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In this post, we'll discuss what you need to know about truck driver safety and how to stay safe while on the road.
Truck Driver Safety: How to Protect Yourself on the Road Truck driversare an essential part of the transportation system in America. While out on theroad,theyface many challengesthatcanaffect theirsafetyandwell-being.Drivers may beaffectedby heavy traffic,inclementweatherconditions, oreven mechanicalproblems with theirvehicles,but with propertraining andpreparation,accidents can beprevented beforetheyhappen.Inthispost,we’lldiscusswhat you need to knowabout truckdriver safetyand how tostay safewhileonthe road. PreandPostTripInspections Accordingto theFederalMotorCarrier Safety Administration (FMCSA),one of themost importantthingsadrivercan doto protectthemselveson theroadisperformpre andpost- tripinspections. The purpose ofapre-trip inspectionistoensurethatyour CMV(commercialmotor vehicle) isin safeoperatingconditionbeforegetting into thedriver’s seat.Upholdingindustrysafety standardsmeanscompleting a“walkaround”inspection every timeyoustopduring your shift.You should inspect alllights,brakes,tires,mirrors,windshield wipers,andfluidssuch
as oil and coolant. A post-trip inspection takes place after you return from your route, at which point you should inspect all lights again and check for any damage on your CMV, suchasscratchesor dentsinthe fender or bumper. If you findany issuesduringyourinspection,contact youroperationalmanagerimmediately so thatyou canminimize the riskofgetting pulledoverbylawenforcementand injuring yourselfonthe road. PracticeDefensiveDriving Truckdrivers areoftenthetarget of angry andsometimes aggressivemotorists. Thisis becausemanypeopledon’t understand theunique skillsrequiredto operate aCMV. However,thereare some thingsyoucan dotoprotect yourself on theroad: Drivedefensively:alwaysassumeotherdriversaren’t payingattention or driving safely. Avoid tailgating other vehicles and leave plenty of spacebetweenyourtruckand otherswhenfollowingbehind them. Beawareofyoursurroundings:keepan eyeout forblind spots in yourmirrorsand on thesideof yourtrailer.It can beeasytoget distractedwhiledrivingabigrig forlonghours,soalways beawareof yoursurroundings. Signal:alwaysuseyourturn signals whenchanging lanesorslowing down so other driverswill knowyourplansbeforemaking anysudden moves themselves. Keeparegularpreventative maintenance schedule It’simportant to keep aregularpreventativemaintenancescheduletoensureyourCMVis safe, reliable, and ready when you are. This includes oil changes, tire rotations, and other routine tasks thatcanhelpyouavoidaccidents. The fleet at Warrior Logisticsis second to none, and massive continuous investments ensurethatourentireCascadiafleetislessthantwo yearsold.Inaddition,ourrigorous3- tiered maintenanceprogramprovidesfleet readinessatalltimes, including weekly onsite truckinspectionsand prep work, localtechnicians,and dealerwarranty.These efforts ensure
ourTruckWarriorshave everything theyneedtosetthemselvesup forsuccesswhile on the openroad. • Always lookupthe weatherforecastfor your entire route • Road conditions changeconstantlyandcanbedangerous to alldrivers,especiallytruck drivers.Examplesofhazardoustruck drivingconditionsare: • WetRoads • Ice,sleet,andsnow • Foggyweather • Flashflooding • Neverdriveintoareaswith unknownweatherconditions. Doing so puts youatseriousrisk. Alwayscontactyouroperationsmanagerif youareconcernedabout unsafe driving conditions. • TakeBreaks • Don’tforget aboutdriverfatigue— even if youdon’tthinkyou’re tired,takingbreaks when • necessary isimportantso that youdon’t drivewhile tired.When you startyourtruckdriving career,agreattip fornewtruckdriversis to takefrequent androutinebreaks during your shifttolower fatigue like driver’skneepain. • DrivewithWarriorLogistics • Safety isWarriorLogistics‘highest priority.Wearecommittedto ensuringa safeand sustainable workenvironment forallourdriversand strive to createanenvironment that • empowerseach driverto thrive.That means ensuring allourTruckWarriorsareequipped with everything theyneed to achieve theirfullest potential.Ourrigoroussafetytraining • investmentsinthe newesttechnologiesandtrucks enableusto be oneof theindustry’s largesttransportationcompanies. • Ready to growyourprofessionaltruckdriving career?Land yourdreamjobbyapplying today!