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This study explores a novel approach to forecasting accident severity on highways using a mixed logit model. By considering the proportion of accidents by severity levels on highway segments, this approach overcomes the limitations of existing frequency-dominated methods and allows for more accurate predictions. The empirical setting focuses on multilane divided highways in Washington State, with accident data from 1990-1994. The results provide insights into the impact of various factors on accident severity, including average daily traffic, annual snowfall, percentage of trucks, average daily number of trucks, number of horizontal curves, and number of changes in vertical profile.
Highway accident severities and the mixed logit model: An exploratory analysis John Milton, Venky Shankar, Fred Mannering
Background • State agencies generally look only at accident frequencies when programming safety highway improvement. • Example: Washington State uses negative binomial and zero-inflated models to forecast accident frequencies.
Problems with frequency-dominated approaches • Some do not consider severity which may be the critical element. • Some only simplistically consider severity leading to problematic assumptions. • Frequency-dominated approaches tend to overlly favor urban areas.
How to forecast injury severity? • Detailed severity models based on individual accidents. • Too complex for forecasting purposes (require information on age and gender of driver, type of car, restraint usage, alcohol consumption, etc.). • Separate frequency models for different severity types. • Ignores correlation among severity outcomes. • Can lead to very complex modeling structures.
Past methodological approaches • Logistic regression and bivariate models. • Ordered probability models. • Multinomial and nested logit models.
Proposed approach • Assume the frequency of accidents is known (well developed methods exist for determining these). • Divide highways into segments. • Develop a model to forecast the proportion of accidents by severity levels on highway segments.
Differences relative to existing approaches: • More aggregate – cannot include specific accident characteristics (driver characteristics, vehicle characteristics, restraint usage, alcohol consumption, etc.). • Has advantage of easy application (does not require forecasting of many accident-specific variables).
Methodological approach • Without detailed accident information, our approach potentially introduces a heterogeneity problem. • Heterogeneity could result in varying effects of X that could be captured with random parameters. • Mixed logit may be appropriate.
Define: where Sin is a severity function determining the injury-severity category i proportion on roadway segment n; Xinis a vector of explanatory variables (weather, geometric, pavement, roadside and traffic variables); βiis a vector of estimable parameters; and εin is error term.
If εin’s are assumed to be generalized extreme value distributed, where Pn(i) is the proportion of injury-severity category (from the set of all injury-severity categories I) on roadway segment n.
The mixed logit is: where f (β | φ) is the density function of β with φreferring to a vector of parameters of the density function (mean and variance). • With this, β can now account for segment-specific variations of the effect of X on injury-severity proportions, with the density function f (β | φ) used to determine β.
Mixed logit • Relaxes possible IIA problems with a more general error-term structure. • Can test a variety of distribution options for β . • Estimated with simulation based maximum likelihood.
Empirical setting • Seek to model the annual proportion of accidents by injury severity on roadway segments. • Injury-severities: property damage only; possible injury; injury. • Multilane divided highways in Washington State. • 274 roadway segments defined (average length 2.7 miles).
Empirical setting • Accident data from 1990-94 (22,568 accidents; 56% property damage only; 22% possible injury; 22% injury). • Accident data linked with weather, geometric, pavement, roadside and traffic data.
Findings: Average Daily Traffic • Defined for Property damage only • Parameter normally distributed; mean = 0.0792; s.d. = 0.7143 • For roadway segments, 45.6% less than zero, 54.4% greater than zero. • Possible differences in driver behavior across the state changes this effect.
Findings: Average Annual Snowfall • Defined for Property damage only • Parameter normally distributed; mean = 0.1390; s.d. = 0.5703 • For roadway segments, 37.9% less than zero, 62.1% greater than zero. • Most sections reduce severity but not all. Again, driver behavior differences.
Findings: Percentage of trucks • Defined for Possible Injury • Parameter normally distributed; mean = -0.1617; s.d. = 0.1350 • For roadway segments, 88.1% less than zero, 11.9% greater than zero. • For most sections increasing percentages push severities to high/low extremes.
Findings: Average daily number of trucks • Defined for Injury • Parameter normally distributed; mean = -0.4669; s.d. = 0.6771 • For roadway segments, 76% less than zero, 24% greater than zero. • For most sections increasing number of trucks reduces “injury” proportions.
Findings: Number of horizontal curves • Defined for Injury • Fixed Parameter; mean = -0.3274 • Drivers compensating by driving more cautiously?
Findings: Number of changes in vertical profile • Defined for Injury • Fixed Parameter; mean = -0.0947 • Drivers compensating by driving more cautiously?
Summary • Mixed logit has the potential to provide highway agencies with a new way of estimating injury severities. • Method needs to be applied to more diverse road classes, such as two-lane highways.