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Planning Part I

Financial and Social Literacy Program. Planning Part I. Maintaining the Personal Passbook. Identifying Needs and Wants. Financial and Social Literacy Program. Make them listen to the story of Aflatoun Kids on Passbook. Financial and Social Literacy Program.

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Planning Part I

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  1. Financial and Social Literacy Program Planning Part I • Maintaining the Personal Passbook • Identifying Needs and Wants

  2. Financial and Social Literacy Program • Make them listen to the story of Aflatoun Kids on Passbook

  3. Financial and Social Literacy Program • Once you are done with the story ask them if they want to learn how to make their own Passbook • Tell them, ‘Let’s do an activity today’ • Distribute blank sheets to the class and ask them to fill in their details (Name, Section, School, Date) • First ask them 1) How many of them get pocket money 2) What did they do with the money 5 days back 3) Their spending and saving details of last to last month • Now, make them realize the importance of penning down every transaction

  4. Financial and Social Literacy Program • Make a chart on the board and ask them to quickly draw it on their sheet • Explain the table and ask them to fill the sheet for 1 week and bring back in next Aflatoun Club Session Personal Passbook

  5. Financial and Social Literacy Program • Also, make them draw the table for Needs and Wants • Once they are done with their Personal Passbook, they must divide the things in two columns ( things on which they spent), Needs and Wants Needs and Wants

  6. Financial and Social Literacy Program • Wants • Wants are goods or services that are not necessary but that we desire or wish for • Increasing the quality of life • Needs • Needs would be defined as goods or services that are required • This would include the needs for food, clothing, shelter, health care • These are things you must have to live • Essentials of life

  7. Financial and Social Literacy Program End of Session

  8. Financial and Social Literacy Program Planning Part II • Setting up the target • Budgeting

  9. Financial and Social Literacy Program • Recap of the last session • Collect the assignment sheet of the last session • Distribute new blank sheets and ask the children to write the details (Name, Section, School, Date) • Now ask them to write down all the things which they want to buy within a specific time and the cost expected Setting up the target

  10. Financial and Social Literacy Program • Once they know where all do they want to spend money, they should make a budget to save maximum money to achieve their target • Parallel they should keep maintaining the personal pass-book

  11. Financial and Social Literacy Program Budget • Monthly Income Pocket Money ……………………………………. Monetary Gift ……………………………………. Other ……………………………………. Total Income ……………………………………. • Monthly Expenditure Saving ……………………. Clothes…………………………. Gift ……………………. Food …………………………… Other ……………………. Stationary ………………….. Total Expenditure……………………………………. Total Income – Total Expenditure = Savings

  12. Financial and Social Literacy Program • Give them the assignment and ask them to come with it during the next session • In the next session, ask them to continue their habit to become good Aflatoun Kids

  13. Financial and Social Literacy Program End of Session

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