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Demonstration Project Pay Administration. WORKSHOP FOR MANAGERS. AGENDA. Demo Project Pay System Flexibility on Setting Pay for New Hires Flexibility on Setting Pay for Promotions and Reassignments Supervisory Pay Q & A’s. DEMO Project Pay System.
Demonstration Project Pay Administration WORKSHOP FOR MANAGERS
AGENDA • Demo Project Pay System • Flexibility on Setting Pay for New Hires • Flexibility on Setting Pay for Promotions and Reassignments • Supervisory Pay • Q & A’s
DEMO Project Pay System • A pay system that improves our ability to attract and retain quality employees • Offers pay setting flexibility when setting pay • Streamlines approval process for pay setting actions • Emphasizes pay for performance
Flexibility on Setting Pay for New Hires • Pay for new hires can be set anywhere within the pay band between intervals 1 and 3 • Salary offers can be negotiated • Recruitment payments can be offered to scientific, engineering and other hard to fill positions
Things to Consider When Setting Pay for a New Hire • Applicant’s level of experience • Overall qualifications for the position • Is salary competitive with salaries being offered for similar positions • Comparison of qualifications with existing staff • Expected learning curve • Training requirements • Pay progression and promotion potential to allow room for growth • Budget issues • Eligibility for pay for performance during current cycle
Flexibility on Setting Pay for Promotions & Reassignments • Pay may be set anywhere within the new band on a promotion • Promotions must receive a minimum of a 6% increase • Pay may be set anywhere within the band on a competitive reassignment
Things to Consider When Setting Pay for Competitive Reassignments & Promotions • Pay progression & promotion potential • Salaries of existing staff • Eligibility for performance increase – June 4th • Minimum of 6% increase for promotion actions
Supervisory Pay • Supervisory Performance Pay allows supervisory salaries to increase up to 6% higher than the maximum rate (interval 3) of non-supervisory positions • Must be classified as a supervisor • Movement through intervals 4 and 5 must be earned through annual performance increases
New Hire Pay Setting Question • My pay pool manager approved a starting salary of 75K for the person I selected, but the applicant called and asked if I could raise the salary to 80K. I think my Pay Pool Manager would agree to the increased salary, but she is tied up this afternoon and I will not be able to talk with her . Should I go ahead and say yes to the 80K?
Answer • No. Pay Pool Managers must approve all salaries and salary increases before they are offered to selectees. Additionally, your servicing Workforce Management Office should be the one to make the increased salary offer to the selectee.
Supervisory Pay Setting Question • My salary is capped at the maximum of interval 3, but I was selected competitively for a reassignment into a Demo supervisory position. Upon entry into the supervisory position, can my pay be set in intervals 4 or 5?
Answer • No. Supervisors can only move into intervals 4 and 5 through pay increases based on annual performance evaluations.
Supervisory Pay Question • If I leave my Demo supervisory position and go into a Demo non-supervisory position, do I retain my supervisory pay in interval 5?
Answer • No, if you leave a Demo supervisory position and you are in interval 4 or 5, then you do not retain your supervisory pay. However, your pay will be reset at the top of interval 3.
Recruitment Payment? • I selected “Joe” for an IT Specialist position located in Northeast Science Center. Joe is currently a career employee with DOD and I can’t afford for him to turn down my offer. I have had problems filling this position. Can I offer him a recruitment bonus?
Answer • No. At the present time, recruitment payments can only be paid to an individual who is newly appointed in the organization. • *Newly appointed means their first Federal appointment regardless of tenure or appointment following a break in service of at least 90 days from last appointment other than SCEP, provisional appointment, or temp appointment that is neither FT nor the principle employment of the candidate.
Relocation Payment? • So if I can’t offer Joe a recruitment payment, can I offer him a relocation payment?
Answer • Yes. A relocation payment may be paid when in the absence of the payment, it will be difficult to fill a position. However, the relocation payment must be supported. The determination to pay a relocation payment must be based on factors such as proportion of vacant positions; offers made and declinations of offers received for similar positions; competition in the labor market, turn over and special qualifications required.
Retention Payment • I have spent thousands of dollars in specialized training for Bill. Bill is the only subject matter expert that fully understands the operation of “X” within NOAA. If Bill leaves, we will not be able to meet the mission of our organization. Bill has just told me that he is accepting a position with the private industry. What can I do to retain Bill?
Answer • Looks as if you have supportable basis in which to offer Bill a retention payment. Retention payments may be paid when, absent a retention payment, a current employee with unique or unusually high qualifications important to meeting the special needs of the organization will likely leave the Federal service.
3 R’s Approval • Who can approve recruitment, relocation and retention payments in the Demonstration Project?
Answer • The Pay Pool Manager, with the advice of the servicing Workforce Management Office, has the authority to approve recruitment, relocation and retention payments.
In Summary… • The Demo pay system improves our ability to attract and retain quality employees • Offers pay setting flexibility • Streamlines approval process for pay setting actions
References • Demonstration Project http://ohrm.os.doc.gov/Demo/dev01_000105 • DEMO Project Operating Procedures http://ohrm.os.doc.gov/s/groups/public/@doc/@cfoasa/@ohrm/documents/content/prod01_001029.pdf • DOC DEMO Project pay setting guide http://ohrm.os.doc.gov/s/groups/public/@doc/@cfoasa/@ohrm/documents/content/dev01_000300.pdf