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MOGENTES Review Vienna, 11 March 2010

MOGENTES Review Vienna, 11 March 2010. WP 8 – Dissemination and Exploitation Erwin Schoitsch, AIT. T 8.1 Dissemination - Objectives. to provide widespread access to the ideas and basic results of the MOGENTES project,

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MOGENTES Review Vienna, 11 March 2010

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  1. MOGENTES ReviewVienna, 11 March 2010 WP 8 – Dissemination and Exploitation Erwin Schoitsch, AIT

  2. T 8.1 Dissemination - Objectives • to provide widespread access to the ideas and basic results of the MOGENTES project, • to promote usage of formal methods and model-based approaches in validation of dependable embedded systems, to create awareness and facilitate exploitation, • to disseminate knowledge to technical/scientific audience and – as appropriate – to the general press and public, • to keep close contacts and maintain mutual co-operation with the European Technology Platforms EPoSS and Artemis with respect to technology aspects. • Links to related WG (ERCIM, EWICS, national computer associations, …) and conference organizations (SAFECOMP, Formal Methods such as FMCO)

  3. T 8.2 Exploitation - Objectives • to aid the early creation and adoption of products or industrial applications based on the project’s results, • Industrial partners: to implement the experiences and results of the project within their processes for development and V&V • Tool developers: Extension of their portfolio (e.g. extend and qualify iLock tool suite (PROV)), strategies for tool qualification (D 8.5) • Research centers: technology transfer, consultancy • Universities: to integrate results in research work, lectures, lab exercises and diploma/PhD thesis

  4. T 8.3 Standardization - Objectives • to foster consideration of project results in related standardisation activities (influence standardization, esp. functional safety and communications (ISOBus)) • to take care of fitting project results into the frame work of functional safety standards conformance, • to keep close contacts and maintain mutual co-operation with the European Technology Platforms EPoSS and Artemis wrt. to standardization. • Co-operation with (pre-)standardization groups (EWICS TC7), and with standards bodies like CEN, ETSI, ISO, IEC, AUTOSAR consortium (e.g. conformance testing of middleware)

  5. Progress – Deliverables and Milestones Deliverables 2nd Year: T 8.1 Dissemination: • D 8.2b Dissemination report (M24) • D 8.3 Public Workshop: concertation meeting, FMCO 2009 (31.10.-6.11.2009, Eindhoven); part of the 2nd World Conference on FM T 8.2 Exploitation: • D 8.4c, d: Bi-annual Exploitation Plan (evolving document) T 8.3 Standardization: included in Exploitation Reports, co-operation with FP7 Support Action ProSE, IEC 61508, ISO 26262; MBT/TCG rated high in ProSE experts survey!! T 8.4 IP Management: No specific actions at this stage (see project handbook) Milestones: M23 External presentation (at Month24): Approach to standardization organizations done, industrial fair and conferences done, will be continued with emergence of results (ProSE, CEN workshop etc. done)      

  6. Progress – Dissemination Material • MOGENTES Flyer (fact sheet), updated • MOGENTES Poster updated (DATE 2009, DATE 2010) • Web site: Maintenance continued

  7. Progress – Conferences, Workshops, Papers • 16 papers in Journals or Proceedings • ~ 20 presentations or talks on MOGENTES or including MOGENTES as example (e.g. Open ProSE Workshop, Safecomp DES Workshop, SMT workshops) • 4 Workshops organized including MOGENTES topics and presentations, FMCO concertation session • ~ 20 events distribution of flyers or info (e.g. IDIMT, DATE 2009, Artemis and EPoSS events) (5 exhibitions) • Lectures and courses: ETH (at Oxford Univ.), BME, TU Graz, AIT (FH Joanneum), • Industry Courses: ETH (Zurich) • 3 PhD or Master Thesis on related subjects: BME, ETH

  8. Exploitation - structure of document Concept of evolving report: input to be completed until end of project, plans will become more concrete and detailed each time!! (tables, chapters) – template includes already all chapters/subchapters for expected input of final report! 2MOGENTES: Industrial Expectations, Economic and Strategic Impact 2.1Reinforcing Competitiveness 2.2Impact on Major Industrial Domains 2.2.1Automotive Sector 2.2.2Railway Sector 2.2.3Off-highway Vehicles Sector (Farm and Construction) 2.2.4Tool Sector 2.2.5Research and University Sector 3 Exploitation of Results by Partners 3.1Industrial Exploitation Plans … subchapter for each partner … 3.2Research and Academic Exploitation Plans … subchapter for each partner … 4 Standardization: Plans and Activities << NEW>>

  9. Exploitation – structure of document 5Exploitable Results 5.1General Aspects of Exploitation of MOGENTES Results 5.1.1 Template for Overall Expected Benefits 5.2First (Preliminary) Assessment of Exploitable Knowledge and Results: 5.2.1 Collective List of Exploitable Results (Items, Tools, Methods, … ) 5.2.2 Overview table on Exploitable Knowledge 5.2.3 Exploitation of Knowledge (Intangible Assets): 5.3Results to be collected from Partners (for Evaluation and Creation of Overall Exploitation Matrix) (detailed 2nd Assessment) 5.3.1 Template for Analysis of Exploitable MOGENTES Parts 6 Academic Exploitation: Education, Training, Diss. 6.1Overview over Dissemination, Education and Training Goals and Activities 6.2Lectures and Courses, Lab Exercises and Students Exchange 6.2.1 Lectures and Courses 6.2.2 Students’ Exchange, Lab Exercises (“Practica”) 6.3List of Bachelor, Master and PhD Theses

