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Symposium on Road to sustainable land administration in Africa

Symposium on Road to sustainable land administration in Africa. Presentation of the DeSILISoR project in Uganda (Design, Suppliy , Installation and Implementation of the Land Information System and Securing of Land Records).

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Symposium on Road to sustainable land administration in Africa

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Symposium on Road to sustainable land administration in Africa Presentation of the DeSILISoR project in Uganda (Design, Suppliy, Installation and Implementation of the Land Information System and Securing of Land Records) 7th annual African conference and Exhibition on Geospatial information, technology and applications Accra, 3- 4 October 2012 Aude ARESTE LAMENDOUR – IGN France International marketing and communication manager

  2. Plan • Challenges and objectives • The main actors • Project progresses • Focus 1 – data bases • Focus 2 – documentation preparation and treatment • Focus 3 – Public information and capacity building • Conclusion 2

  3. Main challenges and objectives 3

  4. Challenges In Uganda, more than 60% of the registered documents is in very bad state. • The land information istreatedmanually • The information whenitexists, is in paperform • The conditions of storage are verypoor Consequences: • The risks of damage, loss, destruction of existing land documentation isvery high • The land records are not reliable • In case of land disputes, the relevant information isdifficult to obtain, generatingvery long procedures and overwhelmed administrative staff « In Uganda, 35% of complaints are about acts of fraud and counterfeiting ; 33% of complaints relate to delays in transactions, the unavailability of documents” (World Bank) 4

  5. General philosophy of the DeSILISoRproject This project aims to contribute to the establishment of the efficient land administration system in Uganda to: • facilitate and improve the delivery of basic land services to the population • improve land tenure security 5

  6. General background • Started in February 2010, planned to finish in February 2013 (February 2014 for the technical support and maintenance) • This DeSILISoR project is funded by the World Bank. • The contract is signed with the Government of Uganda and the Private sector Foundation Uganda. • The beneficiary of the project is the MLHUD. 6

  7. Main activities • Rehabilitation and digitization of land existing land records and cadastral maps (500 000 titles and 16500 maps) • Provision of the base map for the 6 district before national roll out phase • Upgrade of the workingenvironmentat national levelwith the creation of the National Land Information centre and at the regionallevelwithin the 6 districts offices (provision of IT equipements (hardwares and softwares + tailor-made LIS) 7

  8. The actors 8

  9. The Consortium and its subcontractors The Consortium is composed of: • IGN France International • IGN France (French National Mapping Agency) with its International and Ugandan main partners 9

  10. Project progresses 10

  11. 5 main components and project progresses ON GOING COMPLETED ON GOING IN 2013 ON GOING 11

  12. Focus 1 - Completion of a geographic data set 12

  13. The need for the completion of a geographic data set Considering a trustable land administration is a transparent land administration for all, the land administration must be based on georeferenceddata. • A reliable geodetic network was completed • Production of Up to date orthophotographies and DTM* on the project area (17 362 m²) – completed in sept 2011 • Georeferencing the existing thematic, such as cadastral maps (16 500 maps) – on going and will be finished by the end of 2012 *DTM: Digital Terrain Model 13

  14. The areas covered by aerial photographies 14

  15. Focus 2 – Rehabilitation of the documents 15

  16. MAPS REHABILITATION AND SCANNING Rehabilitation and scanning of : • 11,500 cadastral maps • 5,000 historical, topographical and cadastral index maps 16

  17. Cadastral Maps for rehabilitation and scanning 17

  18. Maps digitization • Georeferencing of 16,500 maps • Vectorisation of 11,500 cadastral maps 18

  19. Focus 3 – Public awareness and capacity building 19

  20. Component 4 – Implementing the LIS CAPACITY BUILIDNG • Organization of study tours in Europe and in Africa • Preparation of the training plan (general training and dedicated trainings)/ implementation PUBLIC AWARENESS • Preparation of the communication plan/ implementation (general public and stakeholders and beneficiaries) • Organization of workshops on a regular basis to keep people informed of the project progresses SHARING OF THE EXPERIENCES • Organization of a regional seminar on the LIS added value and key factors of successes ) 20

  21. Conclusion 21

  22. Conclusion 22

  23. MLHUD Thanks for your attention Aude ARESTE LAMENDOUR alamendour@ignfi.fr

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