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HEALTH SURVEY BY NATIONAL COUNCIL OF APPLIED ECONOMIC RESEARCH. DR.SHRIRAM V GOSAVI. Introduction . Founded in 1956 by ministries of Industry & Finance in co-operation with Ford Foundation.
Introduction Founded in 1956 by ministries of Industry & Finance in co-operation with Ford Foundation. Objective: To undertake survey-assisted research into problems in applied economics, both for public & private sectors on themes that directly relevant to formulation of plans, particularly at regional level. Primarily does large-scale sample survey on income and other development related indicators including various consumer products
Health Surveys conducted by NCAER • Survey on health care along with ‘Market information Survey on Households (MISH) - First survey: 1990 - Second survey: 1993 • Human Development Profile of India (HDPI) - First Survey: 1994 - Second Survey: 2004 – 05 • Socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS (2004) • Research on various aspects of workforce management and rational use of infrastructure in health sector • Several small scale surveys; e.g. Morbidity pattern, health care utilization and health expenditure pattern of urban poor
Survey on health care, 1990 • First Survey on health care in 1990 focused on: - Type of illness suffered by household member - Source of treatment - Type of medical care sought - Cost of medical care by household
Survey on health care, 1993 • Second round of the survey in 1993 added several new features. - Health expenditure in greater details - Socio-economic characteristics of the households and its relation with morbidity pattern and health expenditure - Distance travelled to seek treatment - Data on illness episode requiring hospitalization collected separately
Survey on health care: methodology and sample design All India survey of the household covering both urban & rural area ( 21 states & union territories) First round of survey: In rural area - used a stratified sample design - 371 district ( 2-5 villages) with probability proportional to population of village (1981) - 1061 villages ( 269,000 household listed) using simple random sampling In urban: - 632 cities ( first stage sampling unit) - 1,873 blocks (228,000 household listed) Second round of survey: - 18,693 household (2,339- urban & 6354- rural)
Human Development Profile of India, 1994 In 1994 conducted a multifaceted empirical study Human development profile of India-I (HDPI-I) Study rich source of data on various aspect of health Collect information on prevalence of a short term and major morbidity, treatment seeking and expenditure pattern Collect data on maternal & child health services
Human Development Profile of India, 2004 - 2005 Underlying idea to carry forward the work begun in the previous survey and understand human development through survey research Main objective: - resurvey the HDPI-I - for comparison and account change over last ten year in the indicator of human development - provide continuity & sustainability to building framework for understanding & developing policy tools
Health Development Profile of India-I: methodology and sample design 16 states & union territories - stratified three stage sample design - household listed ( religion, caste, household size, source of income, cultivable land operated where major source of income is cultivation) - 33,230 household (1,765 villages ) - 2,500 household ( 16 urban centers)
Health Development Profile of India-II: methodology and sample design 19 major states & union territories Rural: - 14,181 household resurveyed rural area - 3,787 household rural refresher (old villages) - 8,935 household rural refresher (new villages) Urban: - 14,580 household from urban area
Survey instrument used for HDPI HDPI-I HDPI-II thee structured questionnaire - part-I: socio-economic & educational profile - part-II: health profile of household - part-III: village schedule ( information on infrastructure ) Five structured questionnaire - household questionnaire - village questionnaire - education questionnaire - primary school questionnaire - medical facility questionnaire
HDPI-I & II survey training of investigator In every state, local institutions entrusted with task of collecting data HDPI-I: 150 supervisor & 600 investigators trained for collection & compiling of data HDPI-II: - nine training centers to train field invest. - classroom lecture, pre-testing in field (for 10 d) - 400 invest. & supervisor - for selection of coordinating agencies, workshop in Delhi, Bangalore & Kolkata
Socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS conducted in 2004-05 Objective: - to understand the nature & type of economic impact of HIV /AIDS on household - assessed net economic impact of HIV/AIDS on states & national level economic performance
Survey on ‘Health problems of urban poor’ Conducted in two cities: Chennai & Delhi Study focuses on - to examine the morbidity patterns - health care utilization - expenditure pattern of urban poor - information on health problem urban poor - access to treatment & type of treatment sought - public vers. private care - gender differences in health seeking behavior
Poverty head count ratio (HCR) by state in rural India, 1993-94 & 2004-05: NSSO (CES) & NCAER (HDPI-I & II)