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Understanding Intelligence: Factors Impacting Learning and Communication

Explore how different types of intelligences influence learning and communication abilities. Discover the seven types of intelligence: Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, and Intrapersonal. Learn how these intelligences affect how individuals perceive, process information, and communicate effectively in various contexts. Understanding these factors can enhance educational approaches and communication strategies.

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Understanding Intelligence: Factors Impacting Learning and Communication

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Factors Influencing Learning and Communication Will Harding Comm 165

  2. The Learning Context • The Defintion of communication states that people act on meanings they construct

  3. Student Ability • Different students have wide range of abilities and competencies. • Based on studies there are seven different types of intelligences.

  4. Seven types of Intelligence • Linguistic Intelligence • Logical Mathematical Intelligence • Spatial Intelligence • Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence • Musical Intelligence • Interpersonal Intelligence • Intrapersonal Intelligence

  5. Linguistic Intelligence • Entails the ability to use words effectively in both oral and wrtten modes for variety of purposes such as debate, poetry and story telling. These individuals achieve best when they can speak, listen, and write

  6. Logical Mathematical Intelligence • Involves the capacity to reason, to think atomically and linearly. Individuals are effective in finding patterns, and working with formulas.

  7. Spatial Intelligence • The ability to perceive, create and re-create visual images and pictures. Individuals with spatial intelligence are sensitive to tone, composition, shape and form.

  8. Bodily Kinesthetic • Intelligence involves the ability to use one’s body to express ideas and feelings. Individuals have great bodily motion with balance and coordination.

  9. Musical Intelligence • Is the ability to understand, create and intrepret different musical forms. Musically intelligent people sing in key and keep tempo

  10. Interpersonal Intelligence • Requires individuals to be socially and personally perceptive. These individuals are able to perceive moods and feelings of other and adapt to them

  11. Intrapersonal Intelligence • Entails the abilty to be in touch with ones emotional sate and predispositions. People who are aware of their inner moods have great self discipline!

  12. The End The End!!! The End

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