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The multimedia presentation contains visual materials used in the book "Voices of Memory, Part 2" available at the Auschwitz Museum's online bookshop. It showcases photographs and documents related to Carl Clauberg's experiments in Auschwitz.
The multimedia presentation contains visual materials used in the book “Voices of Memory, part 2”. All three volumes are available at the Auschwitz Museum’s online bookshop atwww.auschwitz.org.pl. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Carl Clauberg International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Carl Clauberg Carl Clauberg APMAB, Neg. No. 432. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Carl Clauberg Experimental Block 10 on the grounds of the Main Camp in Auschwitz I. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Carl Clauberg Block 10. Room 1, where women prisoners subjected to experiments were hospitalized. Postwar photo. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Carl Clauberg Barracks No. 30, no longer standing, in the women’s camp (BIa)in Birkenau. APMAB, Neg. No. 10336. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Carl Clauberg The gynecological chair in experimental Block 10. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Carl Clauberg Document in which SS physician general (Reichsarzt SS) Dr. Ernst Grawitz requests Himmler’s permission to set up a research institute for Clauberg. APMAB, Neg. No. 435/A. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Carl Clauberg Document in which Clauberg presents the scope and organizationof the institute he envisions.His plans call for the useof women prisoners for experimental purposes. APMAB, Neg. No. 437/A. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Carl Clauberg Second page of the letter in whichClauberg outlines the scope of his planned institute. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Carl Clauberg List of SS physicians authorized to carry out experiments in usingDr. Clauberg’s method to induce permanent infertility in women. APMAB, Neg. No. 436. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Carl Clauberg Note in which Rudolf Brandt, doctor of jurisprudence and personaladministrative assistant to Himmler, discusses the result of the meeting withHimmler on sterilization experiments. It indicates that Himmler had givenClauberg permission to carry out experiments on Auschwitz prisoners. APMAB, Neg. No. 3170. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Carl Clauberg Letter in which Clauberg informs Himmler that the methodshe has developed can be used to sterilize upto a thousand women a day. APMAB, Neg. No. 442. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Carl Clauberg Second page of the letter in which Clauberg informs Himmler about the number of womenwho can besterilized per day with the use of his method. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Carl Clauberg A page from the list of labor assignments for women prisoners in Auschwitz forApril 1943. Item No. 10 (Häftlinge und Pfleger für Versuchszwecke) is the numberof women assigned for experimental purposes. APMAB, Neg. No. 434. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Carl Clauberg After returning from Soviet captivity, during which he went unnoticed amongthe mass of German prisoners, Clauberg appeared on the radio and television aswell as placing an advertisement in the press offering employment to severalqualified typists. This helped make it possible to identify him, and contributed to his arrest on November 21, 1955. APMAB, Neg. No. 447. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Horst Schumann International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Horst Schumann Horst Schuman APMAB, Neg. No. 423. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Horst Schumann Letter from the Reichsführer SS to SS-Oberführer Victor Brack of Hitler’schancellery, in which he states that he is interested in sterilizationby X-rays in the concentration camps. APMAB, Neg. No. 441. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Horst Schumann Letter from deputy head of the Führer chancellery, Blankenburg, reportingto the Reichsführer SS on Dr. Schumann’s experiments in Auschwitz. APMAB, Neg. No. 132/2. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Horst Schumann A page from the surgical records book in Block No. 21 (surgical) of theAuschwitz I camp hospital. It includes the name of Dora Akunis (in Auschwitzunder the name Cohen), camp number 38782, and the names of nine of herfellow prisoners subjected to X-ray sterilization experiments. (Dora Akunis’saccountis included in this selection of documents and materials). APMAB, Micr. No. 115/318–319. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Horst Schumann Report by the director of the surgical department of the prisoner hospitalin Auschwitz I for the period from September 16 to December 15, 1943,in which he reports that castration was carried out 106 times in the camphospital (Hodenamputationen, Genitalienoperationen, Eierstockentfernung,Entfernung des Eileiters). APMAB, Hospital Reports, D. Au II-5/1, pp. 103–104. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Horst Schumann Second page of the report by the head of the surgical department. