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The Great Gatsby. Study Guides. Chapter 1 Study Guide. Explain what Fitzgerald achieved by using Nick’s point of view to tell Gatsby’s story ? What do we learn about Nick Carraway in the introductory section of the novel?
The Great Gatsby Study Guides
Chapter 1 Study Guide • Explain what Fitzgerald achieved by using Nick’s point of view to tell Gatsby’s story? • What do we learn about Nick Carraway in the introductory section of the novel? • In discussing East Egg and West Egg, Nick states: “To the wingless a more arresting phenomenon is their dissimilarity in every particular except shape and size.” Indicate what the “dissimilarities” might be. • Compare the home of Nick, Gatsby, and the Buchanans. How does each home reflect the personality of its owner? • Fitzgerald’s description of Tom, Daisy, and Jordan creates not only an impression of physical appearance, but also contains added information. What do you learn about their history and interests from their gestures and mannerisms? • When Nick leaves the Buchanans’ house, he is “confused and a little disgusted.” Why? • Though we do not meet Gatsby until Chapter 3, we hear references to him in the conversations of others. What impressions do you get?
Chapter 3 Quiz Make-up To earn back the points you lost by not being prepared, you must choose three questions to answer. DO NOT choose 3 in a row. • Chapter 3 describes Gatsby’s “little party”. Enumerate details about the party itself, about their conversation and behavior. • Describe the meeting between Nick and Gatsby. • Comment on Fitzgerald’s skill in preparing for Gatsby’s entrance into the story. • In what way are Nick and Gatsby similar at this point? How are they paradoxical? • What is the reason for Nick’s breaking the story at this point? Read the section beginning with “Reading over what I have written so far . . . ” • At the end of Chapter 3, Nick meets Jordan again. The author includes several episodes that emphasize her carelessness and basic dishonesty. Discuss these instances. What do they reveal about Jordan? About Nick? • Notice the last paragraph in Chapter 3. Is Nick being overly proud here? Discuss.
What you need to do • Finish Chapter 3 if you did not last night. • Finish the make up work for chapter 3 quiz • Begin reading chapter 4 to the break on page 73 • Work on the study guide. Write you answers on page 41. • Be ready to discuss chapters 3 and the first half of 4 tomorrow. Which means you need to have your sticky-notes ready to go.
Chapter 4 Study Guidepg. 41 • The introductory section of Chapter 4 gives a long roster of those who attended Gatsby’s parties. How do they behave toward their host? Why do they accept his hospitality? • Describe Gatsby’s car. • Discuss the details that Gatsby shares with Nick about his past. • Does Nick believe Gatsby’s story? Why or why not? • Who is Meyer Wolfsheim? What seems to be his connection with Gatsby? • Jordan Baker tells Nick’s story about Daisy, Gatsby, and Tom. Summarize the story. • Explain the epigraph on the title page of the novel. What does it reveal about Gatsby and his love for Daisy? • Do we know why Gatsby has so many parties? Why did he buy the house? Explain. • What new meaning do you see in the last two paragraphs of the chapter? What does Nick mean when he says,” Then it had not been merely the stars to which he had aspired on that June night”? • When Gatsby spoke to Jordan in his library in Chapter 3, he’d already devised a plan involving Nick. What was it? Why did he not ask Nick directly
Chapter 5 Study Guide pg. 45 • Gatsby’s actions in preparing for Daisy’s arrival seem both flamboyant and absurd. What does he do? Why? • Discuss Gatsby’s actions once Daisy arrives. How do we know he is nervous? How does he try to impress her? • Toward the end of the chapter, Nick attempts to explain “the expressions of bewilderment that had come back into Gatsby’s face.” What explanation does Nick give? Why, in his opinion, is Daisy not at fault? • Describe Daisy’s reaction during the course of her meeting with Gatsby. • Has Nick been affected by the meeting between Gatsby and Daisy? In what way?
Chapter 6 Study GuidePg. 47 Directions: On page 47 of your notebook, answer the following questions in complete sentences. • What is Gatsby’s real name? Why and when did he change it? • In what way was Dan Cody in Gatsby’s destiny? • Why does Tom attend Gatsby’s party? How does this scene reveal the contrast between Gatsby and Tom? • What is deeply ironic in Tom’s statement, “ . . . I may be old-fashioned in my ideas but women run around too much these days to suit me”? • Note the reactions of Tom and Daisy at the different times during Gatsby’s party? Did they enjoy themselves? Explain. • What suspicions does Tom have about Gatsby? What does he vow to do? • What do Nick and Gatsby talk about after the party? • What is Gatsby expecting of Daisy that prompts Nick to warn him, “I wouldn’t ask too much of her . . . . you can’t repeat the past”? • Reminder: Tomorrow be ready to talk about who you think you’ll be in 10 years and be ready to imagine your 10 year reunion.
