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Welcome to Year 3

Get to know the Year 3 staff and daily schedule. Encourage independence and good behavior. Stay updated on reading activities and P.E. requirements.

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Welcome to Year 3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Year 3

  2. Meet the Year 3 staff Mr. Mather Year 3 Leader Ennis Miss. Roots Farah Mrs. Bunting Redgrave Mrs. Saunders TA 1:1 support Mrs. Holmshaw TA 1:1 support

  3. Introductions Angela Setchfield Deputy Head Amanda Jones Head Teacher Jo Simpson Assistant Head Anne Tucker SEN Coordinator Cathy Jenkins Pastoral Support Worker Jo Smith Assistant Head

  4. General Information • Library will be once a week. (Ennis –Thursday PM, Farah Tuesday PM and Redgrave, Friday AM) • Please name all clothes including hats, coats and water bottles. • The children do not need to bring in their own pencil case or toys. • This year, parents evenings will be in Autumn and Summer term, and the written report will go out in the Spring term.

  5. A day in Year 3 • 8:40 – 9:00 Morning Activites – CLIC Clinic, Handwriting. • 9:00 - 10:00 - English • 10:00 - 10:20 Spellwell • 10:20 – 10:35 – Break time • 10:35- 11:30 –Maths • 11:30- 12:00 – Reading Reconsidered • 12:00 -13:00 – Lunch • 13:00 - 15:00 Integrated Curriculum/ PE/ Jigsaw/assembly • 15:00 – 15:20 Story and home time.

  6. Developing Independence How can we help? Everything labelled. Develop children's independence (Home Reading books). Practise changing at home - Use a mirror to do top button. - Teach to un-do ties if not elasticated. - Tie their shoe laces. - Ideally, we would like the children to use the toilet at appropriate times of the day.

  7. Behaviour The class have created their own ‘Class Charter’, where we have agreed our class expectations. However, all children are still required to adhere to the School Behaviour Policy and are aware of the traffic light system. If a child has chosen to break a School/Class rule, they will be given a warning, if repeated there will be an appropriate sanction.

  8. Behaviour: Traffic Light System Green – Expected Behaviour Orange – Verbal Warning Red – Incurs Sanction

  9. Behaviour: Traffic Light System If a child is put on the red light three times in a day or five times over a week - then you will be informed.Next steps: Time outReport Card/Behaviour ChartInternal exclusion/Fixed-term external exclusion

  10. Reading Children who read regularly, share books and listen to adults reading, become readers! Everyday, your child will take part in a variety of reading activities which will include applying their phonics, independent reading, shared readingand Reading Reconsidered. When your child takes part in a whole class reading session they will be taught using texts that offer challenge as they learn new skills. (Reading reconsidered and Talk for Writing) There will be communication shortly regarding the introduction of a new school diary.

  11. How can you help? Children will bring home a colour banded reading book that they should be able to read independently. They may need a prompt from you and this should be a relaxed, happy time. Some children may take longer than others to become independent readers. It is really important for them to share books with adults as they work towards being a reader. The children can change their reading books once they have finished with it. They will be encouraged to do this independently. If your child forgets to change their reading book they are welcome to come back in to change it at the end of the day.

  12. P.E P.E is on Wednesday (Outdoor)and Friday (Indoor). As the weather gets colder your child will require jogging bottoms as we will continue to do PE outside. Children will be using school jumpers within the winter months. Please can those children with pierced ears either remove earrings on P.E days or bring tape to cover. Please make sure your child has their hair tied back.

  13. PPA The children are fortunate to have three specialists to teach them Music, ICT and French. This is on a Wednesday morning

  14. Parent Consultations Autumn TermParent Consultation(Week commencing 14th November) Spring TermReports Summer TermParent Consultation(Week commencing 9th July)

  15. Thank you! If you have a brief message please catch us in the morning. We are always more than happy to arrange a meeting after school, if there is anything you wish to discuss about your child. We are looking forward to a great year! Please encourage independence at home. Thank you for all of your support.

  16. Thank you! • We will look forward to seeing you on Friday afternoon, from 2:30pm, for the outcome of our project.

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