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COMENIUS PROJECT Train for Europe – The Comenius Express. Uherské Hradiště , the Czech Republic 17th – 21st Sept, 2012 THE GREEK TEAM: Model Experimental Junior High School of the University of Macedonia , Thessaloniki.
COMENIUS PROJECTTrain for Europe – The Comenius Express UherskéHradiště, the Czech Republic 17th – 21st Sept, 2012 THE GREEK TEAM: Model Experimental Junior High School of the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki
Question1In some countries it is common to give people names of flowers. If this is the case of your country, write the proper nouns in your own language and in English Vasileios Apostoloudas
Men’s Names Women’s Names PLANTS AkakiosAkakia Acacia Vaios VagiaPalm tree Anthi Flora HyakinthosHyakinthiHyacinth Violeta Violet Vasileios Apostoloudas
Men’s Names Women’s Names PLANTS Margaritis Margaret Margherita DamaskinosDamaskiniaPlumtree KanelosKanelaCinnamon TriantaphyllosTriantaphyllia Rose tree MyrtoMyrtle Vasileios Apostoloudas
Question4Do you know any cities or villages in your country with plant/tree names? Vasileios Apostoloudas
VILLAGES PLANT Amigdalia, EvoiaAlmond tree Daphnes, Samothraki Bay tree Kastania, Evritania Chestnut tree Rodia, Ilia Pomegranate tree Pefkos, Heraklion Pine tree Vasileios Apostoloudas
VILLAGES PLANT Platanos, ThesprotiaPlane tree Oksia, KarditsaBeech Kremmidi, KefaloniaOnion FlamouriaLinden tree Gerani, ChaniaGeranium Vasileios Apostoloudas
Question7Are there any unique trees or plants in your country? Do any of them have special names? Vasileios Apostoloudas
Scholars have investigated and documented according to the latest estimates, more than 6,500 species and subspecies of plants in Greece, of which 1,150 are not found elsewhere in the world. Compared to its size, Greece has the richest flora in Europe. The approximately 2,500 species have been recorded in the Peloponnesian mountains. Ofthese, thirty-two (32) are endemicinTaygetosandatleast 120 endemicinGreece. Thisrichfloraprovestheuniquenessofthemountain. Vasileios Apostoloudas
Greek saffron is among the best saffron in the world, quality-wise. Vasileios Apostoloudas
Origanumdictamnus (dittany of Crete, Cretan dittany) known in Greek as díktamois a healing, therapeutic and aromatic plant that only grows wild on the mountainsides and gorges of the Greek island of Crete, Greece. It has antimicrobial activity against Listeriamonocytogenes. Today many healing properties against abdominal pain are attributed to dittany such as the sluggishness of the digestive system, headaches, amenorrhea during and disorders of the uterus and the depletion of the body generally. Dittany was known to the Europeans in the Middle Ages as a medicinal plant. With the essential oil of dittany drinks like Benediktini and Trapistini were flavoured.We use it as a tonic decoction to relieve headaches, neuralgia and stomach disorders as well as disorders of the liver and as emmenagogue. The infusion of the whole plant is used for rejuvenation and to combat sluggishness. Vasileios Apostoloudas
Pistacialentiscus (Greek: μαστίχα - Mastic) is a small tree which is cultivated for its aromatic resin, mainly on the Greek island of Chios. Masticresinischewedas a gumtosoothethestomach. PeopleintheMediterraneanregionhaveusedmasticas a medicineforgastrointestinalailmentsforseveralthousandyears. Regularconsumptionofmastichasbeenproventoabsorbcholesterol. Masticoilalsohasanti-bacterialandanti-fungalproperties, andassuchiswidelyusedinthepreparationofointmentsforskindisordersandafflictions. Itisalsousedinthemanufactureofplasters. Vasileios Apostoloudas
Question8 Are there any titles in the literature of your country that contain the name of any tree or plant? Vasileios Apostoloudas
There are lots of titles in the literature of Greece that contain names of plants. Some of them are: ManosKontoleon :The Christmas Rose TellosAgras: Pansies (poem) Vasileios Apostoloudas
ThanasisTriaridis: The honey-coloured lemons VasilisZiogas : The lying vine (play) GeorgiosDrosinis: The almond tree (poem) Manos Kontoleon : Atkinson’s lavender Vasileios Apostoloudas
TakisTheodoropoulos : The fall of narcissus PanosKiparissis: Black cotton (poem collection) MenelaosLoudemis : The cherry trees will bloom again this year ThanasisTriaridis : The engraved wheat Vasileios Apostoloudas
Question9Are any plants/trees in your country used for medical purposes? Vasileios Apostoloudas