Chapter 1-6 Socratic Seminar pg. 49 • When: Friday 3/15 during class • What: chapters 1-6 with a strong focus on 5-6. • What you need: your book, study guides, and sticky notes. • How we will prepare: • read chapter 5-6 • complete study guides, • have passages of interest ready. • Create 4-5 questions to be asked during the seminar. These can be areas of uncertainty or things you’ve been thinking about as you read. • Think about and be able to talk about all the symbols appearing in the book • When are “prep materials” due? • Friday at the beginning of class. Anyone who is prepared gets full credit and first shot at being on the inside circle.
Socratic Seminar Normspg. 8 • Don’t raise hands • Listen carefully • Address one another respectfully • Base any opinions on the text • Address comments to the group (no side conversations) • Use sensitivity to take turns and not interrupt others • Monitor ‘air time’ • Be courageous in presenting your own thoughts and reasoning, but be flexible and willing to change your mind in the face of new and compelling evidence “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” ― Stephen R. Covey,
Writing Questions WORLD CONNECTION QUESTION: Write a question connecting the text to the real world. • Example: If you were given only 24 hours to pack your most precious belongings in a back pack and to get ready to leave your home town, what might you pack? (After reading the first 30 pages of NIGHT). CLOSE-ENDED QUESTION: Write a question about the text that will help everyone in the class come to an agreement about events or characters in the text. This question usually has a "correct" answer. • Example: What happened to Hester Pyrnne's husband that she was left alone in Boston without family? (after the first 4 chapters of THE SCARLET LETTER). OPEN-ENDED QUESTION: Write an insightful question about the text that will require proof and group discussion and "construction of logic" to discover or explore the answer to the question. • Example: Why did Gene hesitate to reveal the truth about the accident to Finny that first day in the infirmary? (after mid-point of A SEPARATE PEACE).
UNIVERSAL THEME/ CORE QUESTION: Write a question dealing with a theme(s) of the text that will encourage group discussion about the universality of the text. • Example: After reading John Gardner's GRENDEL, can you pick out its existential elements? LITERARY ANALYSIS QUESTION: Write a question dealing with HOW an author chose to compose a literary piece. How did the author manipulate point of view, characterization, poetic form, archetypal hero patterns,forexample? • Example: In MAMA FLORA'S FAMILY, why is it important that the story is told through flashback?
Socratic Seminar Questions pg. 51 Questions • Why all the focus on eyes? What does it symbolize? • What about the clock in Chapter 5? • How are the 1920s shifting the “moral compass” of American society from what it was before? • Morals: created by society/communities; our rules about what is wrong and right. • Values: created by the individual Reflection 150-200 words How did the Socratic seminar/whole group discussion help you deepen your understanding of the text? What questions do you still have? How will these conversations affect your reading the book?
Reflection • Reflection the whole group/Socratic seminar pg. 51-52 • Reflection 150-200 words • How did the Socratic seminar/whole group discussion help you deepen your understanding of the text? What questions do you still have? How will these conversations affect your reading the book?
Chapter 7 Study Guide pg. 55 • Note the use Fitzgerald makes of the weather as a background for significant events. Point out examples in this chapter and in previous chapters. • Gatsby has made some changes in his lifestyle that so concern Nick that he goes to check on him. What changes do you note? • Analyze Daisy’s attitude toward her child in this chapter and in Chapter 1. Is she a good mother? Explain why Gatsby looked “at the child with surprise.” • What startling discovery does Tom make shortly after lunch? • What does Gatsby mean when he says that Daisy’s voice is “full of money”? why does Fitzgerald put these words in Gatsby’s mouth and not Nick’s? • Eyes play a significant role in this chapter.Explain… • What does Gatsby do that makes Nick want “to get up and slap him on the back”? Why does Nick feel this way? • Does Daisy know what love is? Whom does she really love? • In what way is each of the major characters involved in the tragedy that occurs at the end of this chapter? • Why is it necessary for the author to introduce a new character, Michaelis, at this point in the novel?
Chapter 8 • As Nick leaves Gatsby the morning after the accident, he remarks, “They’re a rotten crowd.” Who are the people “they” refers to? Why are they “rotten”? • What is the compliment that Nick pays to Gatsby? Why does Nick fell compelled to compliment him? • Explain Nick’s meaning when he balances Gatsby’s supposed “corruption” against his “incorruptible dream.” • How does Wilson view the “eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg”? Does Wilson’s statement have a symbolic meaning for the novel as a whole? Explain. • Trace the movements of Gatsby and Wilson at the end of Chapter 8. What is Nick’s meaning when he says, “ . . . The holocaust was complete”?
Chapter 9 • What makes Nick assume responsibility for the funeral arrangements? Specify the things he did. • What version of the tragedy appeared in the newspapers? How would you account for the fact that this version went unchallenged and uncorrected? • How did Gatsby’s father learn of the tragedy? To what extent does the father know his son? • What is the irony of Gatsby’s funeral? • What is the significance of including the scene with Jordan Baker? • What moral judgment does Nick make about Tom and Daisy? • Explain the significance of the last page of the novel in relation to Gatsby’s dream and to the American dream. What does it mean?