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230 Final Exam (3 hours exam). Chapters: 11-15, 17 (100 multiple-choice, 50%) Essay topics: learning/memory, emotion/stress (2 of 3 essays, 50%). Fear & Anxiety Fear - unlearned, Anxiety - apprehension; learned Angst - existential/cognitive .
230 Final Exam(3 hours exam) • Chapters: 11-15, 17 (100 multiple-choice, 50%) • Essay topics: learning/memory, emotion/stress (2 of 3 essays, 50%)
Fear & Anxiety Fear - unlearned, Anxiety - apprehension; learned Angst - existential/cognitive Amygdala - central n. , lateral n., basolateral n. Hypothalamus –anterior-posterior medial Central Gray - dorsal lateral
Entorhinal cortex - cognitive input (thinking, perception, memory) Frontal cortex – lateral prefrontal, orbitofrontal, anterior cingulate ---rumination, awareness Benzodiazepines (BZD; GABAA receptor) - e.g., diazepam (Valium) (Cl-) » BZD, [ETOH + Barbiturates] Endogenous ligand? Desmethyldiazepam, beta-carboline, Corticotropin-Releasing-Factor (CRF, CRH) See: Henke et al., (1991). The Amygdala: Emotions and gut functions. DigestiveDiseases and Sciences,36, 1633-1643.
Amygdala Klüver-Bucy syndrome: Downer (1962)
Aggleton & Mishkin (1986): “Sensory Gateway” to Emotions sensory assoc. cortex sensory thalamus amygdala hypothalamus brainstem
Amygdala n. L CEA M BM BLA M-medial; BM-basomedial; BLA-basolateral CEA-central; L-lateral
Central n. amygdala (CEA) output: LH - lateral hypothalamus DM X - dorsal motor n. vagus VTA - ventral tegmental n. (DA) Raphé - 5-HT LC - locus coeruleus (NE) PAG - periaquaductal gray area Trigeminal n. - face PVN - paraventricular n. hypothalmus - ACTH N. basalis - activation to cortex + hippocampus / Ach - memory
After Davis, 1992 Measures of fear: DSM-III Criteria: Anxiety Increased heart rate Heart pounding Decreased salivation Dry mouth Stress ulcers Upset stomach Respiratory changes Increased breathing Scanning and vigilance Scanning and vigilance Increased startle Jumpiness, easy startle Urination Frequent urination Defecation Diarrhea Increased grooming Fidgeting Freezing Apprehensive expectations- something bad will happen
Davis (1985): Fear-potentiated startle reflex CS BLA CEA Startle circuit UCS Anxiety - benzodiazepine receptors (Valium, Librium) ? Training: Light + Shock paired Testing: a. Noise-alone trials (baseline) b. Light+ Noise trials -potentiated startle by light to noise
LeDoux, 1988, 2000CER- conditioned emotional response Amygdala: LH (sympathetic) CEA PAG (freezing) LTP – NMDA (AP 5)
Panic disorder: 5-HT 1A receptors reduced in raphe n. and cingulate cortex (Neumeister et al., J. Neurosci., 2004). SSRI (e.g., Prozac) treatment. Similar in depression.