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developing products to meet simple specifications. Warden Hill Infant School Year 2 Topic: Food Glorious Food. Art Use a range of materials to draw and paint fruit and vegetables. Print patterns using food as a stimulus. Use Cezanne and Arcimboldo ‘s work to develop art skills.
developing products to meet simple specifications Warden Hill Infant School Year 2 Topic: Food Glorious Food Art Use a range of materials to draw and paint fruit and vegetables. Print patterns using food as a stimulus. Use Cezanne and Arcimboldo ‘s work to develop art skills. Design Technology Make products using simple hand tools and equipment. Work safely and hygenically with food. Design and make simple food products. Taste and evaluate familiar foods. English Read texts to develop phonic knowledge and comprehension. Develop punctuation and writing styles of stories, instructions, recounts and poetry. Become more independent spellers. Start to join letters. Geography Identify different shop uses in the local area. Investigate which countries food comes from. Find out about another country that food comes from. History Compare how bread was made in Roman times and how bread is made now . ICT Develop skills in opening, writing and sending emails. Be aware of e-safety issues when using emails. Select and use appropriate painting tools to create and change images on the computer. Special Activities 28th September Come to Year 2’s ‘ Tea at Three’ in aid of Keech. 12th October ‘Apple Day’ Please bring an apple to school. 26th November Visit to St Albans Cathedral. Maths Read ,write and order numbers to 100 and beyond. Count on and back in 1s and 10s. Add and subtract money understanding equivalent values. Double and halve numbers. Food Glorious Food SEAL Celebrate similarities and differences in their new class. Develop ways to calm down and help others if they are upset or scared and resolve conflict with others. Anti Bullying Keeping oneself safe. Science Health and Growth Find out about different food types and healthy life choices. Consider growth in humans and animals. Changing Materials Investigating changing shapes and state of materials. RE Describe some religious celebrations and how food is part of the celebration. Identify special places, objects and symbols and in places of worship. Visit to St Albans Cathedral. PSHE Safety Education Looking out for dangers. Child Protection Keeping oneself and others safe. Anti Bullying Understanding right and wrong. Citizenship Learning to value myself and others. PE Remember, repeat and link gymnastic actions. Move equipment safely. Develop ball playing skills in hockey and football. Recognise and describe what bodies feel like during activity. Music Develop understanding of the dynamics of music – louder, quieter, silence. Use their voices expressively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes. Explore pitch – higher and lower sounds.