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Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste

Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste. Background: ► The 31st Session of the SEA ACHR has made a recommendation to strengthen research capacity of Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste.

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Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste

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  1. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste

  2. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Background: ►The 31st Session of the SEA ACHR has made a recommendation to strengthen research capacity of Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste. ►This recommendation was discussed during three (3) Follow-up Meetings on implementation of recommendations of the 31st Session of the SEA-ACHR.

  3. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Background (Contd.): ►Two visits to Bhutan & Timor Leste and one visit to Maldives have been carried out by the research experts during 2009-2011 with an objective to conduct situation analysis of existing research activities and provide recommendations to strengthen research capacity in these three countries. ►The Regional Office has prepared a combined ‘Report on Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste’ based on the ‘Reports’ submitted by the research experts/ Visiting Consultants.

  4. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste I would like to present this combined Report on Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste(Agenda Item 2.5). Major Contents of the Report: ■Conceptual Framework ■ Activities undertaken in, recommendations formulated for and progress made by: 1. Bhutan, 2. Maldives and 3. Timor Leste ■Conclusion

  5. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste ►Conceptual Framework There are five interconnected building blocks in strengthening health research capacity in a country: 1.Capacity building to achieve or develop prerequisites for functional strengthening of national health research systems. 2. Identifying (developing) research priorities to respond to the priority health needs.

  6. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste ► Conceptual Framework(Contd.) 3. Strengthening management of research for health by institutionalizing standards of good research practices through developing and implementing various norms and standards related to research management. 4. Enhancing protection of human research participants by establishing ethics review system. 5. Strengthening interface between research, policy and practices.

  7. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity in BHUTAN ■First Visit:April 2010 ■Visiting Consultants: Prof. RR Chaudhury and Dr M.K. Maskey ■Second Visit: June 2011 ■Visiting Consultants: Prof. RR Chaudhury

  8. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity in BHUTAN Situation Analysis: ►Core institution for research: Health Research and Epidemiology Unit under the MOH ►Strengths: • The national health policy is in the final preparatory stage to be brought up to the Cabinet. • A strong statement affirming the commitment of the government to research needs is included in the national health policy.

  9. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity in BHUTAN ►Weaknesses: • National health research policy not formulated yet. • Core institution (Health Research and Epidemiology Unit) has not attained the status of “National Council for Health Research”. • Standard operating procedures (SOP) for assessing research needs and research prioritization do not exist. • Lack of coordination among different stakeholders.

  10. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity in BHUTAN ►Weaknesses (Contd.) : • Available research fund is not utilized efficiently. • Lack of appropriate infrastructure support for research activities as well as monitoring and evaluation of research studies. • Lack of mechanism for management of research information • Inadequate motivation & incentive for researchers and ill defined career structure for researchers and research managers.

  11. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity in BHUTAN ►Challenges: • Adequate fund allocation for health research. • Appropriate functioning of newly established Research Ethics Board. • Development of critical mass of health professionals well trained in research. • Attracting international collaboration in research. • Establishment of a formal mechanism for translating research into policy.

  12. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity in BHUTAN ► Recommendations: ■A committee to coordinate research in the country should be formed. Eventually National Council for Health Research needs to be established. • Number of persons carrying out research in Bhutan should be increased, so that critical mass of researchers is formed. • Health systems research should be given first priority.

  13. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Research Capacity Strengthening in BHUTAN ► Recommendations (Contd.) : • Modules on research methodology be incorporated to the Bachelor in Public Health degree course, which is being launched. • Regular meetings with all existing researchers should be conducted. • Infrastructure of the National Ethics Committee /Research Ethics Board needs to be strengthened.

  14. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity in BHUTAN ► Recommendations (Contd.) : • The government should allocate certain percentage of the health budget for research. • A policy document on human resources for health research needs to be prepared. • National networking and international collaborative partnerships to be explored with the help of WHO in the priority areas of research.

  15. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity inBHUTAN ► Recommendations (Contd.) : • Support to be provided for publishing the first two issues of the Druk Medical Journal. • A meeting to be organized for effective use of data collected during surveillance. • Arrangements to be made to train members of the Bhutan Ethics Review Board through participation in a formal Course on Research Ethics.

  16. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity inBHUTAN ►Progress made: •Priority areas for collaborative research as well as research implementing & coordinating institutions have been identified. • Twining agreement between the Ministry of Health, Bhutan and the Maulana Azad Medical College, India has been taken forward.

