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ESA coverage. HSRG/HRT/Program Assessments. New Hatchery Reform Actions. Program Description & Assessment. Program HGMP’s. LSRCP Tracking. FCRPS BIOP. Hatchery BIOP. US v OR. Selection of Projects for New HSRG/HRT/HGMP Actions. Collaborative. Cost Effective. Critical.
ESA coverage HSRG/HRT/Program Assessments New Hatchery Reform Actions Program Description & Assessment Program HGMP’s LSRCP Tracking FCRPS BIOP Hatchery BIOP US v OR Selection of Projects for New HSRG/HRT/HGMP Actions Collaborative Cost Effective Critical Mitigation Goals Conservation & Recovery Budget Requests Large Capital Needs > $1.0m FY12 FY13 FY 14-15, etc.
ESA Compliance • Hydro BIOP • RPA 39 • The FCRPS Action Agencies will continue funding hatcheries in accordance with existing programs, and will adopt programmatic criteria for funding decisions on mitigation programs for the FCRPS that incorporate BMPs. • RPA 40 • The FCRPS Action Agencies will undertake/fund reforms to ensure that hatchery programs funded by the Action Agencies as mitigation for the FCRPS are not impeding recovery. • RPA 42 • The Action Agencies will implement conservation programs for ESA-listed stocks where the programs assist in recovery.
ESA Compliance • LSRCP Program ESA Coverage • Development of HGMP’s for ESA coverage under Section 4(d), Section 10, Section 7. • Basis for LSRCP ESA coverage for direct and indirect take of ESA listed species. • Basis for maintaining current LSRCP actions and implementation of new actions. • Basis for assessing HSRG and HRT recommendations and developing BMP’s. • Basis for LSRCP budget request to BPA for FY12 – 13 and beyond.
HSRG and HRT Recommendations • ~ 500 HRT recommendations. • ~ 70 HSRG recommendations. • Many reflect US v OR Agreement. • Many require no cost to implement. • Many rejected or unlikely to get co-manager support. • Many require additional costs to implement.
LSRCP Cost Estimates • 4 Classes of expenses. • Large capital > $1.0m & 15 yrs (not included). • Small capital < $1.0m. • Annual hatchery operations. • Annual M&E. • 11 Categories of expenses within each class. • ESA, fish health, fish security, human safety, legal obligation, production reform, facility security, pollution abatement, facility maintenance, I&E, production evaluation.
LSRCP budget request to BPAFY12-13 CategoryFY12FY13 Operations. $17.64m $18.39m Evaluations. $4.83m $5.03m Nonrecurring Maintenance & Equipment. $2.89m $3.02m HRT/HSRG/HGMP $3.44m $3.44m Total $28.80m $29.88m
Selection of projects for new FY12-13 funds.(1/07/2010 - S. Marshall memo) • LSRCP budget request to BPA for FY12-13 includes 3.44 annually to address implementation of requirements in FCRPS BIOP & HSRG/HRT recommendations. • If LSRCP gets funding increase we will allocate funds for FY12 projects that; • 1) meet ESA regulatory requirements, • 2) assure planning is completed, • 3) allow for orderly allocation of funds, and • 4) ensure logistical time lines can be met to appropriately expend funds. • Completed HGMP’s will be the basis for identifying projects for consideration of new funds. • 1) long term planning documents, • 2) developed in consultation with co-managers, • 3) provide co-manager assessment of HSRG/HRT recommendations, and • 4) serve as the basis for ESA coverage of LSRCP programs.
LSRCP FY12 funding • For consideration in the FY12 funding cycle. • A completed copy of HGMP submitted to NMFS for ESA coverage by May 1, 2011. • Agency prioritization and cost estimates of proposed projects across all HGMP’s submitted to NMFS with brief explanation of rationale. • LSRCP will identify projects to be included in FY12 by July 1, 2011. • May 1 – July 1 to make preliminary cost estimates for each project, evaluate each project against a suite of criteria, and select projects to be funded in FY12. • *This funding does not include large capital, > $1.0m. • Current LSRCP budget request includes funding only for FY12-13. • Projects not selected for FY12 (or no HGMP completed by May 1, 2011) will be eligible for funding in FY13 (LSRCP will continue to work with BPA to address funding needs beyond FY13 during the next budget cycle).
Criteria for selecting LSRCP projects • Identified in the FCRPS BIOP. • Required by NMFS to obtain ESA coverage (HGMP). • Relation to HSRG/HRT recommendations (BMP’s). • Be fully implemented in FY12. • Cost effective. • Developed in collaboration with co-managers (joint implementation). • Improve conservation of listed populations by changing/improving hatchery practices (BMP’s). • Critical to carrying out the program. • Further achieve LSRCP mitigation goals (adult returns & harvest). • Consistent with US v OR agreement. • Increase the likelihood of survival and recovery of ESA listed species.
LSRCP HGMP Tracking • LSRCP is developing a data base to; • 1) Track agency responses to HSRG/HRT recommendations. • 2) Identify proposed program actions. • 3) Prioritize proposed actions. • 4) Identify costs. • 5) Develop future LSRCP funding needs with BPA.