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X. YZ. Mesons. e otic. Stephen Olsen U. of Hawai’i & 高能所 北京. Sookyung Choi Scientist of the month Aug 2004, Korea. Constituent Quark Model (CQM). Gell-Mann. (& 6 antiquarks). 6 quarks. Zweig. u -2/3. c -2/3. t -2/3. u +2/3. c +2/3. t +2/3. b +1/3. s +1/3. d -1/3.
X YZ Mesons e otic Stephen Olsen U. of Hawai’i & 高能所 北京 Sookyung Choi Scientist of the month Aug 2004, Korea
Constituent Quark Model(CQM) Gell-Mann (& 6 antiquarks) 6 quarks Zweig u-2/3 c-2/3 t-2/3 u+2/3 c+2/3 t+2/3 b+1/3 s+1/3 d-1/3 s-1/3 b-1/3 d+1/3 Baryons: qqq Mesons: q q c+2/3 s+1/3 Wc: u+2/3 s-1/3 B+ : b+1//3 C-2/3 S=1/3 u-2/3 Wc: B- : s+1/3 b-1/3
Fabulously successful mesons q q
Are there other color-singlet arrangements? Pentaquarks: e.g. an S=+1 baryon (only anti-s quark has S=+1) Glueballs: gluon-gluon color singlet states Multi-quark mesons: qq-gluon hybrid mesons Non-quark model states expected in QCD d u u d s u c u c c c
Our approach:look for non-qq mesons 4 (& 6) quark states d u u c u d u u c u “hybrid” qq-gluon states c c
J/y g pp g c+2/3 p C-2//3 u+2/3 u+2/3 d-1/3 p u-2/3 u-2/3 d+1/3
J/y g pp What is this??? This is the hcpp J.Z. Bai et. al (BES). PRL 91, 022001 (2003) M(pp) GeV
Fit the M(pp) distribution M=1835 MeV no know G 100MeV resonance Best fit to this peak is a resonance with peak mass below the pp mass threshold
A pp bound state (baryonium)? There is lots & lots of literature about this possibility deuteron: baryonium: attractive nuclear force attractive force? p n p p loosely bound 3-q 3-q color singlets with Md = 2mp- e loosely bound 3-q 3-q color singlets with Mb = 2mp-d ?
Expectation for pp bound state meson below-threshold p and p annihilate to mesons Above threshold Xpp ~100% I=0, JPC=0-+ init. state: pp p+p-h’ is common mp +mp
Look in J/y g p+p-h’ mp+mp M=1833 MeV G 70MeV M(p+p-h’)
X(1835): “6-quark” meson? d u 3 quarks + u u u 3 antiquarks d • Need to confirm JPC of the p+p-h’ peak is 0-+ • Need to find it in other common 0-+ pp annihilation channels jobs for BESIII
Charmonium is of particular interest because it is an especially good system to use to search for non-qq mesons
a cc meson has to fit into one of these slots: If it doesn’t, it is a good candidate for a non qq meson
B-factories produce lots of cc pairs 0-+, 1-- or 1++ 0-+, 0++, 2++ 1-- only C =+ states
Lots new on the “XYZ” particles Status spring 2007: New Belle/BaBar results: (Summer 2007) • X(3872) • p+p- J/y in BKp+p-J/y • Z(3930) • DD in gg DD • Y(3940) • wJ/y in BK wJ/y • X(3940) • e+e-J/y X & e+e- J/y DD* • Y(4260) • p+p-J/y in e+e-g p+p- J/y • Y(4325) • p+p-y’ in e+e-g p+p-y’ X(3880)DD - e+e- J/y DD confirmed by BaBar updated by Belle Y(4008)? X(4160)D*D* - e+e- J/y D*D* Y(4250) Y(4370) Z+(4430)p+y - BKp+y’ Y(4660)
X(3872) S-K Choi, SL Olsen et al,
X(3872) properties (PDG2007) MeV MD0 + MD*0 = 3.871.8 ± 0.4
M(pp) looks like rpp CDF Belle PRL 96 102002 c2/dof = 43/39 (CL=28%) kinematic limit≈mr • Belle & CDF: JPC = 1++ most likely
What’s new with the X(3872)? BaBar confirms Belle’s DDp threshold enhancement Both groups see a high mass value Mass is 3.8±1.2 MeV above WAvg X(3872)ppJ/y mass; (~3s) is this significant?
Belle’s BKSX & BK±X comparison Confirms an earlier BaBar result KS mode K± mode “molecular” models predicted this to be <<1 (Braaten et al PRD 71 074005) DM = 0.22 ± 0.90 ± 0.27 MeV “diquark-antidiquark” models predicted this to be 8±3 MeV (Maiani et al PRD 71 014028)
Is there a cc slot for the X(3872)? 1++(cc1’) 3872 • Br(gJ/y) too small • Br(rJ/y) too big 2-+(hc2) • hc2rJ/y ispin forbidden • D0D0p0 @ thresh.suppressed • BKcc(J=2) suppressed
Y(3940) in BK wJ/y S-K Choi, SL Olsen et al, Belle PRL94, 182002 (2005) M≈3940 ± 11 MeV G≈ 92 ± 24 MeV M2(wJ/y) GeV2 M2(Kw) GeV2 M(wJ/y) MeV
Y(3940) properties G(Y3940 wJ/y)> 7 MeV (an SUF(3) violating decay) ~ this is 103 x G(y’ hJ/y) (another SUF(3) violating decay) M(wJ/y) MeV if the Z(3930) is the cc2’ the Y(3940) mass is too high for it to be the cc1’ Belle PRL94, 182002 (2005)
Confirmed by BaBar this summer G.Cibinetto EPS-2007 B±K±wJ/y B±K±wJ/y B0KSwJ/y M2(Kw) ratio M(wJ/y) Some discrepancy in M & G; general features agree
Is there a cc slot for Y(3940) ? hc” Mass is low cc1’ Can M(cc1’)>M(cc2’)? 3940 3931 cc0’ “ “ “ “ For any charmonium assignment, G[Y(3940)w J/y] is too large.
