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Powerful Campus Tabletop Exercises

Powerful Campus Tabletop Exercises. Dr. Victoria Calder Director Texas School Safety Center Texas State University. WHAT IS A TABLETOP EXERCISE?. Scenario-based discussion Explores effectiveness of emergency policies, plans, procedures Leads to action.

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Powerful Campus Tabletop Exercises

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Powerful Campus Tabletop Exercises Dr. Victoria Calder Director Texas School Safety CenterTexas State University

  2. WHAT IS A TABLETOP EXERCISE? • Scenario-based discussion • Explores effectiveness of emergency policies, plans, procedures • Leads to action

  3. What are the benefits and opportunities of tabletops? • Allows for testing multiple capabilities • Ability to “fast forward” • Low-stress learning experience • Vicarious learning for observers

  4. What are the drawbacks of tabletop exercises? • Inability to gauge real-life obstacles • Loss of “adrenaline” of real-life or drill • Requires skilled facilitation

  5. Who Are the Participants in a Tabletop Exercise? • Facilitator • Players • Evaluators • Observers

  6. What is required of a facilitator?

  7. Who are the players in a school-based tabletop scenario?

  8. Who evaluates a school-based tabletop exercise?

  9. Who observes a tabletop exercise?

  10. What are the “Rules of Play” in a school-based tabletop? • All actions are guided by School Board policy • Outside resources may assist • Injects to the scenario will be added during the exercise

  11. What are the “Rules of Play” in a school-based tabletop? • Facilitator guides play • Evaluators assess response • Debriefing follows “play” • Participants share impressions

  12. What is an example of a school-based tabletop? Large City High School Scenario

  13. Break

  14. What are the preliminary steps in planning a tabletop? • Determine what needs to be assessed • Identify the criteria • Define the level of rigor • Define points of observation • Customize

  15. How do we determine what needs to be assessed?

  16. How are the criteria and level of rigor determined?

  17. How are Points of Observation determined?

  18. How are the scenarios customized?

  19. Sample Scenarios

  20. What information should be captured? • Evaluator Forms • Hot Wash Forms • After-Action Reports

  21. What are the key features of an Exercise Evaluation? Objective: Demonstrate the capability to respond to and recover from an intruder-on-campus emergency incident Criterion 1: Staff describes the steps to implement a campus lockdown Observation: Staff uses a clear message- “We are in Lockdown” --no Codes

  22. What is a “Hot Wash?” • What worked well? • What needs improvement? • Recommendations?

  23. What are the key features of an After Action Report? • List of all participants • Objectives • Points of Consideration • Brief scenario description • Summary of Findings • Recommendations

  24. Break

  25. Activity

  26. For More Information Contact Dr. Victoria Calder Director, Texas School Safety Center 512.245.8082 vc16@txstate.edu http://txssc.txstate.edu/

  27. Questions?

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