  10. D8.4 Exploitation Reports: Important items to look at and done: • Reviewed and updated 3.3 <NOW 4.>, Standardization Plans and Activities • Table 5‑1: List of exploitable MOGENTES items • Table 5‑2: Overview of “Exploitable results” (clustered groups of exploitable knowledge – needed for Annual Reports as well!) developed further!! • Table 5‑3: Template for analysis of exploitable MOGENTES parts: • For Academic partners: Lectures & Courses, Lab Exercises, Students Exchange, List of Master/PhD Thesis

  11. Collective List of Exploitable Results/Knowledge Table 5-1 "List of exploitable MOGENTES items" – current status: • 10 tools, e,g. • Argos/Ulysses: TCG from action systems (AS) • COVER: TCG from Simulink models using CBMC • MODIFI: model-implemented fault injection • Prover iLock: TCG based on minimal cut sets • Several model transformation tools • 5 methodologies, e.g. • Action Systems as intermediate models for test case generation • 5 application / domain specific results • Application of exploitable items in railway and automotive domain, e.g.in compliance with functional safety requirements (i.e. ISO 26262)or reusing UML profile for railway signalling Table 5-2 Overview of “Exploitable results” (clustered groups of exploitable knowledge) – current status: • knowledge behind results (base for IP) • 10 entries, e.g. • Formal requirements specification using UML/OCL • Qualitative Action Systems • Model-implemented fault injection

  12. Analysis of Exploitable MOGENTES Parts • Template given in table 5.3 • Name of item • Responsible partner • Short description (5-10 lines) • Other involved partners • Market opportunities • Product maturity • Status of plans for sustainable customization/maintenance/further development • Current entries: • UML Rail Signalling model (AIT, TRSS) • UML/(oo)AS-based TCG (TUG, AIT) • Model based integration of tools (BME) • Ontology based verification of UML models (BME) • UML + UPPAAL based test case generation (BME) • IOCO checker for Action Systems (TUG) • MODIFI (SP) (will be extended)

  13. Table 5-3 (cl. Example: Analysis of Exploitable MOGENTES Parts

  14. T 8.3 Standardization – Results and Contributions • IEC 61508 • inclusion of MBT (Model-based Testing) – see following examples!! • active in standardisation work: AIT, SP • ISO 11783 (ISOBUS), ISO 25119 (Safety-related parts of control systems for agriculture and forestry machinery) • active in standardisation work: RELAB • ISO 26262 • active in standardisation work: AIT, FFA, SP • EN50126, 128, 129 railway functional safety standards • active in maintenance process: TRSS • using: PROLAN • AUTOSAR • active member: FFA • SMT-Lib (formal methods standard) • ETH submitted proposal for theory for sets, lists and maps (SMT workshop, Montreal, Aug.'09); • Further standardisation activities (AIT): • IEC 61511, IEC 61131, IEC 62443, IEC 61784-4 • ProSE, EWICS TC7

  15. Functional Safety Standard IEC 61508/FDIS, Part 3 Table A.5 – Software design and development – software module testing and integration(See 7.4.7 and 7.4.8)

  16. Functional Safety Standard IEC 61508/FDIS, Part 3 Table B.2 – Dynamic analysis and testing (Referenced by Tables A.5 and A.9)

  17. Functional Safety Standard IEC 61508/FDIS, Part 3 Table B.3 – Functional and black-box testing(Referenced by Tables A.5, A.6 and A.7)

  18. Table C.12, C.13 – Detailed properties – Definition of Rigidity R1/R2/R3 (Referenced by Tables C) The confidence that can be placed in the software safety requirements specification as a basis for safe software depends on the rigour R of the techniques by which the desirable properties of the software safety requirements specification have been achieved. The rigour of a technique is informally ranked on a scale R1 to R3, where R1 is the least rigorous and R3 the most rigorous. Description in Part 7: C.5.27 Model based testing (Test case generation)

  19. Table C.12 – Detailed properties – Dynamic analysis and testing. (Referenced by Table B.2)

  20. Functional Safety Std. ISO/DIS 26262, Part 6(Product Development, Software level) Proposal AT (under review): Table 13 – Methods for deriving test cases for software unit testing Table 16 - Methods for deriving test cases for software integration testing: Current methods: ASIL A B C D 1a Analysis of requirements ++ ++ ++ ++ 1b Generation and anlysis of equivalence classes + ++ ++ ++ 1c Analysis of boundary values + ++ ++ ++ 1d Error Guessing + + + + 1e Model based testing d ++ ++ ++ ++ d Model based testing is the automatic generation of efficient test procedures/vectors using models of system requirements and specified functionality (SoftwareTech July 2009, Vol. 12, No. 2. http://wwww.goldpractices.com/practices/mbt/ ) Secretariat observation (review): Open: Too detailed a method? See US-59.

  21. Deviations and Corrective Actions • No major deviations with respect to the plan in Annex I • Minor deviation of last period mitigated: • The plan for propagating MOGENTES outcomes to the standardisation community was completed until July 2009 (IEC 61508 FDIS completed), ISO/DIS 26262 until December 2009 (end of DIS voting and commenting) • No changes to major project milestones and objectives of WP8

  22. Plans – Deliverables and Milestones Year 3 Deliverables: T 8.1 Dissemination: • D 8.2c Final Report M36 – all dissemination paths continued!! T 8.2 Exploitation: • D 8.4e, f: Bi-annual Exploitation Plan (further elaboration of the evolving document, final plan)(M30, M36) T 8.3 Standardization: included in Exploitation Report (and co-operation with ProSE project) • D 8.5 Strategies for Tool Certification (SP)(M36) T 8.4 IP Management: Monitoring publications vs. IP protection (see project handbook) Milestones: M30 External presentation (at Month36): industrial fair and conferences done (target: at least two), Communication to the public

  23. Thank you for your kind attention

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