The 1-- states seen in ISR y (y’)
233 fb-1 e+e- gisr Y(4260) at BaBar BaBar PRL95, 142001 (2005) fitted values: M=4259 8 +2 MeV G = 88 23 +6 MeV -6 -9 Y(4260) ~50pb
Not seen in e+e- hadrons ~3nb 4260 speak(Y(4260)+p-J/)~50 pb Huge by charmonium standards BES data 4260 G(Y4260p+p- J/y) > 1.6MeV @ 90% CL X.H. Mo et al, PL B640, 182 (2006)
“Y(4260)” at Belle (New) BaBar values: M=4247 12 +17 MeV G = 108 19 ±10 MeV -32 M=4259 8 +2 MeV G = 88 23 +6 MeV -6 -9 M=4008 40 +114 MeV G = 226 44 ±87 MeV -28 ??? Resonance? Thresh effect? …? C.Z Yuan et al (Belle) arXiv:0707.2541 To appear in PRL
No 1-- cc slot for the Y(4260) X.H. Mo et al, hep-ex/0603024 4260 4260
Is the Y(4260) a cc-gluon hybrid? c c • qq-gluon excitations predicted 30 yrs ago • lowest 1-- cc-gluon mass expected at ~4.3 GeV • relevant open charm threshold is D**D (~4.28 GeV) • G(ppJ/y) larger than that for normal charmonium • G(e+e-) smaller than that for ordinary charmonium Horn & MandulaPRD 17, 898 (1977) Y(4260) seems to match all of these!!! Banner et al, PRD 56, 7039 (1997); Mei & Luo, IJMPA 18, 15713 (2003) Isgur, Koloski & Paton PRL 54, 869 (1985) McNeile, Michael & Pennanen PRD 65, 094505 (2002) Close & Page NP B443, 233 (1995)
DD** thresholds in & “Y(4260)” D2D D** spectrum D1D No obvious distortions 4.28-mD M(p+p-J/y) GeV
BaBar’s p+p-y’ peak at 4325MeV D2D 298 fb-1 (BaBar) hep-ex/0610057 e+e-gISRp+p-y’ D1D Nevt = 68 (<5.7 GeV/c2) Nbkg = 3.1 1.0 M=4324 24 MeV G = 172 33 MeV above all D**D thresholds Not Compatible with the Y(4260) BaBar PRL 98 252001 (2007) S.W.Ye QWG-2006 June 2006
4325 MeV p+p-y’ peak in Belle (new) Two peaks! (both relatively narrow) (& both above D**D thresh) (& neither consistent with 4260) M=4361 9 ±9 MeV G = 74 15 ±10 MeV M=4664 11 ±5 MeV G = 48 15 ±3 MeV 4260 BaBar values M=4324 24 MeV G = 172 33 MeV X.L. Wang et al (Belle) arXiv:0707.3699 548 fb-1
Latest News electrically charged!! S-K Choi, SL Olsen et al, Belle, submitted to PRL
M(p±y’) from BK p± y’ M = 4433 ±4 ±1 MeV Gtot = 45 +17+30 MeV Nsig =124 ± 31evts K*Kp Veto Veto K2*Kp? -13 -11 M2(py’) GeV2 6.5 M(py’) GeV M2(Kp) GeV2 K. Abe et al (Belle) arXiv:0708.1790
Comments on the Z+(4430) Not a reflection from the Kp system ~ No significant signal in B KpJ/y It has non-zero charge not cc or hybrid Mass, width & decay pattern similar to Y(4360) & Y(4660)
(mine) conclusions • There seems to be a new hadron spectroscopy in the M=3.5~5 GeV region • Maybe more than one • Bodes well for BESIII, Super-B factories & PANDA • Some states are narrow even though they are far above decay thresholds • e.g. Y(4660)ppy’ & Z+(4430)p+ y’ have large Q but G≈50 MeV • characterized by large partial widths (Bfs) to hadrons+J/y (or y’) • Br(X(3872)rJ/y) > 4.3% (Isospin=1) • G(Y(3940)wJ/y) > 7 MeV (SU(3) octet) • G(Y(4260)p+p-J/y) > 1.6 MeV • States that decay to y’ not seen decaying to J/y (and vice-versa) • Bf(Y(4660)ppy’) >> Bf(y(4660)ppJ/y) same for Y(4360) & Z(4430py’ • Y(4260) not seen in Y(4260)ppy’ • The new 1-- states are not apparent in the e+e-D(*)D(*) cross sections • There is no evident transitions at the D**D mass threshold
New 1-- states p+p- J/y p+p-y’ K+K- J/y
DD thresholds DSDS thresholds some of the states are near thresholds, but this is not a universal feature
stot Y(4360) Y(4660) Y(4008) DD None of the 1--peaks matchstructures in e+e- hadrons D*D* DD* Y(4260) Pakhlova (Belle) PRL 98, 092001 (2007)
Lots of pieces Y(3940) Z(4430) X(3940) Are they all from the same puzzle? X(4160) Y(4660) Y(4008) Y(4260) Y(4360) X(3872)
Actual fit fitted peak location J/ygpp in the BES expt M=1830.6± 6.7 MeV/c2 G < 153 MeV/c2 (90% CL) c2/dof=56/56 0 0.1 0.2 0.3