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Set clear guidelines for entering, warm-up activities, silent reading, tardiness rules, paper heading, attention cues, behavior during instruction, and group work practices in a French classroom.
Le Code de Vie/ Reglement de ClasseClassroom Procedures Mme Henderson
BIENVENUE! Bienvenue dans ma salle de classe!
LE CODE DE VIE • Le respect • La responsabilisation • L’autonomie • La motivation
Le Respect • Le respect pour les études • Le respect pour la langue française • Le respect de l’autorité • Le respect de soi • Le respect des autres • Le respect du milieu (environment)
WHY DO WE HAVE PROCEDURES? • We need to have procedures so that things can run smoothly. • Simple procedures you follow. without even thinking about them… • Opening your locker • Dialing a number on your cell phone • Tying your shoes! • To be successful in learning you will also need to follow some simple procedures…
ENTERING THE CLASSROOM • Be sure you have all necessary materials for class. • Calmly/quietly enter the classroom. Quickly and quietly select your reading material for silent reading. • The overhead will be on with the daily agenda and the warm up. • Sit in your assigned seat and copy the daily agenda into your notebook. Be sure you have copied the homework assignment as well. • Begin working on your warm up. • There will be no food or drinks in the classroom.
WARM UP PROCEDURE • Each day you will have a short warm-up activity. Warm ups are essential for reviewing and reinforcing information. • Begin this activity immediately after you are seated. • Write your responses on the provided sheets. You do not have to write the prompt as well. Remember, your daily agenda should be written on your own paper. • When the timer goes off I will turn the lights back on and your warm up should be completed. These will be collected before the end of the period. • When you are finished, begin reading your silent reading material or wait for additional instructions.
SILENT READING PROCEDURE • Each week, you will have a few minutes for silent reading in French. The materials are leveled according to difficulty: Blue- first level; Yellow- second level; Red- third level (includes magazines and comic books) Green- AP literature books. • After your warm up is completed, you will begin reading until the timer goes off. • You will complete a short summary of what you have read each day. This will be due each week along with the warm ups. • Remember, silent reading time is for reading in FRENCH only. This is not the time to complete homework for this class or another class.
IF YOU ARE TARDY • The expectation is that you come to class on time each day. You are tardy if you are not INSIDE the classroom when the bell rings. • When you are tardy • Do not disrupt the class. If the door is locked you should knock only one time. • Enter the classroom quietly. • Bring your pass to me. • If you do not have a pass, sign the tardy record at the door. • Begin your warm up.
HEADING YOUR PAPERS • Please place name (first and last), date, class, period, and group on your paper at all times. The title should be centered on the first line of the paper Nom Date Français I Per. ___ Groupe __ Title of assignment
WHEN I WANT YOUR ATTENTION • I will clap. • You will respond with an answering • I will say “Position d’écoute!” • Stop whatever you are doing at the moment. • Face me and wait silently. • Be ready for instructions. I will have something to say.
DURING INSTRUCTION • Listen to the teacher with full attention. Remember SLANT! • You should remain seated while the teacher is talking. You may sharpen your pencil or get tissue after I am finished talking. You may throw your trash away at the end of the period. • Please wait until I have finished with instructions before you start asking questions. Ask for permission to speak by raising your hand. • Ask questions related to the subject. Other questions that are not related to the subject can be asked after instruction. This includes asking for a pass. • Listen attentively and respectfully while others ask questions. • Be specific when asking questions by mentioning what PART you did not understand. • Note- Distracting materials will be confiscated. You may pick them up at the end of the school day.
WHILE YOU ARE WORKING • Make sure you read the directions about your assignment. If you have questions, ask your other group members. Trois avant moi (Three before me)! • If you are asked to help, be polite and kind and offer your best. • When working in your group, remember to keep your sound level at a minimum. Only those sitting in your group should be able to hear your conversations.
