Nathan Deal Is The Governor Of Georgia. His duty is to makes policy recommendations that lawmakers in both the state House and Senate chambers may sponsor and introduce as bills. The Governor Nathan also appoints the Secretary of State, as well as members of boards and commissions who oversee the heads of state agencies and departments. Governor
Casey Cagle is the Lieutenant Governor of Georgia. His duty is to act as Governor should if the Governor be temporarily absent from the office. Lieutenant Governor
The State School Superintendent of Georgia is Dr. John D. Burge. His duty is to ensure all schools within in the district operate effectively and enforce all rules and regulations established by the Board of Education. STATE SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT
Mark Butler is the Commissioner of Labor of Georgia. His is duty is for him and his department to carries out and enforces more than 180 national labor laws geared to protect Americans from harsh, unfair working conditions. Commissioner of Labor
Brian P. Kemp is the Secretary of State of Georgia. His duty is to supervises elections and puts the state seal on all official papers signed by the governor. Secretary of State
Sam Olens is the Attorney General of Georgia. His duty is to provides legal advice to the government varies between jurisdictions, and even between individual office-holders within the same jurisdiction, often depending on the level and nature of the office-holder's prior legal experience. Attorney General
Gary Black is the Commissioner of Agriculture. His duty is to attend at a court proceeding involving a livestock violation, seizing adulterated or misbranded agricultural products, or investigating a complaint of livestock theft. Gathering and reporting of agricultural statistics. Commissioner of Agriculture
Ralph Hudgens is the Insurance Commissioner of Georgia. His duty is to is to balance the rights of consumers to purchase affordable insurance protection with an insurance company's goal of achieving a profit. Insurance Commissioner
•Doug Everett is the Public Service Commissioner (1) of Georgia. His duty is to protects consumers' interests while abiding by legal standards in setting rates. Public Service Commissioner (1)
Carol W. Hunstein is the Chief Justice, Georgia Supreme Court. Her duty is toofficialspokesperson for decisions of the Supreme Court, but is generally regarded as a primus inter pares (first amongst equals). Chief Justice, Georgia Supreme Court
David Ralston is the Speaker of the House. His duty is to lead and represent Congress’s House of Representatives, calling sessions to order and moderating debate on the House floor. Speaker of the House
David Shafer is the President pro tempore of Senate of Georgia. His duty is to convene and preside over all regular and special Chapter meetings and all meetings of the Board of Directors, and perform all duties pertaining to the office President pro tempore of Senate
Alisha Morgan is State Senator. Her job is to make state legislation into law. State Senator
Hank Huckaby is the Chairperson, Georgia Board Of Regents of Georgia. His duty is to manage public higher education in the state of Georgia. Chairperson, Georgia Board Of Regents
Margaret Kaiser is the State Representative. Her duty is to introduce and vote on bills that represent the interests of their constituents they create new laws, modify or update old laws and serve on research committees within the legislative branch. State Representative