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Math Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) & Student Support Services (SSS)-STEM Partnership Model

Math Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) & Student Support Services (SSS)-STEM Partnership Model. MESA and SSS-STEM Partnership Model. Mr. Arturo Hernandez Director of MESA El Camino College Dr. Gisela Spieler-Persad Director of MESA, Professor of Mathematics Rio Hondo College

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Math Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) & Student Support Services (SSS)-STEM Partnership Model

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  1. Math Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) & Student Support Services (SSS)-STEM Partnership Model

  2. MESA and SSS-STEM Partnership Model Mr. Arturo Hernandez Director of MESA El Camino College Dr. Gisela Spieler-Persad Director of MESA, Professor of Mathematics Rio Hondo College Dr. Don Goldberg Dean of Mathematical Sciences El Camino College

  3. STEM Crisis in the US • America’s • Perfect • Storm • Irwin Kirsch • ETS

  4. America’s Perfect StormThree Forces Are Changing Our Nation’s Future • Inadequate literacy and numeracy skills • The continuing evolution of the economy and the nation’s job structure • An ongoing shift in the demographic profile © 2007 by Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved.

  5. President Barack ObamaNovember 23, 2009 • . . . reaffirming and strengthening America's role as the world's engine of scientific discovery and technological innovation.  • . . . Leadership depends on how we educate our students. • . . . And that's why education in math and science is so important.

  6. Agenda • MESA Community College Program • TRIO SSS STEM • Collaborative Exercise

  7. MESA Statewide Mission Statement MSP MCCP MEP “MESA enables educationally disadvantaged students to prepare for and graduate from a four-year college or university with a math-based degree in areas such as engineering, the sciences, computer science, and mathematics…”

  8. MESA Community College Program (MCCP) Funded through Funds for Student Success by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office

  9. MCCP Goal Increase the number of financially and educationally disadvantaged students who transfer to four year institutions in STEM majors and successfully attain math or science-based degrees.

  10. Goal

  11. MESA Student Eligibility • Enrollment in Elementary Algebra or above • Declared a transfer major in a Math or Science-based field • Be in good academic standing • Financial Need • Educational Disadvantage

  12. MCCP Components

  13. Administrative Component • Full time Director, maintained as a permanent district employee • Statewide Director’s meetings • Maintain a clerical assistant position • Maintain 100 students • Maintain data

  14. This multipurpose center is the hub for study and special activities MESA Study Center

  15. Academic Excellence Workshops Students are scheduled in the same core math and science classes and taught how to successfully master complex technical ideas and principles through a collaborative approach.

  16. Academic Counseling &Assistance in the Transfer Process MESA provides academic counseling, visits to four-year institutions, and workshops to assist students in the transfer process

  17. Career Advising Students are exposed to different math, engineering and science career options through contacts with industry mentors, field trips, job shadowing, career fairs and internship opportunities.

  18. These resources provide mentors, guest speakers and industry field trips. Links with student and professional organizations

  19. Through workshops and mock job fairs, students learn about corporate culture, improve their resume writing and interviewing skills and are offered opportunities for part-time and summer employment in industry Professional Development

  20. Leadership Retreats

  21. MCCP Components • Administrative Component • Student Study Center • Academic Excellence Workshops • Academic Advising/Counseling • Orientation course • Assistance in the transfer process • Career advising • Links with student and professional organizations • Professional development workshops • Industry Advisory Board

  22. Results SUCCESS!!! Awards in Math and Sciences Transfers Internships Scholarships Summer Enrichment Programs http://www.elcamino.edu/mesa http://www.riohondo.edu/mesa

  23. SSS-STEM Student Support Services Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

  24. SSS Mission The purpose of the SSS Program is to increase the number of disadvantaged low-income first generation students …who successfully complete a program of study at the postsecondary level…

  25. MESA Mission MESA enables educationally disadvantaged students to prepare for and graduate from a four-year college or university with a math-based degree in areas such as engineering, the sciences, computer science, and mathematics.

  26. Student Support Services (SSS) Grants to Institutions of Higher Learning • Provide opportunities for academic development • Assist with college requirements • Motivate students to complete postsecondary education

  27. El Camino CollegeRio Hondo College Support MESA Efforts through more support in: • Educational Success Planning • Personal Success Plan/Time Management • Study Skills • Counseling • Academic Support • Facilitated Study Groups • Study Mentors/Mentors • Book Loans

  28. Rio Hondo College El Camino College

  29. El Camino CollegeRio Hondo College

  30. Rio Hondo CollegeEl Camino College

  31. El Camino College Rio Hondo College

  32. MESA & S3 S-STEM • Focus on first generations, low income and/or disabled students • Goal to increase persistence, improve academics performance and increase graduation and transfer rates in STEM • Program build on the MESA infrastructure by expanding and providing additional resources

  33. Interactive exercise If you were to plan a TRIO-SSS-STEM project for your campus, who would be on the planning team? • Which officials would you invite? • What expertise does each one bring? Discuss your answers with nearby participants (about 6 per group) for ten minutes.


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