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A Story of Units. Module Analysis Grade 2—Module 3. Session Objectives. Analyze and walk through Grade 2 —Module 3. Understand how topics break into concepts and how lessons are formed from concepts. Examine the flow and format of lessons.
A Story of Units Module Analysis Grade 2—Module 3
Session Objectives • Analyze and walk through Grade 2—Module 3. • Understand how topics break into concepts and how lessons are formed from concepts. • Examine the flow and format of lessons. • Examine how rigorous problem solving is presented in the modules. • Watch a video clip of key concepts being taught to students.
AGENDA Walk Through and Analyze Module Components Analyze Lesson Components of Module Look at Rigorous Problems in the Module Watch Video Clip
Walk Through and Analyze Module Components Table of Contents Overview Topics including daily Lesson Plans Module Assessments Fluency Progression
Walk Through and Analyze Module Components • Module Overview • What is this module about? • What is the purpose of the Overview?
Walk Through and Analyze Module Components • Overview of Module Topics and Focus Lesson Chart • How many topics are covered in the module? • What standards are covered in the module? • How many days of instruction are needed for the module? • How many lessons comprise the module? • When do you administer the assessments for the module?
Walk Through and Analyze Module Components • The Overview of Module Topics and Focus Lessons chart lists the teaching sequence towards attaining mastery of the standards highlighted in each lesson. • Teaching sequences are the appropriate sequentialorder for developing mathematics skills. Teachers “build a ladder” to help students: • develop conceptual understanding • synthesize and apply knowledge from earlier concepts
Walk Through and Analyze Module Components • Fluency – New and Familiar • Fluency activities promote automaticity of skills, allowing students to reserve cognitive resources for higher level thinking.
The Common Core Approach to Differentiating Instruction The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics require that “all students must have the opportunity to learn and meet the same high standards if they are to access the knowledge and skills necessary in their post school lives.”
The Common Core Approach to Differentiating Instruction • Structure provided by Universal Design for Learning (UDL) • Asks teachers to consider: • multiple means of representation • multiple means of action and expression • multiple means of engagement
The Common Core Approach to Differentiating Instruction • Charts provide suggested scaffolds for: • English Language Learners • Students with Disabilities • Students Performing Above Grade Level • Students Performing Below Grade Level
Walk Through and Analyze Module Components • Scaffolds • Identify accommodations that are already being used during math instruction in your class/school/district.
The Common Core Approach to Differentiating Instruction Marginal Notes to Teachers in Lessons
Walk Through and Analyze Module Components • Scaffolds • Look through the marginal notes on scaffolding for Topic A. Find an example you like to share with a partner at your table.
Walk Through and Analyze Module Components • Topic Opening: • Focus standard(s), instructional days, and coherence links • Introductory paragraph • Concept chart (one lesson per concept) • Mathematical Practices Brought to Life
Walk Through and Analyze Module Components Topic A - Suggested Lesson Structure
Walk Through and Analyze Module Components Rigor in Daily Lessons: Conceptual Development
Walk Through and Analyze Module Components Reflection: What do you notice about the layout of the Concept Development section of the lesson?
Walk Through and Analyze Module Components • Each lesson contains daily assessments: • Activity Sheets • Exit tickets • Homework
Walk Through and Analyze Module Components • Each module has an accompanying section for Supplementary Materials: • Assessment Tasks • Exit Tickets for each lesson • Mid-Module Assessment Task • End-of-Module Assessment Task • Cross Modular Assessment Task • Fluency Progressions • Bank of activities to assist with planning • Intentionally organized to revisit previously learned skills to develop automaticity, to build for the day’s concept or to anticipate future concepts
Reflection • What are the strengths of the Module in implementing the CCLS for Mathematics? • How does it compare with instructional materials that you have used in the past?
Key Points • A Story of Units includes 5-7 modules for each grade level. A curriculum map and grade level overviews are provided in A Story of Units: A Curriculum Overview for Grades P-5. • Topics break into concepts and concepts become lessons. The concepts may be displayed in the classroom as the learning objectives for the lessons.
AGENDA Walk Through and Analyze Module Components Analyze Lesson Components of Module Look at Rigorous Problems in the Module Watch Video Clip
Turn and Talk • What is another possible order for the lesson components? • What is the rationale for structuring the lesson in such an order?
