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The secrets of: Ogrodzieniec Castle. Legends :. The legend of the Black Dog.
ElderlypeoplesaythattheCastlein Podzamcze ishaunted by hugeblack dog atnight. The dog ishasgot a three-metre long chain on itsneck. Thismysteriousanimal was aleadyseenbefore I World War by thepoplewholivedthen. Theyused to saythatatnightnone of thehorseswanted to go throughthecastlegatedespitethe nice smell of grassoutside…
Theblack dog was seen by so many peoplethatitcan’t be just a fantasy. Thestrangecreaturehasbeenappearinginthe same form for atleastseventyyears. If we want to explainthemystery of theblack dog which was seen by many inhabitants of Podzamcze, we mustlook for theexplanationinthehistory of Ogrodzieniec Castle…
In 1669 Mikołaj Firlej sold Ogrodzieniec to Stanisław Warszycki. He was a verywealthyman, but he was verycruelatthe same time. He was not a good master. He eventorturedthepeoplewhoworked for him, and heordered to whip his wife and listened to herscreamswithjoy.
The legend hasitthathedidn’tdiein a natural way, but he was taken to Hell by a devilwhenhe was stillalive. Then, he was changedinto a black dog and hehasbeenscaringpeopleinthecastlesincethen.
Stanisław Boner had a beautiful daughter. A young knight StanisławKmita fell in love with her. AlthoughtOlimpia loved him very much and wanted to marry him, her father didn’t want their love to flourishand he was strongopponent of their marriage because Kmita was a Cathoilc and Boner was a Protestant.
The war broke out and Kmita went to the war but hepromised to sendlettes to her. Boner found out abouttheletters and heorderedthemaid to givethelettes to him. Olimpia and Kmita couldn’tunderstandwhytheydidn’tgetanylettersfromeachother.
When Kmita retunedfromthe war hesentanotherletter to Olimpia and waited for her on a high rock. Unfortunately, Boner tookthisletter, too and hetoldthemaid to writetheanswerfrom Olimpia thatshe was going to marryanotherman. When Kmita receivedtheletter and readit, hejumpedoffthe rock and died.
When Olimpia found out about his lover’sdeathshejumpedoffthencastletower and died. Nowsheoftenappearstherein a whitedress.
A long time ago a soldiercalled Anzelm served his duty inthe Ogrodzieniec Castle. He had to leave his youngbeautifulwifehome. Aftersome time hewanted to come back home so heasked Seweryn Boner to lethimfinish his duty…
Boner toldhimthathecouldonlycome back homewhenhe dug a wellinthe solid rock. He was happy becausehethoughtthatitwould be an easyjob to do. However, ittookhim many years to finishdiggingthewell so when his work was completedhe was an old man. Boner lethim go home but he was so exhaustedthathedied.
Thenthewaterinthewelldisappeared and ithasneverappearedagain. The legend saysthat Anzelm tookit to the grave withhim.
A long time ago two brothers livedinthe Ogrodzieniec Castle. Thepeoplewholivedin Ogrodzieniec calledthemmisers. The legend hasitthatbeforetheirdeath, theytoldtheirpeople to bury themin a verydeep grave togetherwithalltheirvaluables.
Afterthefuneraltheywereguarded by fourknightswhoscaredawayevilghostswiththeirswords. The brothers were so greadythatevilghostswanted to takethem to Hell.
Thankyou for yourattention! Choice of music and presentationby:Iza Lendor