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wsp:Policy> <wsqc:QoSContract> <wsqc:SLAParameter name="TransactionRate" type="float" unit="transaction/sec"> <wsqc:Metric> Transaction </wsqc:Metric> </wsqc:SLAParameter> </wsqc:QoSContract> </wsp:Policy> Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  37. Travel Agent Example Adding QoS Policy to the WSDL file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <definitions> <types> <message name="reservationLimitSoapIn"> <message name="reservationLimitSoapOut"> <message name="availableSeatsSoapIn"> <message name="availableSeatsSoapOut"> <message name="reserveSeatsSoapIn"> <message name="reserveSeatsSoapOut"> <portType name="TicketBookingServiceSoap"> <service name="TicketBookingService"> <operation name=“reserveSeats” > <wsp:PolicyReferenceURI="#QoSContractPolicy" wsdl:required="true"/> </service> </definitions> Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  38. QOSCON + WSD QOSCON + WSD QoS Level Contracts Architecture 1. Discover Service DiscoveryService 2. Agree on Semantics & QoS Contact CoordinationService ProviderAgent RequesterAgent 3. Share Coordination Context 4. Interact according toContract QOSCON + WSD SLA SLA Measurement Service 5. Measure, Manage andEvaluate the Contract 5. Measure, Manage andEvaluate the Contract Condition EvaluationService ManagementService SLA Services Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  39. Discovery Service ContractService DirectoryService 1.b. SupplyContract Criteria BehavioralContractService SynchronizationContractService QoSContractService 1.a. Obtain Contract Info CON CON + + WSD WSD CON 1.c. ReturnContract Info 2. Agree on Contract CoordinationService Cxt Cxt RequesterAgent ProviderAgent 3.a. Share Coordination Context 3.b. Interact according toContract CON CON Measurement Service 4. Measure, Manage andEvaluate the Contract 4. Measure, Manage andEvaluate the Contract Condition EvaluationService ManagementService SLA Service POC Outline Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  40. POC Outline Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  41. Related Work • WSOL (work from Carleton University, Ontario, Canada) • Web Service Offerings Language • Formal specification of multiple classes of service for one Web Service • Focus onQoS (a.k.a., non-functional) constraints • OWL-S (w3c Member Submission by SRI International) • Semantic Markup for Web Services • Ontology for Web Services • WSDL-S (w3c Member Submission by IBM) • Web Service Semantics • A mechanism to associate semantic annotations with Web services that are described using Web Service Description Language Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

  42. Future Work • Enforcement mechanism • UDDI Contract Attachment • Ontology for Web Service Contracts Fortified Web Services Contracts for Trusted Components

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