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DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday November 5 2014. WE OWN OUR DATA Updated 11-04-14 Student Population: 600 Students with Perfect Attendance: 139 Students with >97% Attendance: 332 Students with >92% Attendance: 481 Students with >90% Attendance: 508 High Attendance = High Achievement!.
DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday November 5 2014
WE OWN OUR DATA Updated 11-04-14 Student Population: 600 Students with Perfect Attendance: 139 Students with >97% Attendance: 332 Students with >92% Attendance: 481 Students with >90% Attendance: 508 High Attendance = High Achievement!
WE OWN OUR DATA Updated 11-04-14 Attendance by Cohort Class of 2015: 93.77% Class of 2016: 94.37% Class of 2017: 96.21% Class of 2018: 95.42% High Attendance = High Achievement! GREAT JOB SOPHOMORES!!!!
WE OWN OUR DATA ACT State Average: 21.8 National Average: 21.1 UPDATED: 10/13/14 55 of 131 SENIORShave taken the ACT The scoring range is 14-29 Senior Class average is now 20.56
WE OWN OUR DATA ACT State Average: 21.8 National Average: 21.1 UPDATED: 08/20/14 10 of 135 Juniorshave taken the ACT The scoring range is 12-25 Class average is now 20.55
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY All NHS candidates and established members need to see Mrs. Sadler for some important information concerning the induction ceremony. This needs to be done by 3:30 on Thursday, November 6.
Are you thinking about doing something over the winter come to tryouts Tuesday November 11. • Its from 3:30 to 5:00 pm in the Band room. • If you need any information please call Dr. Ford # 885-2247 and use the ext. 2129. Tryouts for Winter Guard
The purpose of the Hagan Scholarship is to provide each recipient with the opportunity to obtain a four year college education and graduate debt free. The preferred recipient of a Hagan Scholarship will be a high achieving and self motivated student with employment experience who aspires to obtain a college education in order to realize his or her full potential. The dollar amount of each Hagan Scholarship will vary up to $5,000 per semester. Each scholarship is renewable for up to seven additional consecutive semesters if the recipient fulfills the renewal criteria. The average value of a four year Hagan Scholarship is over $24,000. For more information and a downloadable application, visit www.hsfmo.org. Applicants WILL be judged on how well they follow the instructions. The Scholarship Application is due in its entirety by November 15, 2014.
It’s not too late to join SkillsUSA! • Automotive • Building Trades • Computer Information Systems • Health Occupations • Machine Tool • Welding West Central District Leadership Conference November 14 $20= Dues Paid $20= Hoodie See your advisor to join!
JROTC Archery Team… JROTC • Right On TARGET!
Always wear a seatbelt. -The most severe injuries in deer vehicle accident collisions usually result from failure to use a seatbelt. Be aware, watch for deer. CHS DECA
Credit Recovery Do you need to make up a missed credit? Talk to your guidance counselor and get signed up for Credit Recovery! When? Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:10-5:10 Where? Computer Lab 105 Sign up for text reminders – text @ChsCredRec to 917-746-3389 There may or may not be a sweet treat at credit recovery on Monday, September 29! See you there!
Lunch Accounts • Reminder that there is only a $5.00 charge limit on lunch accounts. • Any student over the $5.00 limit will be subject to disciplinary measures (including ISS). • Absolutely no charging extras or ala’carte.
BREAKFAST at CHS DID YOU KNOW? If you qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch, you also get Free/Reduced Breakfast! If you do not qualify, the reasonable breakfast price is only $1.20! Feed Your Stomachs and Your Brains!
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CHS on Social Media @CHSCards Facebook/CHSCards Start using #CHSCards in your tweets about the great things at CHS.
Ryan Jones The world needs more people holding deer in pictures and less people holding cameras in front of bathroom mirrors. -Unknown Son of Terri and Larry Jones Involved in: Choir, Band, Scouts, A+ Program, START Future Plans: Living in the moment. My future is in the making.
Mrs. Leslie Largent * has been teaching social studies and journalism at CHS for 21 years. * has been married to Scott for 22 years. * has 4 children: Taylor, Seth, Katie, & Joshua. * loves photography, reading, traveling, and spending time with her family. * loves watching the KC Royals, KC Chiefs, and MU Tigers!