  17. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity inBHUTAN ►Immediate steps to be taken: • A meeting to be organized between representatives of Bhutan and Maulana Azad Medical College to draw up a joint action plan and for preparation of a MoU . • A proposal for publishing one issue of the Druk Medical Journal every year for three consecutive years to be prepared.

  18. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity in MALDIVES ■ OneVisit : November 2009 ■ Visiting Consultants: Prof. Dulitha Fernando Prof. Harun Ar Rashid

  19. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity inMALDIVES Situation Analysis: ► Core institution for research: The Health Research Section under the Decision Support Division (DSD) of the MOH. ► Strengths: • The Government of Maldives is committed to provide support for evidence-based policy making. One important strategy stated in the Strategic Action Plan 2009-2013 is to: develop local capacity for health research through health systems development, enhance laboratory facilities and strengthening capacity of the Faculty of Health Science to conduct research and research training.

  20. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity inMALDIVES ► Strengths (Contd.) : • The Government pledged to develop the capacity of health professionals to engage in academic and research work, including the establishment of linkages and networks between tertiary hospitals and international institutions. • A National Health Research Committee has been established in Maldives. This committee is responsible for the technical review of all research proposals as well as ethical review process.

  21. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity inMALDIVES ►Weaknesses: • Limited number of researchers and scientists. • Lack of an optimum research environment and paucity of research capacity. • Lack of finances for research.

  22. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity in MALDIVES ►Recommendations: ■ Short term plan (6-12 months): ● A National Research Body should be established/strengthened. ● Scientific Committees (like Research Review Committee, Ethics Review Committee) should be formed/strengthened.

  23. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity in MALDIVES ►Recommendations (Contd.): ■ Mid-term plan (12-18 months): ● Capacity strengthening in areas such as research methodology, data analysis, peer review, research ethics and medical writing is necessary. ● Priority research areas in health should be identified.

  24. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity inMALDIVES ►Recommendations (Contd.): ■ Long-term plan (18-24 months): ●Necessary actions are to be taken for adequate financing of research activities. ●Appropriate arrangements are to be made to publish a medical journal.

  25. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity in MALDIVES ►Other recommendations: ● Capacity of the Faculty of Health Sciences in research & teaching should be strengthened. ● Available resources for research and the status of health related research in the country should be documented. ● Functional links should be established with research organizations of the countries of the Region.

  26. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity inMALDIVES ►Progress made: ●Initial step is being taken to explore for twinning program between research institute in Maldives with the Faculty of Public Health, Kelaniya University.

  27. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity in TIMOR LESTE ■ First Visit : December, 2009 ■ Visiting Consultants: Prof. NK Ganguly and Dr Nyoman Kandun ■ Second Visit : June, 2011 ■ Visiting Consultants: Dr Nyoman Kandun and Prof. Hari Kusnanto

  28. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity inTIMOR LESTE ►Findings and progress made: • The Government has established the Cabinet of Health Research and Development (CHRD). • Currently, there is a twinning program between CHRD and The Menzies School of Public Health, Australia. • The CHRD has started with some small research activities through networking with available researchers in the country and with international agencies to foster interest to research among health personnel.

  29. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity in TIMOR LESTE ►Findings and progress made (Contd.): •There are 30 research activities being implemented, some are completed and some are still under implementation. Proposal presentation has become a routine activity of the CHRD. •Before the physical structure been declared, a Virtual Research Center has been started since 2010 by creating networking of already trained researchers and international partners.

  30. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Strengthening Research Capacity inTIMOR LESTE ►Recommendation: • Next step is to develop twinning project proposal to be signed by all related parties and secure adequate funding.

  31. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Conclusions: ►The twinning mechanism with the neighboring SEA countries is one alternative to strengthen research capacity. The proposal seemed to be accepted by the government ( i.e. Ministry of Health ) of all three countries. ►The Regional Director foresees twinning program to strengthen research capacity in Maldives, Bhutan and Timor Leste as a realization of horizontal collaborations among two or more SEA member countries , hence SEARO is in full support of this mechanism.

  32. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste Conclusions (Contd.) : ►In order to keep the momentum and the flow of capacity strengthening in research in Bhutan Maldives and Timor Leste, it is proposed that the 32nd SEA ACHR discuss and provide further guidance for strengthening research capacity in these three countries.

  33. Strengthening Research Capacity in Bhutan, Maldives and Timor Leste

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