Medicinal plants, which were used empirically from practitioners and from ... grandmothers for millennia, are the raw material for the pharmaceutical industrythe angouritsa and daktyliti (which helps in diseases of the heart), the armparoriza, the Asfaka, Valerian (sedative), bay leaf, rosemary, dittany of Crete, mint, thyme, lavender, wicker, the melissa, the myrtle, oregano, peppermint or nettle.The Asfaka lies between those plants that secrete antioxidants which could lead to arrest of cell aging. Vasileios Apostoloudas
BASILFrom the basil leaves distilled essential oil vasilikelaio which has beautiful fragrance, containing various active ingredients among which linalool, an effective insect repellent. From flowers and leaves produce a diuretic and sedative concoction of stomach and intestinal disorders. Vasileios Apostoloudas
DITTANYThe best known species is the origan dittany (Origanumdictamnus) or dittany of Crete, with gray-green, hairy leaves, which many boil and drink tea instead. Besides excellent decoction, dittany has curative properties. It is antiseptic, healing wounds, soothing the digestive system, used against colds and flu. Vasileios Apostoloudas
THYMEFrom the flowers get distilled essential oil, thyme oil, which contains a strong antiseptic compound, thymol. Sometimes thyme grown just for essential oil production.Since ancient times, thyme is used as medicine. Recommended for the control of many infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the urinary ducts and lungs. With boiled thyme fought effectively scabies. The essential oil (thymol) is used in toothpaste, soap and antiseptic preparations. It is also used in veterinary medicine and as a flavoring in cooking. Vasileios Apostoloudas
NETTLEThe ancient Greeks considered the nettles great plants from pharmaceutical viewpoint. Hesiod urged his contemporaries to eat the nettles boiled in order to cater for all diseases. And even today we find many recipes that include nettles. Used as dope plants, because the juice is astringent and is an excellent remedy for the immediate halt nosebleeds. In stores that sell herbs available in lemongrass mixture to produce a highly palatable beverage. Vasileios Apostoloudas
MelissaThe plant thrives in Greece is the bee pharmaceutical (Melissa officinalis) or melissa. In medical practice the balm is used as a tonic, antispasmodic, anti-rheumatic, appetizer and antiasthmatic. Recommended predominantly to address pain and spasms of the stomach, colic, indigestion, vomiting due to pregnancy, nervous crises, tooth aches, etc. Still used in perfumery and insect repellent lotion. Vasileios Apostoloudas
SPEARMINTThe herb belongs to the genus mint (Mentha) and cultivated in temperate regions for essential oil (idyosmelaio), but also because it is used widely in cooking. In the pharmaceutical used dried mint leaves from which a decoction prepared with tonic, stimulant and antispasmodic properties. Also used against indigestion, nerve disorders, tachycardias and pains in the stomach and gall bladder. Vasileios Apostoloudas
Question10Has any area in your country been considered a biosphere reserve because of the plants or trees found there? Vasileios Apostoloudas
Mount Olympus Mount Olympusis situated on the eastern part of the Greece mainland (the summit is 2,914 m above sea level). The biosphere reserve is managed as a national park and hence there are no settlements within the area. Today, tourism is the main economic activity in the biosphere reserve. National and foreign tourists visit this center of Greek mythology as, according to Homer, the twelve Greek gods have their palaces on Mount Olympus. In cooperation with communities outside the biosphere reserve, the Pieria Forest Directorate organizes seminars for adults and school classes on environmental issues. Vasileios Apostoloudas
The Gorgeof Samaria The Gorge of Samaria comprises examples of high altitude Mediterranean forest Among the typical Mediterranean fauna, the endemic wild goat (Capra aegagruscretensis) is well known. The area designated as biosphere reserve is currently not inhabited. The region around the gorge is interesting from a cultural point of view since it hosts ancient ruins, churches and castles. Vasileios Apostoloudas
Thank you for your attention! Vasileios Apostoloudas
References • http://www.mani.org.gr/hlorida/endim_katal/endkat.htm • http://www.mani.org.gr/hlorida/giatros/giatr.htm • http://www.unesco.org/mabdb/br/brdir/directory/biores.asp?code=GRE+01&mode=all • http://www.unesco.org/mabdb/br/brdir/directory/biores.asp?code=GRE+02&mode=all Vasileios Apostoloudas