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North Carolina 1:1 Learning Technology Initiative (NCLTI)

North Carolina 1:1 Learning Technology Initiative (NCLTI). Verna Lalbeharie & Emmy Coleman The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation NC State University College of Education December 10, 2010. NC State Board of Education. Mission:

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North Carolina 1:1 Learning Technology Initiative (NCLTI)

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  1. North Carolina 1:1 Learning Technology Initiative(NCLTI) Verna Lalbeharie & Emmy Coleman The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation NC State University College of Education December 10, 2010

  2. NC State Board of Education • Mission: • “Every public school student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21st century.” • Goals • NC public schools will produce globally competitive students; • NC public schools will be led by 21st century professionals; • NC public students will be healthy and responsible; • Leadership will guide innovation in NC public schools; • NC public schools will be governed and supported by 21st century systems. • Mantra • Future-ready schools, future-ready students

  3. What is the North Carolina Learning Technology Initiative (NCLTI)? • A strategic approach to creating future-ready schools • Goals of • Engagement • Equity • Economic development • To prepare future-ready students, we must provide future-ready environments, tools, learning processes and content

  4. Elements of NCLTI • Teachers prepared use technology to enhance teaching and learning • 21st century skills and content integrated into the curriculum • Alignment of standards, curriculum, instruction, and assessment • Effective leadership, community and business support • A wireless, multimedia digital device for every student and teacher • Broadband connectivity and wireless access throughout the school • Other technology resources • Policies and sustainable funding to support future-ready teaching and learning

  5. A 1907 Learning Ecology

  6. A 2002 Learning Ecology

  7. A New Learning Ecology

  8. A New Learning Ecology

  9. A New Learning Ecology

  10. Builds upon, supports and extendsother NC initiatives • School Connectivity Initiative • Project IMPACT Classrooms • Accountability and Curriculum Reform Effort (ACRE), based on the Framework for Change • NC Virtual Public School/Learn and Earn Online • New Schools Project Early College and Redesigned High Schools • Center for 21st Century Skills • LearnNC and eLearning for Educators Online Professional Development Programs • NC Learning Objects Repository

  11. Public-Private Partnership • Started August 2007 • Funding from NC, GoldenLEAF Foundation, SAS, Lowes, AT&T, and others • Steering committee from DPI, Friday Institute/NCSU, NC New Schools Project, GoldenLEAF Foundation, SAS, School representatives • Strong support from Governor Perdue, Representative Joe Tolson, SAS CEO Jim Goodnight, GoldenLEAF VP Mark Sorrells, SBE, DPI and many others. • Building on work of the Business and Education Technology Alliance (BETA) and the eLearning Commission

  12. NCLTI Pilot Schools

  13. Current NCLTI Schools

  14. Can This Really Happen Statewide? • 460 Public High Schools, 425,000 students • It’s already being done by individual schools and districts • It’s being done in other states and countries • How can we address engagement, equity, and economic development needs throughout NC without it?

  15. Possibility of RttT Resources to Further NCLTI? • To improve education quality and results statewide • Includes rigorous research to build the knowledge base about what works • Provides seed resources for LEAs to upgrade wireless infrastructure, purchase hardware (devices) and build interactive classrooms • Wireless networks ($48.54M budgeted by 66 LEAs) • 1:1 initiatives ($25.53M budgeted by 57 LEAs) • Interactive classrooms ($6.26M budgeted by 12 LEAs) • NC Education Cloud ($34.6M budgeted statewide)

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