Analyze Lesson Components of the Module • Another lesson structure may follow this order: • Exploration and Application Problems leading into the Concept Development (35 minutes) • Student Debrief (10 minutes) • Fluency Practice (15 minutes)
Lesson Analysis • Pick one lesson from Grade 2—Module 3 to analyze. • As you analyze the lesson, use the Lesson Analysis portion of the Session 2 Reflections Handout to record your observations.
Lesson Analysis – Turn and Talk • What is the Suggested Lesson Structure • for the lesson that you chose to review • and analyze? • Does the lesson you selected • progress from concrete to pictorial to • abstract sequence? If not, which • level of concept development is the • focus of your lesson and why?
Lesson Analysis – Turn and Talk • What do you notice about the fluency • portion of the lesson? • How is the concept developed in the lesson? • Describe the Application part of the lesson. • What is the Student Debrief? Why is the • Student Debrief important?
Lesson Analysis continued • What type of assessment(s) are included • in the lesson? • Where is there evidence of scaffolding in the lesson you selected to review and analyze? (i.e., for diverse learners including ELLS, SWDs, advanced learners, and struggling learners)
Key Points • The Distribution of Instructional Minutes diagram displays the 3 components of rigor. • The Suggested Lesson Structure pie chart shows the breakdown of a lesson based upon a 60 minute class. • The Publishers’ Criteria emphasize that materials must reflect the Standards’ balanced approach to mathematics, stressing both conceptual understanding as well as procedural skill and fluency. There is a balance of activities and tasks and a balance of how time is spent.
AGENDA Walk Through and Analyze Module Components Analyze Lesson Components of Module Look at Rigorous Problems in the Module Watch Video Clip
A Look At Rigorous Problems in the Module • Daily Assessments • Worksheets • Exit Tickets • Homework Assignments • Daily assessments provide valuable data to inform teachers and direct instruction. • Students have daily opportunities to apply conceptual understanding learned during lessons and are held accountable for independent work.
A Look At Rigorous Problems in the Module • Assessment Tasks • Mid-Module Assessments • End-of-Module Assessments • Cross-Modular Assessments
A Look At Rigorous Problems in the Module • Homework Sheets • Build upon what students learn in the lesson for the day • Provide opportunities for students to check their understanding and confirm they can solve problems independently
A Look At Rigorous Problems in the Module Select one of the homework problem sheets from G2—M3. You may remove the page from your binder and place it inside of your personal board. Examine the problem then use a dry erase marker to solve the problem.
Examining Homework Problems Where is there evidence of the Mathematical Content Standards and Standards for Mathematical Practice in these problems? Where is there evidence of the components of rigor (fluency, conceptual understanding and application)?
A Look At Rigorous Problems in the Module Students are exposed to a variety of problems that are really apt to produce a variety of responses.
Key Points • Rigorous problems that produce a variety of student responses are embedded throughout the module. • For these problems, answers alone are insufficient. Students must be able to thoroughly explain their thought processes. Possible student work may include bar diagrams, number sentences, area models, paragraphs, etc.
AGENDA Walk Through and Analyze Module Components Analyze Lesson Components of Module Look at Rigorous Problems in the Module Watch Video Clip
Video of Fractions as Division Concept • Guiding Questions: • How did the teacher help students develop • conceptual understanding? • Which Standards for Mathematical Practice • did the students demonstrate as they • engaged in the lesson? • Where did you see evidence of the • three components of rigor in the video?
Skip-Counting by Ones, Tens and Hundreds This video is posted in the video library on EngageNY: http://engageny.org/video-library
Video of Place Value Concept • Guiding Questions: • How did the teacher help students develop • conceptual understanding? • Which Standards for Mathematical Practice • did the students demonstrate as they • engaged in the lesson? • Where did you see evidence of the • three components of rigor in the video?
Biggest Takeaways • Turn and talk with a partner at your table about your biggest takeaways from this session.
Key Points • A Story of Units: A Curriculum Overview for Grades P-5 provides a curriculum map and grade level overview. • The Standards come to life through the lessons. • Modules contain topics, topics break into concepts, and concepts become lessons. • Rigorous problems are embedded throughout the module. • The lesson format supports all Instructional Shifts. • G2—M3 exemplifies the key components of each module in the curriculum.
Next Steps • How can you transfer what you know about the structure of a module and its key components to next steps in the planning process? • What is your plan for sharing • Grade 2—Module 3 with other • administrators/teachers? • What is your plan for redelivery of this session?