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Face & Intercultural Communication

Face & Intercultural Communication. Marlen Elliot Harrison Marlen.harrison@jyu.fi. "among the most troublesome kinds of problems that arise in negotiation are the intangible issues related to the loss of face" (Brown, 1977, p. 275). What is Face ?.

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Face & Intercultural Communication

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  1. Face & InterculturalCommunication MarlenElliot Harrison Marlen.harrison@jyu.fi "among the most troublesome kinds of problems that arise in negotiation are the intangible issues related to the loss of face" (Brown, 1977, p. 275).

  2. What is Face? • Activity: Make a smallgroup of no morethan 4 people. Compareyourhomeworknoteswithyourgroupmembers. Youhave 5 minutes. • First, what is meantby ”face”? • Second, whatkinds of theoriesdidyoudiscover? • Third, why is thisconceptmeaningful for thiscourse? • Let’ssharewhatwe’vediscussed as a largegroup. Canwename at least 4 differenttheorists and theirideasaboutface? • Ting-Toomey: Negotiationtheory, 1985 • Goffman: Image of self, 1955 • Brown & Levinson: Politeness in languageuse, 1978 • Tannen: Face and gender, 1990 • In a moment, I’llprovidepersonalexamplesfrom Japan and the USA. Whatquestionsdoyouhavesofar?

  3. Face • Activity: What is the significance of ”face” in Finnish culture, in general, and in yourownlives, specifically? • Workwithyourgroupmembers to identify a situationwhichillustrates the concept of ”face.” For example, agreeupon a situationyou’veallencountered in which ”face” hasbeen an issue. Youhave 5 minutes. • Let’ssharewhatwe’vediscussed as a largegroup. Canweidentify at least 2 differentwaysthatwedealwith ”face” in social situations? • SavingFacevsLosingFace: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0WEOrd7jsI

  4. Context • Group HarmonyvsIndividualism • Activity: HighContextvsLowContextcultures. • Workwithyourgroupmembers to brainstorm an understanding of whatthesetermsmightmean and whichtypes of culturesmaybehighorlowcontextcultures. Youhave 5 minutes. • Learnmore: Edward Hall (1976, Beyond Culture), GeertHofstede (2001, Culture’sConsequences) • Let’ssharewhatwe’vediscussed as a largegroup. Howaretheseconcepts(face and context) significant in relation to thiscourse?

  5. Maintaining Face Ting-Toomey's article, Intergroup Diplomatic Communication, highlights the fact that during negotiation, there are two simultaneous face processes going on. Although much more attention has been given in the past to face-threatening behaviors, face-honoring processes also occur. She argues that diplomats must learn that face-maintenance is the key to successful inter-group negotiation. By face-maintenance, she means "the desire to project an image of strength and capability, or conversely, to avoid projecting an image of incapability, weakness, or foolishness. (Rosenberg, 2004) To find Rosenberg’s article, just search for “Sarah Rosenberg Face.” Anothergreatread is Lisa Vilkki’sPoliteness, Face and Facework (2006); just search for ”VilkkiPoliteness”

  6. Face in Context • Examplefrom Japan #1: ”Maybe…多分” • Group harmony, honne & tatemae本音と建て前, avoidingconflict • Examplefrom USA #2: ”Volunteering” • Climb the ladder of success, getahead, illustrateconfidence and drive • Activity: Based on whatwe’vediscussed, whataresomestrategies for managing ”face” in cross-culturalsettings? • Workwithyourgroupmembers to identify at leasttwoEnglishlinguisticstrategies for managingface. Youhave 5 minutes.

  7. Strategies & Conclusion • http://oregonstate.edu/instruct/comm440-540/face.htm • To findthisarticle, search ”FaceOregonstateWalker” • CONCLUSIONS • Is understandingface a matter of learningsentences and vocabulary? • Canwelearnface-managementstrategies in a classroom? • FinalActivity: Talkwithyourgrouponelasttime and identify: • One issuerelated to faceyouwant to knowmoreabout. • One idea orconceptthatyoulearnedtodaythatyouhadn’tknownbefore. • One thingthatyoumightdodifferentlyaftertoday’spresentation.

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