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$ 100

$ 100. Life Line. What does the 14 th amendment provide?. A. Equal protection . B. Free speech. C. Popular sovereignty. D. Prior restraint. $ 200. Life Line. Which of the following required schools to provide similar opportunities for boys and girls to participate in sports?.

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  1. $ 100 Life Line What does the 14th amendment provide? A. Equal protection B. Free speech C. Popular sovereignty D. Prior restraint

  2. $ 200 Life Line Which of the following required schools to provide similar opportunities for boys and girls to participate in sports? A. Title IX B. Affirmative Action C. 14th Amendment D. IDEA

  3. $ 300 Life Line Which Supreme Court case establishedthe “separate but equal” doctrine? A. Brown v. Board of Ed B. Miranda v. Arizona C. Plessy v. Ferguson D. New Jersey v. T.L.O

  4. $ 500 Life Line Which Supreme Court case overturnedthe “separate but equal” doctrine? A. Brown v. Board of Ed B. Miranda v. Arizona C. McCulloch v. Md. D. Tinker v. Des Moines

  5. $ 1,000 Life Line When does the government have the right to stop a public demonstration? A. It criticizes government officials B. It threatens community safety C. It expresses an unpopular view D. It presents only one point of view

  6. $ 2,000 Life Line Which of these rights is guaranteed to criminal defendants as a result of Gideon v. Wainwright? A. Right to a jury trial B. Right to remain silent C. Right to a lawyer D. Right to bail

  7. $ 4,000 Life Line Freedom from unreasonable search is an example of which principle? A. Checks and Balances B. Equal Protection C. Judicial Review D. Limited Government

  8. $ 8,000 Life Line Which of the following legislation requires public buildings to have wheelchair ramps or elevators? A. Title IX B. Americans with Disabilities Act C. Affirmative Action D. Civil Rights Act

  9. $ 16,000 Life Line Which of the following Supreme Courtcases limited students’ 4th amendmentrights? A. Brown v. Board of Ed B. Plessy v. Ferguson C. Tinker v. Des Moines D. New Jersey v. T.L.O.

  10. $ 32,000 Life Line Which of these situations would A public school system be in violation of federal law? A. Requiring the wearing of uniforms B. Requiring a minimum grade point average C. Segregating students on basis of race D. Requesting parent participation

  11. $ 64,000 Life Line A police officer arrests a suspected criminal and does not read him his rights. This is a violation of which principle of Government? A. Judicial Review B. Due Process C. Checks and Balances D. Separation of Powers

  12. $ 125,000 Life Line Which of the following explains why the federal government passes Civil Rights legislation? A. Establish legal aid B. Promote equity C. Increase school funding D. Decrease law suits

  13. $ 250,000 Life Line What do all of the events in these headlines address? A. Unemployment issues B. Educational access C. Gender discrimination D. Racial segregation

  14. $ 500,000 Life Line • During wartime, the writ of habeas corpus • can be suspended in some areas allowing the arrest and holding • of persons without charging them with specific crime. • Based on this event, which of these conclusions is accurate? • Presidential powers decrease • during times of war • The military must protect • constitutional rights C. Citizens may lose rights during emergencies D. The Supreme Court gains powers during times of war

  15. $ 1 MILLION Life Line Legislation promoting immigration would most likely cause…. A. Decreased economic activity B. Increased available housing C. Decreased population D. Increased cultural diversity

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