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Types of Truck Driver Pay in Texas

In this post, we'll examine the two most common pay structures in trucking: hourly pay vs per mile pay. Let's get started!<br>#warrior_freight,<br>#professional_truck_driver,<br>#truck_drivers_looking_for_jobs,<br>#truck_warrior,<br>#logistics_driver,<br>#logistics_truck,<br>#cdl_truck_driver,<br>#logistic_truck_company,<br>#warrior_fleet_services,<br>

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Types of Truck Driver Pay in Texas

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  1. Types of Truck Driver Pay in Texas: Hourly vs Per Mile If you’reaTexastruckdriver looking tounderstand the industry’s different typesof paystructures,thisblog isforyou.Compensation isacriticalissuefor truck drivers,bothentry-leveland professional.Afterall,truckdrivers arethe backbone oftheAmericaneconomy,anditcanbeademandingjob, so it’s important tobe compensatedfairlyfor yourtimeandeffort. In thispost,we’llexamine thetwomost commonpaystructuresin trucking: hourlypay vspermilepay.This way,youcan better understand whattoexpect whenchoosingthelogisticscompanyto driveforandmakeaninformed decisionabout which compensationmethodworksbestforyou.Let’s get started! HOWMUCH DOTRUCKDRIVERSGETPAIDINTEXAS? According toTruckers Report, CDLtruckdriversinTexascanmake anywhere from$62,530to$104,000dependingon wherethey’re drivingandhowmuch timetheyspendon theroad. Whilethe nationalmedian forcommercialtruck drivingaverages $81,626,itdoesn’tmeanalltruckingjobsarecompensated

  2. equally. It’s important to look for a trucking company that offers competitive pay, bonuses, and opportunities that allow you to grow your career and your bankaccount. WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF TRUCK DRIVER PAY? Here arethetwomostcommonwaystruckdrivers getpaid whenworking fora commercialtruckingcompany. PERHOURPAY Hourly pay is a pay structure where truck driversare compensated for the hours they spendontheroadeachweek.Thispay is typicallycalculatedbasedona dollar amountperhourworked.Hourly payiscommonforintrastatelogistics companiesthatoperatewithinsmallerranges. As anhourlydriver,youcanexpecttomakefrequent stops,loadand unload cargo,and interactwithcustomersregularly. Oneof the benefits ofhourlypay is theabilityto workovertimeifthe company allowsit. PERMILEPAY Permilepay isthetrucking industry’smostcommontypeofcompensation. In thispaystructure,truckdriversarepaidacertainamountforeachmile they drive.So,ifyou’re atruckdriverwho’s paidper mile,youcanexpect to drive a certain number ofmiles perweek. Typically,you’llbepaid a cent permile (CPM) and havean average numberof milesyou’llbeexpectedtodriveper week.Youcancalculateyourpaycheckby multiplyingthe CPM bythemilesyou’veracked up.Forexample,if yourCPMis $0.50, withanaverageof 3,000miles perweek,you canexpect $1,500that week. It’simportant torememberthat whileahigherpayratepermilemayseemlike itwouldresult inabiggerpaycheck,thenumberofmilesyoudriveultimately

  3. determineshow muchyou’llearn.Therefore,it’s importanttoconsiderfactors suchastheamount of driving requiredandany potentialbonusesor incentives whenevaluating the overallcompensationpackageofferedbyatrucking company. • PAYPERMILEVSPAY PER HOUR:WHICH ISBETTER? • Truck driverswho get paid by the hour are usually restricted to regional or local routes. Since you spend less timeontheroadasa local truckdriver,you • typicallyearn lessthanthosepaidpermile unlessyou’reputting inovertime. • Truckerswhogetpaidpermileare usually OTR driversthatdrive across the country, eithersoloorwith ateam. OTR orlong-haultruckdriversspend more time ontheroad,buttheabilitytorack upthousandsof milesoffers thechance to earnmoreandqualifyformileagebonusesandrewards. • Ingeneral,Texas truckdrivers who getpaid permiletendtoearnmorethan hourly drivers. The ability to make more money per year as a mile driver allows themtogaintheexperienceandskills needed togrowtheir professional truck driving careers. • HOW TO MAKE MORE MONEY AS A PROFESSIONAL TRUCKERIN TEXAS • Whilethesetwotypesofpaystructurescanhelp you betterunderstand • thedifferencesintruckdriver basepay,thereareother factorstoconsider when it comes tohowmuchyoucanearnasaprofessionaltruckdriverlike • Thelogisticscompany youworkfor • Howmuchexperienceyouhave • Whereyou’re located andwhereyou’llbedriving • Certifications,skills,andendorsements • DRIVEWITHWARRIORLOGISTICS

  4. Warrior Logisticsis a rapidly growing, veteran-owned, independent contractor providing linehaulfreightservices forFedExGround. OurTruckWarriorenjoy pay-per-milecompensation,comprehensivebenefits,flexibleworkschedules, andmore. Ontopofourpaystructure,weoffercumulativecashrewards for safe drivingmiles,our Warriorfuelprogram,and24/7supporttomaximize your miles. We believepeopleareourgreatest assetsandwe provide asuperior environmentforthem tothrive. If you’relooking togrowyourprofessionaltruck drivingcareerwith oneofthe nation’s largestlogisticscompanies,applytoday!

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