WORKING IN GROUPS • Working with a group is a fundamental life skill and it is one we use daily in the classroom. • Remember, you are responsible for your OWN work! • Job roles will depend on the task at hand, but each day you will be expected to perform a job within your group. These jobs include: • Passing out folders, workbooks, and supplies • Collecting and recording your group’s assignments • Recording assignments for absent group members • Returning folders, workbooks, and supplies • Returning silent reading materials
GROUP ROLES • When working in groups in order to encourage active participation, each group member will have a role. Roles will include: • Leader- ANIMATEUR/ANIMATRICE defines the task, keeps the group on task, and suggests a new way of looking at things. • Manager- CHERCHEUR/CHERCHEUSE- Gathers all materials necessary (dictionary, paper, markers, etc), and helps the secretary. • Note maker: SECRÉTAIRE- records ideas generated by • the group, and clarifies the ideas with the • group before recording. Notes important ideas and verifies the French. • Reporter: RAPPORTEUR/RAPPORTEUSE- reports the group’s ideas to the class, explains the new vocabulary to the class. • Supporter MONITEUR/MONITRICE provides positive feedback for each speaker, makes sure everyone gets a turn, and intercepts negative behavior and encourages the members to speak French.
ANIMATUER/ANIMATRICE • explique la tâche • gère le temps • s’assure qu’on ne change pas de sujet • Tout le monde comprend? • As-tu une autre idée? • Remettons-nous à la tâche! • C’est à ton tour. • Il nous reste ____________ minutes!
CHERCHEUR/CHERCHEUSE • cherche le matériel nécessaire (dictionnaire, papier, texte, etc.) • utilise le dictionnaire • aide le ou la secrétaire • Voici le matériel. • Voici comment dire ____________________________________.
SECRÉTAIRE • écoute les opinions • note les idées importantes • vérifie le français • Répète s’il te plaît. / De nouveau, s’il te plaît. • Qu’est-ce que je dois écrire? • Attends une minute. • Plus lentement s’il te plaît.
RAPPORTEUR/RAPPORTEUSE • résume les opinions du groupe • explique le nouveau vocabulaire à la classe • présente les idées importantes à la classe • Voici les idées. • Voulez-vous changer quelque chose? • Voulez-vous ajouter quelque chose? • Quels sont les nouveaux mots que je dois enseigner à la classe?
MONITEUR/MONITRICE • encourage les membres du groupe à parler français. • encourage les membres du groupe à exprimer leurs opinions. • Parle français s’il te plaît. • Bonne idée! Continue. • Veux-tu ajouter quelque chose? • Merci.
SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS • I expect everyone to stop what they are doing immediately and listen quietly to the announcements. • Please wait to ask any questions until after the announcement has finished.
FIRE DRILL • The fire drill map will posted by the door. • When you hear the bell for a fire drill: • Unless given other instructions, leave your backpacks in the room. Ladies may take their purses. • Quietly exit the building. The class president leads the class out and the class secretary closes the door. • Once we are out of the building, STAY WITH YOUR CLASS and wait for instructions. • When we return to the building, come straight back to class. You shouldn’t be stopping at your locker, water fountain, bathroom etc.
LEAVING THE CLASSROOM • Bathroom and water needs should be taken care of before class starts, however, you will be given three passes to leave class per quarter. Once they are used up, they are used up. • Passes will not be given during the first 10 minutes of class or the last 10 minutes of class. • If I am in front of the class delivering instruction, please wait until I have finished to ask for a pass.
WHEN I AM OUT OF THE CLASSROOM OR WE HAVE A VISITOR • If I am out of the classroom, I expect everyone to continue working quietly. • If someone comes in to speak to me, you should continue working quietly. This is not the time to start a conversation with your neighbor!
COURTESY • Courtesy is a cornerstone of respect and we will ALWAYS be respectful in this class. We will use: • Merci! • S’il vous plâit/ s’il te plâit • Je vous en prie/ Je t’en prie
GETTING MY ATTENTION • Please save your questions until AFTER I am finished talking • See three before me! (Trois avant moi!) • Raise your hand • Wait patiently • Remember, this is a French class so you should call me Madame
IF YOU ARE FINISHED WITH YOUR ASSIGNEMENT • When you are finished with your assignment you can: • Start on your homework (FOR THIS CLASS ONLY!) • Read your silent reading materials. • Write down all the words in French you know. You know more than you think! • Make a study guide for your next test/quiz. • Organize your notebook. • Review current and past vocabulary. • Visit our class library and learn more about Francophone culture! • Start a letter in French to a pen pal.
ENDING THE CLASS FOR THE DAY • Five minutes before the end of class we will start our clean up procedure • Group folders will be returned to their proper places . • Silent reading books will be returned to their proper classes. Our class librarians will be sure that all books neatly placed in the proper baskets. • Clean up your desk and put away supplies • I will inspect the room before dismissing the class. • When the bell rings, remain seated. I will dismiss you.
