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Determining key Priorities and Results with Stakeholders O/DSRSG/RC Unit, Timor-Leste

Determining key Priorities and Results with Stakeholders O/DSRSG/RC Unit, Timor-Leste. Timor-Leste Planning Process. UNDAF TL 2009 – 2013 Includes recovery and development support - strong CPC focus Transition appeal 2008 (under preparation)

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Determining key Priorities and Results with Stakeholders O/DSRSG/RC Unit, Timor-Leste

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  1. Determining key Priorities and Results with StakeholdersO/DSRSG/RC Unit, Timor-Leste

  2. Timor-Leste Planning Process • UNDAF TL 2009 – 2013 • Includes recovery and development support - strong CPC focus • Transition appeal 2008 (under preparation) • No CCA- Baseline data by Indicators and Monitoring working group, VAM, Poverty mapping (Oct. ‘07) • Government: Compact, Plan 2007 – 2012, National Recovery Strategy, National Development Plan • Integrated UNCT-PK mission; UNMIT mandate until Feb ’09

  3. Key challenges • Lack of prioritization within Gov 300+ national priorities conducive to “basket” UNDAF, • Large number of very small agencies with specific mandates, • “Orphan” priorities, • Engaging NRAs in a meaningful way • Conceptual challenge: Clear need to change approach, not only to reduce number of outcomes and outputs • capacity development, • Break the trend of agencies’ focus on the center/ policy support, • Ensure CPC focus, contribution to overarching goal.

  4. Anticipating challenges…from design to validation • Agreed on Overarching goal: “Consolidation of peace and stability”, • Key substantive issues: post-conflict, youth, district needs, rural devlpt. • Agreed upon criteria to determine UN support to national priorities,

  5. To make it to the UNDAF it shall… • CRITERIA (UN + Gov + partners) • Impact on peace and stability • Impact on social cohesion and regional disparities • Magnitude of the problem • Take into account root causes • Sequencing of assistance strategies • Alignment with national priorities • _______________________________________ • …Plus: Stakeholder mapping and partners’ views on comparative advantages,

  6. Accountability to criteria, Use overarching goal to cut out some perceived “priorities” which did not fit, Key messages from Government, e.g. no more studies! Focus on the ground!, Encourage small agencies to use their capacities on priority areas, Offer DSRSG/RC/HC support to $ mobilization, Reality check: look at past implementation record and comparative advantages. Addressing the Challenges

  7. Also… • If it was already a result of previous UNDAF… think again. • Strong collaboration with chairs of WGs  RC Unit to play buffer role • Strong HoA engagement • Very “guided” process : DSRSG/RC/HC with facilitators

  8. Examples of what did not make it • CRITERIA • >Impact on peace &stability • >Impact on social cohesion and regional disparities • >Magnitude of the problem • >Take into account root causes • >Sequencing • >Alignment with national priorities • Support to improve nt’l budget execution • Eradicating leprosy • Employment generation opportunities for HIV/positive women • Supporting university education

  9. Thank You

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