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This session highlights the intersections between formative assessment and the Early Literacy and Early Mathematics Essentials, focusing on building the capacity of teachers to set a strong foundation in mathematics and literacy. Explore the planning, eliciting evidence, feedback, and instructional decisions involved in formative assessment for disciplinary knowledge development.
Formative Assessment Practice Supports BOTH the Early Literacy Essentials and Early Mathematics Practices Tara Kintz, MAC Naomi Norman, Washtenaw ISD and former Early Literacy Task Force Co-Chair Kathy Peasley, Gratiot Isabella RESD and Early Math Task Force Co-Chair Feb 13, 2019
Welcome and Introductions Go to www.menti.com Use the code: 42 59 05 Mentimeter Presenter Slide
Today’s session What questions do you have? What do you hope to learn today? Turn and talk…..
Session Focus Michigan is building the capacity of teachers who work with young children to set a strong foundation in mathematics and literacy through the MAISA Early Literacy and Early Mathematics Task Forces. This session highlights: • The intersections between formative assessment and the Early Literacy and Mathematics Essentials. • Where and how the Early Literacy and Early Mathematics Essentials use the formative assessment process and necessary practices that advance and support learning.
Formative Assessment Defined “Formative assessment is a planned, ongoing process used by all students and teachers during learning and teaching to elicit and use evidence of student learning to improve student understanding of intended disciplinary learning outcomes and support students to become more self-directed learners.” -(CCSSO FAST SCASS, 2017)
Key points in the definition “Formative assessment is a planned, ongoing process used by all students and teachers during learningand teaching to elicit and use evidence of student learning to improve student understanding of intended disciplinary learning outcomes and support students to become more self-directed learners.” -(CCSSO FAST SCASS, 2017)
Guiding Questions • Where am I going? • Where am I now? • Where to next? Close the gap Sadler, 1989
Key Components in the Formative Assessment Process • Planning • Learning Target Use • Eliciting Evidence of Student Understanding • Formative Feedback • Instructional and Learning Decisions
For teachers, implementing formative assessment means changing the way they “think about teaching and their view of their role as a teacher.” (Black et al., 2003, p. 80)
Formative Assessment and Disciplinary Knowledge Develop formative assessment practices rooted within the specific disciplines in which they are implemented. (Andrade, Bennett, & Cizek, 2019)
Early Literacy Task Force- Background Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead Michigan Virtual
Early Math Task Force- Background • Formed in early 2017 • Final draft of the Essentials for Early Math will be approved Feb 14, 2018 • Professional Learning to begin late summer/fall 2018
Theory of Action for Literacy and Math Math Theory of Action
Formative Assessment in the Early Literacy Essentials Copies available at literacyessentials.org
Assessment Early Literacy Essentials available at literacyessentials.org
Formative Assessment Early Literacy Essentials available at literacyessentials.org
Instructional Practice Video link: Notetaking document
Formative Assessment in the Early Math Essentials Essential #4 Engage in formative assessment as a process - In an ongoing and planned-for manner, continuously assess children’s mathematical thinking through observation and discussion to inform next learning and teaching steps.
Example of Essential #4 Bullets • Pose purposeful questions in order to elicit evidence of children’s thinking in various participation structures (e.g., individual, pairs, and small and large groups). • Work from children’s identified strengths as the starting points for new mathematical learning and selection of appropriate learning tasks.
Questioning for Mathematical Understanding Video Clip What are the ways that the teacher is gathering information about student thinking are at so that she can move them instructionally toward the learning target?
Summary and Discussion Were there questions that you had that we did not address? What other questions did this discussion raise for you?
Next steps • What is one take away for you today? • What might be next steps as you move forward?
Thank you! To learn more about formative assessment and Early Math and Literacy Essentials: • Visit the Formative Assessment for Michigan Educators (FAME): famemichigan.org • Online course: Understanding the Formative Assessment Process • Online, self-paced 4 SCHE’s and 60.00 registration • https://michiganvirtual.org/professionals/mac/ • Field Test online course: Formative Feedback or Developing Learning Targets • Micro-credential style courses 3.14 – 7.15 2019 (no cost and focus on one aspect of FAP) • Please, apply here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QKY59RZ • Early Math Task Force • Early Literacy Task Force and Literacy Essentials