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Josef Mengele International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Josef Mengele Dr. Josef Mengele (1943) APMAB, Neg. No. 21383/12a. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Josef Mengele Letter of May 24, 1943, on Josef Mengele’s transfer to Auschwitz. APMAB, Micr. No. 1613/98. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Josef Mengele Letter of reference for Dr. Josef Mengele by Auschwitz SS-Standortarzt Eduard Wirths. APMAB, Micr. No. 1613/93. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Carl Clauberg Gypsy brother and sister, Erdman Schmidt, 5, and Johanna Schmidt, 6, victimsof criminal experiments by Dr. Josef Mengele. APMAB, Neg. No. 21664/8,10. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Josef Mengele Floor plan of the ground floor of Crematorium II. The laboratory and autopsyroom assigned to Dr. Josef Mengele in June 1944 are indicated at lower left. APMAB, Neg. No. 17817. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Josef Mengele The Birkenau men’s camp hospital (BIIf), seen from the Crematorium II side. Inthe foreground is the addition to Barracks No. 12 that housed Dr. Josef Mengele’sautopsy room for a time. APMAB, Neg. No. 19027/A. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Carl Clauberg A group of liberated children and women, including Jewish twins and mothersof twins, being cared for by nuns and Polish Red Cross nurses. APMAB, Neg. No. 604. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Josef Mengele Order to the SS Hygiene Institute in Rajsko, signed by Dr. Josef Mengele, forthe histological-pathological examination of the head of a 12-year-old child. APMAB, Micr. No. 1143/69. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Josef Mengele Order to the Hygiene Institute in Rajsko for the autopsy of Antoni Ruzicko, prisonernumber Z 4954, who died of noma in the “hospital” at the Gypsy family camp in Birkenau (BIIe). APMAB, Hyg. Inst. 1536/18b – Micr. No. 849/1536. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Josef Mengele Order to the SS Hygiene Institute in Rajsko for analysis of the blood of 9 Jewishprisoners in Block No. 14 of the Birkenau men’s hospital sector (BIIf) classified as “dwarves”. APMAB, Hyg. Inst. 11/1pp. 245. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Josef Mengele Order to the SS Hygiene Institute in Rajsko for analysis of the blood of 9 Jewishprisoners in Block No. 14 of the Birkenau men’s hospital sector (BIIf) classifiedas “dwarves”. APMAB, Hyg. Inst. 11/1pp. 245. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Josef Mengele First page of the clinical-psychiatricexamination routine used on twins in Dr. Mengele’s laboratory. APMAB, Micr. No.1525 Second page of the examination routine,with the results of the examinationsof three pairs of Jewish twins from Hungary. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Josef Mengele Otto Klein (right) with his twin brother. APMAB. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Emil Kaschub International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Emil Kaschub Inflammation, suppurating sores, and abscesses resulting from Emil Kaschub’s experiments (photograph preserved by prisoners assigned to the Gestapo camp photo studio, the Erkennungsdienst). APMAB, Neg. No. 448. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Emil Kaschub Inflammation, suppurating sores, and abscesses resultingfrom Emil Kaschub’s experiments (photograph preserved by prisoners assigned to the Gestapo camp photo studio,the Erkennungsdienst). APMAB, Neg. No. 466. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Eduard Wirths International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Eduard Wirths Eduard Wirths APMAB, Neg. No. 20575 International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Helmut Vetter International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Helmut Vetter Helmut Vetter International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Helmut Vetter Preparation Be-1034, produced by Bayer, tested by SS doctorson prisoners suffering from contagious diseases. APMAB, Neg. No. 6545. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Helmut Vetter Fever chart of Władysław Giżewski, prisoner number 108997,subjected to pharmacological experimentation while suffering from typhus. APMAB, Micr. No. 162/8. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Johann Paul Kremer International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Johann Paul Kremer Johann Paul Kremer APMAB, Neg. No. 1838. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
Johann Paul Kremer No. 1 A page from Kremer’s diary with entries from the period when hewas Auschwitz camp physician. Some of the entriesdescribe hisparticipation in “special actions” (selection)and experiments that he was interested in. Source: Jadwiga Bezwińska and Danuta Czech (eds.), KL Auschwitz Seen by the SS, Oświęcim, 2007, pp. 161–163. International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en
August Hirt International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 32-603 Oświęcim tel. + 48 33 844 8063, fax. + 48 33 843 19 34 www. auschwitz.org.en