LAB PROCEDURES • We are very fortunate to have the language lab in our classroom. It is important that we take care of the equipment so that it will be in good condition for years to come. • Treat the headphones and microphone with care when you are putting them on or returning them to the tray. • Be sure that the microphone is in the up position when place it back in the tray. • Be sure that all cords are neatly in the tray before the tray goes back up.
COMPUTER LAB PROCEDURES • When we are in the computer lab the expectation is that you are doing work for FRENCH ONLY. You should not be visiting websites that are not part of the assignment or listening to CDs while in the lab. • There will be no food or drink in the computer lab.
CLASSROOM LIBRARY PROCEDURES • While in the library you are expected to work on the task at hand. • If you are using the computer, the procedures are the same as they are in the computer lab. • Remember to monitor your voice levels in the library. I should only be able to hear you if I am standing right next to you.
TURNING IN ASSIGNMENTS • Your assignments should be turned into the appropriate basket. Do not place assignments on my desk! • Warm ups and reading records should remain in group folders. • Group folders are for warm-ups/reading records and for absent students’ makeup work only! The secretary of the group will fill out the form for the absent students • Unless instructed otherwise, assignments will be turned in with a group cover sheet/grade summary.
IF YOU ARE ABSENT • When you are absent you need to check your group folder for any handouts you may have missed. They will be in your folder with your name on them. • Check the overhead to get the assignment and warm-up that you missed. You are still responsible for the warm-up! • If you are here the day the test is announced you will take it upon your return. • Quizzes are sometimes unannounced. If you were in class at the time the material was introduced, you re expected to take the quiz. • If you are absent, it is always a good idea to review the textbook websites. You can practice your vocabulary as well as check your understanding of the use of language there.
IF I AM ABSENT • If I am absent you are expected to be sitting in your ASSIGNED sheet. If I know that I will be out, will tell you ahead of time however, sometimes absences can not be predicted. I expect you to follow the regular routine of the class. • If there is no warm-up, I want you to tell me the name of the substitute and what you plan to do in class that day. • You will be expected to fill out the substitute expectations sheet. The class president and secretary will pass these out and make sure they are turned in at the end of the period.
IF I AM ABSENT cont. • I will ALWAYS leave lesson plans if I am absent. If for some reason the substitute does not have the lesson plans the I expect you to use the time to review your grammar and vocabulary and read from the class library. You will turn in a summary of what you have done in class before you leave. • You MUST turn in the required assignment at the end of the period whether you are finished or not. Not turning in the assignment will result in a PERMANENT zero. • Our classroom officers will work with the substitute to ensure that all goes smoothly with the substitute. They will also make sure that all students have signed the class roster.
ACTION PLAN You will write an action plan if there is a discipline issue that needs to be corrected. You will write the answers to these on a sheet of paper and turn them into me. • What’ s the problem? Indicate the rule or rules that you have violated. • What’ s causing the problem? List all of the factors causing the problem to occur. • What plan will you use to solve the problem? Look at the factors causing the problem and change, correct, or eliminate these factors. _______________ Student signature _________________ Date
CLASSROOM OFFICERS • Our classroom officers will be: • President- Helps hand out materials, leads the class out during a fire drill and helps the substitute in my absence. • Vice President- Helps hand out materials, makes sure everyone is out and closes the door during a fire drill and helps the substitute in my absence • Secretary- Makes sure that there are warm-up and reading record sheets available, helps the substitute in my absence. • Librarians (2)- Makes sure that all books are straightened at the end of the class period and helps choose new books for the classroom library. • Historians (2)- Responsible for maintaining our classroom scrapbook and taking pictures during classroom role plays and other activities.
Academic Honesty • Observe school policy regarding academic honesty. Collaborating (working together) on homework is permitted; copying is not. • You may not copy another student’s test, quiz or other project; • Do not use electronic translators or the Internet to write papers or projects. • Penalty: a 0 on the assignment, test or quiz involved, referral to the office and National Honor Society if you are a member, and a call home. • If I suspect that you have used an online translator you will be required to redo the assignment in my presence. If you have done your own work, it will not be a problem for you to reproduce the assignment. If you have used an online translator however, your grade will be a zero.