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SS7H3e Explain the reasons for foreign involvement in Korea and Vietnam in terms of containment of Communism. Concepts: Conflict Creates Change Conflict Resolution. Domino Theory. the belief that if one nation fell to communism, then others in the area would follow. K o r e a n W a r.
SS7H3eExplain the reasons for foreign involvement in Korea and Vietnam in terms of containment of Communism. . Concepts: Conflict Creates Change Conflict Resolution
Domino Theory the belief that if one nation fell to communism, then others in the area would follow
KoreanWar 1950-1953; war fought between communist North Korea and South Korea; China and the Soviet Union supported North Korea with troops, weapons, and supplies; the United States supported South Korea; the war ended in a stalemate and Korea remains divided today; reunification is doubtful due to the political and economic differences (communism vs capitalism); the two countries are separated by the DMZ (demilitarized zone) at the 38th parallel
38th Parallel line of latitude (38 degrees North) that separates communist North Korea from democratic South Korea; the two countries are separated by the DMZ-demilitarized zone
DMZ – Demilitarized Zone a weapons-free zone between North Korea and South Korea; no weapons or troops are permitted in this zone, although each side is heavily guarded to prevent invasion by the other; it has also been made into a wildlife sanctuary in hopes that might deter either side from becoming aggressive
Forgotten War Nickname for the Korean War due to more publicity and teaching of World War II and the Vietnam War
1950: The Korean War (the Forgotten War) • The Korean War (1950-1953), was a conflict between North Korea and South Korea. It was also a Cold War creation between the United States and its United Nations allies against the communist powers of China and the Soviet Union.
The Korean War • North Korea was being supported by communist China and the Soviet Union. • South Korea was supported by the United States and United Nation allies.
KOREAN WAR REVIEW 1. What was the situation in Korea after WWII? Answer: The Soviet Union was given control of North Korea, and the United States was given control of South Korea. Both created governments in their own image. 2. Where is the division of North and South Korea? Answer:the 38th parallel 3. What is the name of the region surrounding the 38th parallel? Answer: the DMZ (demilitarized zone) which is guarded by hundreds of thousands of Korean troops, including 38,000 US troops.
Korean War continued . . . 4. Has the Korean War ended? Answer: NO!!! An armistice, or truce, was declared but a peace treaty has never been signed which is why the DMZ is still guarded so heavily. 5. What is the domino theory? Answer:the belief that if one nation fell to communism, then others in the area would follow. 6. What were the capitals of North and South Korea? Answer:Pyongyang and Seoul
KOREAN WAR SUMMARY • Review your Korean War handout silently. Then, with a partner retell the story of the Korean War. • Emphasize the Domino Theory and policy of containment.